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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
28/03/2025 16:57:26 BNG Metric spreadsheet Supporting Documents
28/03/2025 09:09:05 SoS authorisation to determine Consultation Response
27/03/2025 16:51:34 SPPARC Theatres Trust Clarification Document Supporting Documents
27/03/2025 16:50:55 SPPARC Theatre's Trust Evaluation Report Supporting Documents
27/03/2025 14:11:04 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/03/2025 09:35:14 3 x Responses Consultation Response
26/03/2025 20:53:45 Applicant Response to Historic England Objection Other
25/03/2025 13:18:10 Applicant Response to Theatres Trust Objection Other
25/03/2025 13:10:21 3 x Responses Consultation Response
25/03/2025 12:09:41 Seven Dials Trust Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/03/2025 11:55:30 6 x Responses Consultation Response
25/03/2025 09:15:18 Viability Audit Report - March 25 (Redacted) Other
24/03/2025 16:16:37 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/03/2025 16:02:40 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/03/2025 15:45:25 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/03/2025 12:43:27 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/03/2025 12:23:18 39 x Responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/03/2025 16:59:01 1 x Response (Met Police - Designing out Crime Officer) Consultation Response
21/03/2025 16:51:37 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/03/2025 16:09:55 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/03/2025 15:08:01 1 x Response (SAVE Britain's Heritage)(Redacted) Consultation Response
21/03/2025 09:55:03 4 x Response Consultation Response
20/03/2025 10:01:19 1 x Responses Consultation Response
13/03/2025 19:11:06 1 x Response (TFL - London Underground/DLR Infrastructure Protection) Consultation Response
12/03/2025 20:53:22 1 x Response (Theatres Trust) Consultation Response
12/03/2025 13:00:01 1 x Response (Historic England Authorisation) Consultation Response
12/03/2025 12:59:39 1 x Response (Historic England) Consultation Response
11/03/2025 13:11:23 Design Review Panel 28.02.25 Feedback Report Other
11/03/2025 11:56:31 Part_l_2021_gla_carbon_emission_reporting_spreadsheet_v2.0_0-P02(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:56:07 lpg_-_wlca_assessment_template_planning_-_25_march_2022 Saville Theatre(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:55:43 GLA _circular_economy_statements_template v1.1 May 23 P01(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:55:21 32. Energy Strategy Feb25(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:55:09 27. Circular Economy Statement Feb25(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:54:52 26. Whole Life Carbon Assessment Feb25(2) Supporting Documents
11/03/2025 11:45:02 1 x Response (Westminster - no comment) Consultation Response
11/03/2025 10:40:25 1 x Response (support) Consultation Response
06/03/2025 09:20:11 1 x Response (support) Consultation Response
05/03/2025 17:13:13 18. Transient overshadowing diagrams Supporting Documents
05/03/2025 17:12:48 18. Daylight, Sunlight & Overshadowing report - February 25 Supporting Documents
03/03/2025 13:19:40 1 x Response (Thames Water) Consultation Response
03/03/2025 10:18:47 1 x Response (support) Consultation Response
28/02/2025 15:22:59 1 x response (Crossrail 2) Consultation Response
27/02/2025 10:39:07 2 x Responses (support) Consultation Response
25/02/2025 19:51:48 BIA audit form sections D & E Other
25/02/2025 19:51:26 BIA audit form sections A - C Other
24/02/2025 14:29:29 1 x Response (support) Consultation Response
19/02/2025 11:50:12 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part10 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:48:45 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part9 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:48:16 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part8 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:47:59 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part7 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:47:43 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part6 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:47:25 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part5 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:47:15 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part4 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:46:55 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part3 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:46:36 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part2 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:46:18 12. Heritage Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Part1 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:45:47 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part7 Design and Access Statement
19/02/2025 11:44:59 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part6 Design and Access Statement
19/02/2025 11:43:52 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part5 Design and Access Statement
19/02/2025 11:41:55 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part4 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:41:34 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part3 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:41:12 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part2 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:40:50 10. Design and Access Statement Feb25_Part1 Design and Access Statement
19/02/2025 11:35:47 9. Planning Statement Feb25 Supporting Documents
19/02/2025 11:35:32 2. Document Schedule v2 Feb25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 10:02:52 Proposed sections Revised Drawing
07/02/2025 10:02:36 Proposed floor plans Revised Drawing
07/02/2025 10:02:21 Proposed elevations Revised Drawing
07/02/2025 10:02:03 Demolition drawings Revised Drawing
07/02/2025 10:01:32 Proposed site plan Proposed Drawing
07/02/2025 09:58:29 42. Wind Assessment Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:58:21 41. Accessibility Statement v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:57:54 39. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:57:32 35. Tree Survey Report and Arboricultural Impact Assessment v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:57:07 34. Crime Impact Assessment Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:56:56 29. Ventilation statement v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:55:59 28. Transport Assessment v3 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:55:30 25. Sustainability Statement rev03 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:55:02 23. Statement of Community Involvement V2 Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:54:53 22. Fire Statement Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:54:38 21. Lighting Assessment Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:54:30 20. Urban Greening Factor Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:54:19 16. Air Quality Assessment Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:53:59 14. Noise Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:53:15 11. Schedule of Works Jan25 Part 2 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:52:31 11. Schedule of Works Jan25 Part 1 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:52:21 3. Community Infrastructure Levy Form Jan25 CIL
07/02/2025 09:52:10 2. Document Schedule v2 Jan25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:31:24 13. Structural Report v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:29:54 24. Operational_Management_Plan_CitizenM V2 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:29:44 24. Operational Management Plan Restaurant and Bar V2 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:29:35 24. Operational Management Plan Cirque Du Soleil V2 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:28:11 19. Flood Risk Assessment v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:24:43 36. Drainage Strategy v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:18:33 SUPERSEDED 18. Daylight, sunlight and overshadowing report v2 Jan 25 Superseded
07/02/2025 09:17:04 40. Construction Management Plan v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
07/02/2025 09:13:53 15. Basement Impact Assessment v2 Jan 25 Supporting Documents
05/02/2025 11:03:02 45. Financial Viability Assessment 31.01.25 Supporting Documents
27/01/2025 15:25:53 1 x response (Thames Water) Consultation Response
21/01/2025 15:41:22 Initial Intrusive Investigation Report Supporting Documents
17/01/2025 09:57:56 1 x response Consultation Response
16/01/2025 08:44:48 1x response Correspondence
11/09/2024 11:48:56 1 x response Consultation Response
30/08/2024 09:53:53 Key Points From LPA Supporting Documents
05/08/2024 15:34:15 3 x Responses Consultation Response
15/07/2024 18:03:33 1 x response Consultation Response
11/07/2024 00:35:16 3 x Responses Consultation Response
04/07/2024 09:43:20 1 x Response Consultation Response
01/07/2024 12:17:21 2 x Response Consultation Response
26/06/2024 13:01:42 2 x responses Consultation Response
25/06/2024 15:55:20 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/06/2024 14:03:34 Pre-app final officer feedback 29 Jan 2024 Other
25/06/2024 14:02:57 Pre-app initial officer comments 09 May 2022 Other
22/06/2024 03:01:34 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/06/2024 20:27:36 1 x Response (London Parks & Gardens) Consultation Response
21/06/2024 17:47:20 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/06/2024 17:43:31 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/06/2024 10:04:11 1 x Response Consultation Response
19/06/2024 14:39:46 7 x Response Consultation Response
14/06/2024 14:38:02 1 x Response Consultation Response
14/06/2024 10:38:01 1 x Response Consultation Response
13/06/2024 10:16:40 1 x Response Consultation Response
12/06/2024 10:49:58 7 x Response Consultation Response
11/06/2024 10:40:40 2 x Response Consultation Response
03/06/2024 02:15:47 1 x Response Consultation Response
30/05/2024 23:54:21 1 x Response (Soho Business Alliance) Consultation Response
30/05/2024 23:51:51 1 x Response (Phoenix Gardens) Consultation Response
30/05/2024 15:46:28 1 x Response (The London and Middlesex Archaeological Society) Consultation Response
29/05/2024 11:14:56 2 x Responses Consultation Response
28/05/2024 14:37:43 3 x Responses Consultation Response
28/05/2024 13:27:27 CGCA Appendices Consultation Response
28/05/2024 12:55:56 1 x Response (CGCA) (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/05/2024 09:48:53 2 x Response Consultation Response
22/05/2024 09:31:36 1 x Response Consultation Response
22/05/2024 09:20:26 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/05/2024 10:22:47 1 x Response Consultation Response
20/05/2024 16:19:50 1 x Response Consultation Response
20/05/2024 16:15:31 9 x Response Consultation Response
20/05/2024 14:46:41 1 x Respponse (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/05/2024 09:31:17 1 x Response (Bloomsbury Association) Consultation Response
17/05/2024 16:47:49 Basement Impact Assessment Audit Report D1 Supporting Documents
17/05/2024 16:47:18 1 x response (C20 Society) REDACTED Consultation Response
17/05/2024 11:20:42 6 x responses Consultation Response
15/05/2024 12:47:01 25 x Responses Consultation Response
13/05/2024 18:54:07 10 x responses Consultation Response
13/05/2024 18:02:57 1 x response Consultation Response
13/05/2024 17:12:22 1 x response Consultation Response
13/05/2024 08:51:37 28 x Responses Consultation Response
11/05/2024 01:56:02 3 x Responses (including Soho Housing Assoc. & South Bloomsbury TRA) Consultation Response
11/05/2024 01:28:20 1 x Response (Bloomsbury Residents Action Group (BRAG) Consultation Response
10/05/2024 13:10:54 1 x Respone (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/05/2024 13:03:14 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/05/2024 12:56:30 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:28:51 1 x Response Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:25:52 1 x Response Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:22:11 1 x Response Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:16:39 1 x Response Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:13:03 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 12:04:29 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 11:49:59 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 11:45:04 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 11:39:29 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2024 11:26:38 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/05/2024 15:48:04 1 x response (Covent Garden Area Trust) Consultation Response
03/05/2024 10:37:04 18 x Response Consultation Response
03/05/2024 09:42:53 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/05/2024 09:34:59 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/05/2024 09:30:39 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/05/2024 10:41:40 7 x Response Consultation Response
01/05/2024 10:00:27 11 x Response Consultation Response
01/05/2024 09:24:15 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/05/2024 09:13:09 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
30/04/2024 11:56:38 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
30/04/2024 10:45:52 11 x Response Consultation Response
29/04/2024 16:45:37 Design Review Panel_135-149 Shaftesbury Avenue_ report (PRE APP) Supporting Documents
29/04/2024 16:41:41 1 x response (Seven Dials Trust) (Redacted) Consultation Response
29/04/2024 16:35:53 1 x Response (GLA Stage 1 Referral letter) Consultation Response
29/04/2024 14:59:51 1 x Response (Historic England) Consultation Response
29/04/2024 13:54:03 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
29/04/2024 12:53:50 63 x Response Consultation Response
26/04/2024 14:58:52 5 x Responses Consultation Response
25/04/2024 14:33:32 6 x responses Consultation Response
24/04/2024 18:05:42 22 x responses Consultation Response
22/04/2024 16:34:46 1 x Response (GLAAS) Consultation Response
22/04/2024 14:26:02 28 x Responses Consultation Response
19/04/2024 10:39:35 3 x Reponse Consultation Response
18/04/2024 11:48:02 1 x Response Consultation Response
17/04/2024 16:44:14 1 x Response (National Cinema Theatre Assoc)(Redacted) Consultation Response
17/04/2024 11:26:05 13 x Responses Consultation Response
15/04/2024 15:51:34 Basement Audit form - SECTION ABC Supporting Documents
12/04/2024 14:39:36 SUPERSEDED 39. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment March 2024 Superseded
12/04/2024 14:39:17 SUPERSEDED 36. Drainage and Sustainable Urban Drainage Report March 2024 Superseded
12/04/2024 12:01:59 1 x Response - Theatres Trust (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/04/2024 09:58:33 4 x Responses Consultation Response
29/03/2024 11:29:09 1 x Response (TFL Crossrail) Consultation Response
12/03/2024 16:06:55 SUPERSEDED 9. Planning Statement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:55 8. Covering Letter.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:55 SUPERSEDED 28. Transport Assessment Part4.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:54 SUPERSEDED 28. Transport Assessment Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:54 SUPERSEDED 28. Transport Assessment Part5.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:54 SUPERSEDED 28. Transport Assessment Part3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:54 SUPERSEDED 28. Transport Assessment Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:53 SUPERSEDED 2. Document Schedule.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:53 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-26-2002-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Section 2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:53 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-26-2001-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Section 1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:53 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-12-DR-A-20-1016-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Level OR Roof Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:52 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-11-DR-A-20-1015-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Level 11 Roof Plant.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:52 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-10-DR-A-20-1014-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 10 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:52 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B4-DR-A-20-1000-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B4 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:52 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B3-DR-A-20-1001-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B3 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:52 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B2-DR-A-20-1002-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B2 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:51 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B1-DR-A-20-1003-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B1 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:51 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-04-DR-A-20-1008-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 04 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:51 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-03-DR-A-20-1007-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 03 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:51 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-02-DR-A-20-1006-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 02 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:50 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-01-DR-A-20-1005-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 01 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:50 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-0G-DR-A-20-1004-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 0G Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:05:55 ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf Application Form
12/03/2024 16:05:56 SUPERSEDED 14. Noise Impact Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:05:59 SUPERSEDED 16. Air Quality Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:05:59 30. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment_Part2.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:05:59 30. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment_Part3.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:00 30. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment_Part4.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:00 30. Archaeological Desk-based Assessment_Part1.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:03 17. Contaminated Land Assessment.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:03 SUPERSEDED 18. Daylight Sunlight Assessment_Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:05 SUPERSEDED 18. Daylight Sunlight Assessment_Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:05 SUPERSEDED 19. Flood Risk Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:06 SUPERSEDED 21. Lighting Report_Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:06 SUPERSEDED 21. Lighting Report_Part3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:06 SUPERSEDED 21. Lighting Report_Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:07 SUPERSEDED 22. Fire Statement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:07 SUPERSEDED 4. Drawing Schedule.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:07 5. Location Plan.pdf Plans
12/03/2024 16:06:07 6. Site Block Plan.pdf Plans
12/03/2024 16:06:09 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 7.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:09 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 8.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:09 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 9.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:10 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:12 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:12 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:12 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 4.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:13 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 5.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:13 SUPERSEDED 10. Design and Access Statement Part 6.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:14 SUPERSEDED 11. Schedule of Works Part 4.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:14 SUPERSEDED 11. Schedule of Works Part 5.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:14 SUPERSEDED 11. Schedule of Works Part 1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:15 SUPERSEDED 11. Schedule of Works Part 2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:16 SUPERSEDED 11. Schedule of Works Part 3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:16 SUPERSEDED 12. Heritage and Townscape Visual Impact Assessment Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:17 SUPERSEDED 12. Heritage and Townscape Visual Impact Assessment Part3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:17 SUPERSEDED 12. Heritage and Townscape Visual Impact Assessment Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:18 SUPERSEDED 13. Structural Report.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:19 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix D Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:21 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix D Part3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:21 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix D Part4.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:21 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix E.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:21 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix F.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:22 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix G.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:22 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:22 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix C Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:23 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix C Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:23 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix D Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:24 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix A.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:24 SUPERSEDED 15. Basement Impact Assessment Appendix B.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:25 SUPERSEDED 20. Urban Greening Factor and Landscaping.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:25 SUPERSEDED 23. Statement of Community Involvement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:25 SUPERSEDED 24. Operational Management Plan CitizenM.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:25 SUPERSEDED 24. Operational Management Plan Restaurant and Bar.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:26 SUPERSEDED 24. Operational Management Plan Cirque Du Soleil.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:26 SUPERSEDED 25. Sustainability Statement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:26 SUPERSEDED 26. Whole Life Carbon Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:26 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part5.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:27 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part6.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:27 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part7.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:27 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part8.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:28 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part9.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:28 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part10.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:28 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:30 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:30 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part4.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:30 SUPERSEDED 27. Circular Economy Statement_Part3.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:30 SUPERSEDED 29. Ventilation Statement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:31 31. BREEAM Pre-Assessment Hotel RFO.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:31 31. BREEAM Pre-Assessment Theatre.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:31 31. BREEAM Pre-Assessment Hotel NC.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:32 SUPERSEDED 32. Energy Statement.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:32 33. Health Impact Assessment.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:32 SUPERSEDED 34. Crime Impact Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:32 SUPERSEDED 36. Drainage and Sustainable Urban Drainage Report.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:33 37. Facade Condition Survey_Part1.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:33 37. Facade Condition Survey_Part2.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:33 37. Facade Condition Survey_Part3.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:33 38. Ecology Report.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:34 SUPERSEDED 39. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:34 SUPERSEDED 41. Accessibility Report.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:34 SUPERSEDED 42. Wind Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:35 44. Social Value Report.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:35 SUPERSEDED 35. Arboricultural Assessment.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:35 43. Economic Statement.pdf Supporting Documents
12/03/2024 16:06:36 SUPERSEDED 3. Community Infrastructure Levy Form.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:36 SUPERSEDED 40. Construction Management Plan Part2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:36 SUPERSEDED 40. Construction Management Plan Part1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:37 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-03-DR-A-95-1006-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 03 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:37 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-04-DR-A-95-1007-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 04 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:37 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-05-DR-A-95-1008-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 05 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B1-DR-A-95-1002-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level B1 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B2-DR-A-95-1001-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level B2 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-RF-DR-A-95-1009-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level RF Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-0G-DR-A-95-1003-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 0G Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-01-DR-A-95-1004-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 01 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:38 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-02-DR-A-95-1005-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Level 02 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:39 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-3001-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Southeast Elevation.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:39 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-3002-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Southwest Elevation.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:40 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-3003-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Northwest Elevation.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:40 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-3004-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Northeast Elevation.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:40 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-2001-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Section 1.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:41 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-95-2002-S4-P0.01 - Demolition Section 2.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:41 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-25-3002-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Southwest Elevation Stacey Street.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:41 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-25-3003-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Northwest Elevation New Compton Street.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:41 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-25-3004-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Northeast Elevation St Giles Passage.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:42 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-25-3001-S4-P0.02 - Proposed Southeast Elevation Shaftesbury Avenue.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:42 2111-SPP-ST-02-DR-A-02-1005-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level 02 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:42 2111-SPP-ST-03-DR-A-02-1006-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level 03 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:42 2111-SPP-ST-04-DR-A-02-1007-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level 04 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:43 2111-SPP-ST-05-DR-A-02-1008-S4-P0.01 - Exisitng Level 05 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:43 2111-SPP-ST-B1-DR-A-02-1002-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level B1 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:43 2111-SPP-ST-B2-DR-A-02-1001-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level B2 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:43 2111-SPP-ST-RF-DR-A-02-1009-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level RF Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:43 2111-SPP-ST-0G-DR-A-02-1003-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level OG Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:44 2111-SPP-ST-01-DR-A-02-1004-S4-P0.01 - Existing Level 01 Floor Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:44 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-3002-S4-P0.01 - Existing Southwest Elevation.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:44 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-3003-S4-P0.01 - Existing Northwest Elevation.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:44 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-3004-S4-P0.01 - Existing Northeast Elevation.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:45 Existing Site Plan.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:45 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-2001-S4-P0.01 - Existing Section 1.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:45 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-2002-S4-P0.01 - Existing Section 2.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:46 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-02-3001-S4-P0.01 - Existing Southeast Elevation.pdf Existing Drawing
12/03/2024 16:06:46 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4004-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 04.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:46 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4005-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 05.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:46 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4006 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 06.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:46 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4007 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 07.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:47 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4008 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 08.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:47 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4001-S4-P0.01 - Propsoed Facade Typical Details Sheet 01.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:47 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4002-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 02.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:48 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-ZZ-DR-A-21-4003-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Facade Typical Detail Sheet 03.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:48 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B3-DR-A-70-1001-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B3 Floor Plan Auditorium Layout.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:48 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B3-DR-A-70-1002-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B2 Floor Plan Auditorium Layout.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:48 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-B1-DR-A-70-1003-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level B1 Floor Plan Auditorium Layout.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:48 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-05-DR-A-20-1009-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 05 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:49 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-06-DR-A-20-1010-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 06 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:49 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-07-DR-A-20-1011-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 07 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:50 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-08-DR-A-20-1012-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 08 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded
12/03/2024 16:06:50 SUPERSEDED 2111-SPP-ST-09-DR-A-20-1013-S4-P0.01 - Proposed Level 09 Floor Plan.pdf Superseded

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.