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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
24/07/2024 15:48:40 Completed s106 2022.1041.P dated 17.07.2024 (Redacted) Legal Agreement
22/07/2024 12:40:27 BL - Planning Permission - 2022.1041.P Decision Notice
04/07/2024 09:49:10 Mayor of London Stage II Decision Letter - 2022.1041.P - 02.07.24 Consultation Response
04/07/2024 09:48:36 Mayor of London Stage II Decision Report - 2022.1041.P - 01.07.24 Consultation Response
26/01/2023 14:57:43 Whole Life Carbob Stage 2 Report_and Addendum Jan 2023 Supporting Documents
11/01/2023 12:12:55 BritishLibrary_Biodiversity Net Gain Report_FORMALISSUE_Rev3_Jun2022 Supporting Documents
11/01/2023 12:10:42 220718 Revised Urban Greening Factor Report Supporting Documents
11/01/2023 11:16:55 10445-221212-EH(DLSL Non-Technical Summary Report Addendum - Appendices) Supporting Documents
11/01/2023 10:54:12 revised Landscape drawings Proposed Drawing
08/01/2023 21:44:04 220916 BLE_Transport Assessment Addendum(2) Supporting Documents
08/06/2022 12:15:24 Flood Risk Assessment_P07 revised Supporting Documents
08/06/2022 12:16:07 Flood Risk Assessment Updated drawings Supporting Documents
08/06/2022 13:56:55 1 x Response Consultation Response
15/06/2022 11:25:41 1 x response OBJ (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/06/2022 16:33:17 BRE Update (Redacted) Supporting Documents
30/06/2022 18:04:58 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
30/06/2022 18:15:32 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/08/2022 20:46:23 Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum consultation response. Consultation Response
03/10/2022 11:29:17 ISSUE BL Environmental Statement Addendum Supporting Documents
03/10/2022 11:30:09 ISSUE BL Updated Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary Document Supporting Documents
06/10/2022 16:02:07 1 x Response (Redacted) HSE Consultation Response
06/10/2022 16:06:22 1 x Response (Redacted) Thames Water Consultation Response
07/10/2022 09:57:15 1 x Response (Redacted) TFL Consultation Response
10/10/2022 13:03:41 1 x Response Environment Agency (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/10/2022 09:54:18 1 x Response (Redacted) Building Control Consultation Response
23/10/2022 00:53:53 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/10/2022 11:40:31 409907 - NE Response_ Consultation Response
14/11/2022 12:32:12 1 x Response Consultation Response
17/11/2022 14:22:19 1 x response Consultation Response
24/11/2022 14:57:10 RELOADED Heritage Impact Assessment (2) Supporting Documents
13/12/2022 17:57:25 Revised plans - drop off midland road removed Proposed Drawing
15/12/2022 11:08:35 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/12/2022 15:27:38 GLA 0363 British Library Stage 1 Report(2) Supporting Documents
19/12/2022 15:22:09 1 x response Consultation Response
19/12/2022 15:25:31 1 x response Consultation Response
19/12/2022 20:23:02 220916 Extension to the British Library September 2022 ES Addendum Review Correspondence
27/12/2022 22:20:10 220916 BLE_Transport Assessment Addendum Supporting Documents
06/01/2023 14:42:03 2. 230104 British Library_Detailed Circular Economy Statement_and Addendum Supporting Documents
23/03/2022 20:25:33 British Library Site Financial Viabilty Assessment - Final. Full(2) Supporting Documents
23/03/2022 20:33:21 EXISTING DRAWINGS BINDER Drawing
23/03/2022 20:34:14 PROPOSED DRAWINGS BINDER_ Drawing
23/03/2022 20:37:24 Design and Access Statement (1) Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 13:12:47 Heritage Impact Assessment (2) Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:30:32 Pages 1-50 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:32:02 Pages 51-100 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:33:50 Pages 101 - 150 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:36:10 Pages 151-200 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:38:03 Pages 201-250 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
05/04/2022 16:41:38 Pages 251-298 from Design and Access Statement Supporting Documents
07/04/2022 10:00:11 1 x Response Consultation Response
11/04/2022 09:33:28 1 x Response Env Health Land Contamination Consultation Response
12/04/2022 14:57:23 1 x Response Consultation Response
12/04/2022 17:28:48 Whole Life Carbon Assessment Supporting Documents
19/04/2022 14:49:44 1 x Natural England Response Superseded
27/04/2022 11:39:12 1 x Response Consultation Response
04/05/2022 16:50:04 1 x Response HS1 Limited (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/05/2022 11:43:25 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/05/2022 12:01:51 Landscape details and drawings Proposed Drawing
05/05/2022 12:02:54 Environmental Statement Vol 1 (2) Supporting Documents
05/05/2022 12:16:46 Townscape Visual Built Heritage Assessment _Part1 - Volume 2 Environmental Statement Supporting Documents
05/05/2022 12:18:08 Townscape, Visual and Built Heritage Assessment _Part2 - Volume 2 ES Supporting Documents
05/05/2022 12:19:29 Townscape, Visual and Built Hertiage Assessment _Part3 - ES Volume 2 Supporting Documents
10/05/2022 11:33:07 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/05/2022 11:36:50 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/05/2022 10:27:54 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/05/2022 10:42:47 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/05/2022 10:45:40 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2022 11:33:47 1 x response (Comment) (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/05/2022 12:56:10 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/05/2022 13:20:48 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/05/2022 13:25:25 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
17/05/2022 16:20:21 Historic England Consultation Response Consultation Response
18/05/2022 14:07:37 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/05/2022 23:29:47 Historic England Direction Consultation Response
23/05/2022 17:23:19 22-05-05 - THE BRITISH LIBRARY (LAND TO THE NORTH OF THE BRITISH LIBRARY) 96 EUSTON ROAD LONDON NW1 2DB - App No 20221320L_ Consultation Response
07/06/2022 11:14:32 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/06/2022 15:50:32 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/06/2022 16:19:37 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/03/2022 22:15:30 RSHP-P-1305-S-L01 Plans
14/03/2022 22:16:16 RSHP-P-1304-S-C05 Plans
14/03/2022 22:17:13 RSHP-P-1303-S-C04 Plans
14/03/2022 22:18:01 RSHP-P-1302-S-C02 Plans
14/03/2022 22:19:17 RSHP-P-1301-S-C01 Plans
14/03/2022 22:19:56 RSHP-P-1300-P-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:21:00 RSHP-P-1207-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 22:21:51 RSHP-P-1206-E-S Plans
14/03/2022 22:22:49 RSHP-P-1205-E-E-COLOUR Plans
14/03/2022 22:24:13 RSHP-P-1205-E-E Plans
14/03/2022 22:25:33 RSHP-P-1204-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 22:26:37 RSHP-P-1203-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 22:28:10 RSHP-P-1202-E-S Plans
14/03/2022 22:29:18 RSHP-P-1201-E-E Plans
14/03/2022 22:30:17 RSHP-P-1200-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 22:31:34 RSHP-P-1162-P-RF Plans
14/03/2022 22:32:47 RSHP-P-1161-P-11 Plans
14/03/2022 22:33:09 RSHP-P-1160-P-10 Plans
14/03/2022 22:33:32 RSHP-P-1159-P-09 Plans
14/03/2022 22:34:07 RSHP-P-1158-P-08 Plans
14/03/2022 22:34:34 RSHP-P-1157-P-07 Plans
14/03/2022 22:34:59 RSHP-P-1153-P-TYP Plans
14/03/2022 22:35:30 RSHP-P-1152-P-02 Plans
14/03/2022 22:35:56 RSHP-P-1151-P-01 Plans
14/03/2022 22:36:27 RSHP-P-1150-P-UG Plans
14/03/2022 22:36:58 RSHP-P-1149-P-LG Plans
14/03/2022 22:37:54 RSHP-P-1148-P-B1 Plans
14/03/2022 22:38:55 RSHP-P-1147-P-B2-B7 Plans
14/03/2022 22:39:18 RSHP-P-1112-P-RF Plans
14/03/2022 22:39:52 RSHP-P-1101-P-01 Plans
14/03/2022 22:40:50 RSHP-P-1100-P-UG Plans
14/03/2022 22:42:39 RSHP-P-1099-P-LG Plans
14/03/2022 22:43:33 RSHP-P-1098-P-B1 Plans
14/03/2022 22:44:10 RSHP-P-1010-P-00 Plans
14/03/2022 22:45:43 RSHP-P-0302-S-C02 Plans
14/03/2022 22:46:24 RSHP-P-0207-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 22:47:14 RSHP-P-0206-E-S Plans
14/03/2022 22:47:48 RSHP-P-0205-E-E Plans
14/03/2022 22:48:54 RSHP-P-0204-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 22:50:03 RSHP-P-0203-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 22:51:05 RSHP-P-0202-E-S Plans
14/03/2022 22:52:04 RSHP-P-0201-E-E Plans
14/03/2022 22:53:02 RSHP-P-0200-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 22:53:41 RSHP-P-0100-P-01 Plans
14/03/2022 22:54:15 RSHP-P-0099-P-UG Plans
14/03/2022 22:55:09 RSHP-P-0098-P-LG Plans
14/03/2022 22:55:32 RSHP-P-0097-P-B1 Plans
14/03/2022 22:55:54 RSHP-P-0004-P-00 Plans
14/03/2022 22:56:36 RSHP-P-0003-P-00 Plans
14/03/2022 22:57:44 RSHP-P-0002-P-00 Plans
14/03/2022 22:58:09 RSHP-P-0001-P-00 Plans
14/03/2022 22:59:07 Public Realm and Landscape Design Statement part 3 Design and Access Statement
14/03/2022 23:00:44 Public Realm and Landscape Design Statement part 2 Design and Access Statement
14/03/2022 23:02:26 Public Realm and Landscape Design Statement part 1 Design and Access Statement
14/03/2022 23:04:38 Preliminary Ecological Assessment Correspondence
14/03/2022 23:05:46 Planning Application_Rev.00_Drawing Register Correspondence
14/03/2022 23:07:09 Listed Building Consent Application_Rev.00_Drawing Register Correspondence
14/03/2022 23:08:13 LBC RSHP-P-3002-S-C02 Plans
14/03/2022 23:08:56 LBC RSHP-P-2901-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 23:10:00 LBC RSHP-P-2900-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 23:11:10 LBC RSHP-P-2801-P-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:12:56 LBC RSHP-P-2800-P-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:13:33 LBC RSHP-P-2799-P-LG Plans
14/03/2022 23:14:27 LBC RSHP-P-2798-P-B1 Plans
14/03/2022 23:15:24 LBC RSHP-P-2603-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:15:58 LBC RSHP-P-2602-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:16:47 LBC RSHP-P-2601-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:17:43 LBC RSHP-P-2600-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:18:19 LBC RSHP-P-2504-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:19:21 LBC RSHP-P-2503-D-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:19:54 LBC RSHP-P-2502-D-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:21:32 LBC RSHP-P-2501-D-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:22:36 LBC RSHP-P-2500-D-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:23:22 LBC RSHP-P-2404-D-XX Plans
14/03/2022 23:25:08 LBC RSHP-P-2403-D-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:27:13 LBC RSHP-P-2402-D-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:28:06 LBC RSHP-P-2401-D-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:29:06 LBC RSHP-P-2400-D-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:29:46 LBC RSHP-P-2302-S-C02 Plans
14/03/2022 23:30:27 LBC RSHP-P-2202-E-W Plans
14/03/2022 23:31:25 LBC RSHP-P-2201-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 23:32:06 LBC RSHP-P-2200-E-N Plans
14/03/2022 23:32:44 LBC RSHP-P-2101-P-01 Plans
14/03/2022 23:35:06 LBC RSHP-P-2100-P-UG Plans
14/03/2022 23:36:13 LBC RSHP-P-2099-P-LG Plans
14/03/2022 23:36:56 LBC RSHP-P-2098-P-B1 Plans
14/03/2022 23:38:00 Landscape Drawing 273_50.003 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:39:14 Landscape Drawing 273_50.002 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:40:18 Landscape Drawing 273_50.001 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:41:08 Landscape Drawing 273_30.015 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:45:54 Landscape Drawing 273_30.014 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:46:48 Landscape Drawing 273_30.013 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:47:39 Landscape Drawing 273_30.012 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:48:36 Landscape Drawing 273_30.011 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:50:40 Landscape Drawing 273_30.010 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:51:53 Landscape Drawing 273_20.112 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:52:16 Landscape Drawing 273_20.111 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:52:42 Landscape Drawing 273_20.014 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:55:02 Landscape Drawing 273_20.013 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:55:29 Landscape Drawing 273_20.012 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:56:40 Landscape Drawing 273_20.011 Drawing
14/03/2022 23:58:34 Landscape Drawing 273_20.010 Drawing
15/03/2022 00:15:48 Health Impact Assessment Correspondence
15/03/2022 00:16:52 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part14 Other
15/03/2022 00:18:56 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part13 Other
15/03/2022 00:21:41 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part12 Other
15/03/2022 00:23:29 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part11 Other
15/03/2022 00:25:52 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part10 Other
15/03/2022 00:28:01 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part9 Other
15/03/2022 00:30:00 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part8 Other
15/03/2022 00:32:29 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part7 Other
15/03/2022 00:34:33 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part6 Other
15/03/2022 00:36:27 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part5 Other
15/03/2022 00:38:54 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part4 Other
15/03/2022 00:40:46 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part3 Other
15/03/2022 00:42:38 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part2 Other
15/03/2022 00:44:35 Geotechnical Desk Study and Contamination Report_Part1 Other
15/03/2022 00:47:13 Framework Travel Plan_Part 3_Appendix A of TA Plans
15/03/2022 00:48:37 Framework Travel Plan_Part 2_Appendix A of TA Plans
15/03/2022 00:51:08 Framework Travel Plan_Part 1_Appendix A of TA Plans
15/03/2022 00:51:46 Flood Risk Assessment_P36-40 Other
15/03/2022 00:52:48 Flood Risk Assessment_P26-35 Other
15/03/2022 00:55:00 Flood Risk Assessment_P1-25 Other
15/03/2022 00:57:58 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part9 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:00:12 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part8 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:02:28 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part7 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:03:55 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part6 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:05:21 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part5 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:07:06 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part4 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:08:42 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part3 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:10:23 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part2 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:12:11 Environmental Statement Vol3_Part1 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:15:01 Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 01:15:39 Energy Statement Part-3 Other
15/03/2022 01:17:25 Energy Statement Part-2 Other
15/03/2022 01:19:21 Energy Statement Part-1 Other
15/03/2022 01:21:22 Detailed Circular Economy Statement Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:49:26 Daylight Sunlight Non-Technical Summary Report Other
15/03/2022 08:50:52 Construction Management Plan PART 11 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:52:20 Construction Management Plan PART 10 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:53:42 Construction Management Plan PART 9 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:55:20 Construction Management Plan PART 8 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:55:59 Construction Management Plan PART 7 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:56:17 Construction Management Plan PART 6 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:57:30 Construction Management Plan PART 5 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:57:49 Construction Management Plan PART 4 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:58:22 Construction Management Plan PART 3 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 08:59:59 Construction Management Plan PART 2 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 09:01:27 Construction Management Plan PART 1 Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 09:02:22 CIL Form CIL
15/03/2022 09:02:44 Car Parking Design and Management Plan_Appendix C of TA Other
15/03/2022 09:06:25 British Library Extension Fire Statement Other
15/03/2022 09:07:09 British Library BREEAM Ecology Assessment Other
15/03/2022 09:09:04 British Library Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (1) Other
15/03/2022 09:10:57 BLE Social Value Framework Report Other
15/03/2022 09:11:25 BLE Economic Value and Knowledge Quarter Uses Statement Other
15/03/2022 09:12:45 Typical Roof Terrace Sections Level 2, 8, 10 and 11 Proposed Drawing
15/03/2022 09:13:10 Proposed Landscape Plan - Roof Level Proposed Drawing
15/03/2022 09:13:32 Proposed Landscape Plan - Level 8 Proposed Drawing
15/03/2022 09:13:53 Proposed Landscaping Plan - Level 2 Proposed Drawing
15/03/2022 09:14:28 BL Area Schedule Other
15/03/2022 09:14:48 Basement Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
15/03/2022 09:16:31 Basement Impact Assessment Appendix C,D,E Other
15/03/2022 09:17:49 Basement Impact Assessment Appendix A,B Other
15/03/2022 09:21:23 Arboricultural Report Other
15/03/2022 09:22:15 ApplicationFormRedacted Application Form
15/03/2022 09:22:52 Applicant Cover Letter Correspondence
15/03/2022 09:23:08 220228 British Library Planning Statement_Gerald Eve Supporting Documents
14/03/2022 21:33:57 Urban Greening Factor Assessment Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:35:07 Townscape, Visual and Built Heritage Assessment Part 3 Supporting Documents
14/03/2022 21:36:29 Townscape, Visual and Built Heritage Assessment (Part 2) Supporting Documents
14/03/2022 21:38:11 Townscape, Visual and Built Heritage Assessment Supporting Documents
14/03/2022 21:40:04 Transport Assessment_Part 4 Other
14/03/2022 21:41:12 Transport Assessment_Part 3 Other
14/03/2022 21:43:12 Transport Assessment_Part 2 Other
14/03/2022 21:44:49 Transport Assessment_Part 1 Other
14/03/2022 21:47:36 Transport Assessment_Appendix E-I of TA Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:49:19 Transport Assessment_Appendix D of TA Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:51:00 Sustainability Statement Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:51:57 Statement of Community Involvement - Pages 109-141 Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:53:25 Statement of Community Involvement - Pages 1-108 Correspondence
14/03/2022 21:57:40 RSHP-P-1411-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:01:04 RSHP-P-1410-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:02:30 RSHP-P-1409-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:03:40 RSHP-P-1408-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:04:23 RSHP-P-1407-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:05:05 RSHP-P-1406-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:05:45 RSHP-P-1405-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:07:21 RSHP-P-1404-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:08:49 RSHP-P-1403-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:09:39 RSHP-P-1402-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:11:01 RSHP-P-1401-D-X Plans
14/03/2022 22:12:14 RSHP-P-1308-S-L04 Plans
14/03/2022 22:13:18 RSHP-P-1307-S-L03 Plans
14/03/2022 22:14:42 RSHP-P-1306-S-L02 Plans

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.