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Application Documents

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Date Created
Document Type
11/05/2022 15:41:20 Existing Elevations Existing Drawing
11/05/2022 15:41:24 floor plans Existing Drawing
11/05/2022 15:41:27 South West Elevations Existing Drawing
11/05/2022 15:41:54 208-270 PROPOSED AVENUE ROAD STREET SCENE ELEVATION - 12 UNIT SCHEME Proposed Drawing
11/05/2022 15:41:56 208-271B PROPOSED ELSWORTHY ROAD STREET SCENE ELEVATION - 12 UNIT SCHEME Proposed Drawing
11/05/2022 15:41:59 208-272B WEST BUILDING PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 12 UNIT SCHEME Proposed Drawing
11/05/2022 15:42:01 208-273B EAST BUILDING PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 12 UNIT SCHEME Proposed Drawing
11/05/2022 15:42:04 208-274B NORTH BUILDING PROPOSED ELEVATIONS - 12 UNIT SCHEME Proposed Drawing
11/05/2022 15:44:29 CGI Elesworthy Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:44:36 CGI Ave Road Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:44:45 Waste and Recycling Strategy Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:44:56 Construction Management Plan Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:45:01 Travel Plan Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:22 Preliminary Ecology Appraisal Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:27 Transport Statement Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:29 Air Quality Desktop Assessment Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:32 Health Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:34 Noise Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:41 Application Form Redacted Application Form
11/05/2022 15:47:46 PRELIMINARY ROOST ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:48 Road Safety Audit Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:51 Areas - GIAs_220427 Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:47:59 RIBA_STAGE_2_Rev B Supporting Documents
11/05/2022 15:48:16 SUPERSEDED DAS Part 4 Superseded
10/06/2022 15:25:33 Structural Method Statem Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:26:01 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-1 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:26:15 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-2 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:26:31 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-3 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:28:55 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-4-1 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:29:19 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-4-2 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:29:42 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-4-3 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:30:04 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-5-1 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:30:26 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-5-2 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:30:59 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-5-3 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:31:16 SMS Appendix A1 - 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-03 Phase I Desk Study_compressed-6 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:31:32 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 1 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:31:54 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 2 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:32:26 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 3 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:32:46 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 4 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:33:14 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 5 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:33:47 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 6 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:34:07 SMS Appendix A2 - 15721-A2SI-XX-XX-RP-Y-0001-04 Geotechnical Design Report_compressed-Part 7 of 7 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:34:22 SMS Appendix C - Building Survey Report - 05072019 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:34:38 SMS Appendix F - Arboricutural Report Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:35:01 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 1 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:35:28 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 2 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:35:49 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 3 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:36:18 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 4 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:36:41 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 5 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:37:01 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 6 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:37:30 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 7 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:37:47 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 8 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:38:05 1942-A2S-XX-XX-RP-Y-0002-04 12 Unit BIA_compressed-Part 9 of 9 Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:44:19 Ground Movement Assessment – 12 Units Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:45:16 FRA + SuDS Strategy Report Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:45:40 Fire Strategy Report Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:45:56 DaylightSunlight_Rev.A_Final Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:46:12 Employment +Training_Strategy_Final_RevC Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:46:46 Financial Viability Assessment_FINAL merged Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:47:04 Area schedules Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:47:18 ARBORICULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Supporting Documents
10/06/2022 15:50:42 DAS 52AvenueRoad_12Unit 220512_compressed-1 Design and Access Statement
10/06/2022 15:51:01 DAS 52AvenueRoad_12Unit 220512_compressed-2 Design and Access Statement
10/06/2022 15:51:22 DAS 52AvenueRoad_12Unit 220512_compressed-3 Design and Access Statement
10/06/2022 15:51:50 DAS 52AvenueRoad_12Unit 220512_compressed-4 Design and Access Statement
10/06/2022 15:52:10 updated DAS Part 5(2) Design and Access Statement
10/06/2022 15:52:35 Drawing Schedule 220505 Supporting Documents
22/06/2022 16:23:48 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
22/06/2022 19:01:58 1 x response CAAC OBJ Consultation Response
23/06/2022 13:08:23 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/06/2022 14:36:51 1 x response CAAC Consultation Response
23/06/2022 14:45:28 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/06/2022 15:04:29 1 x response Thames Water Consultation Response
24/06/2022 10:27:33 Heritage Appraisal April 2022-v1 Supporting Documents
24/06/2022 10:27:45 Planning Statement Avenue Road Camden - v.2 Supporting Documents
24/06/2022 10:28:01 CIL Form FINAL 220428 CIL
30/06/2022 15:30:07 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/07/2022 13:15:55 1 x Response Consultation Response
05/07/2022 14:33:10 1 x Response Consultation Response
07/07/2022 16:32:06 CIL Form Supporting Documents
11/07/2022 15:00:35 2 x Response Consultation Response
12/07/2022 13:03:39 1 x Response (Scan) (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/07/2022 14:10:11 52 Avenue Road London NW8 6HS Planning Application - 2022/1863/P (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/07/2022 14:15:14 52 AVENUE ROAD NW8 6HS PLANNING APPLICATION - APPLICATION MUST BE REFUSED (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/07/2022 14:19:34 52 Avenue Road NW8 6HS planning must be rejected 2022/1863/P (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/07/2022 19:42:13 1 x response DOCO comment Consultation Response
16/07/2022 20:34:01 1 x response OBJ (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/07/2022 20:42:20 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/07/2022 21:04:42 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/07/2022 21:09:16 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/07/2022 12:41:26 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/07/2022 15:56:14 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/07/2022 18:01:59 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2022 18:05:00 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/08/2022 15:06:45 EXISTING BOUNDARY WALLS - PLANS ELEVATIONS Existing Drawing
05/08/2022 15:08:03 PROPOSED BOUNDARY WALLS PLANS ELEVATIONS Proposed Drawing
05/08/2022 15:08:45 Revised daylight/sunlight report_Rev.B_ Supporting Documents
05/08/2022 15:09:32 Revised energy strategy_RevD_ Supporting Documents
05/08/2022 15:10:06 Camden Sustainability and Energy Proforma - MAJORS v1 (1) Supporting Documents
05/08/2022 15:10:35 GLA Carbon Emissions proforma Supporting Documents
05/08/2022 15:11:00 Camden Air Quality Proforma v1a Supporting Documents
05/08/2022 15:11:43 Air Quality Note Supporting Documents
08/08/2022 15:33:01 1 x response support (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/08/2022 09:38:04 208-261 SKETCH OF EXTERNAL SPIRAL STAIR ACCESS TO HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE Supporting Documents
16/08/2022 16:59:44 BIA Audit_D1 Consultation Response
01/09/2022 11:49:48 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/09/2022 09:57:23 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/09/2022 11:21:38 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/09/2022 11:32:03 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/09/2022 17:16:17 1 x response Consultation Response
08/09/2022 15:20:24 Revised Air Quality statement (detailed) Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:20:49 GLA Carbon Emissions spreadsheet Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:21:07 Camden Sustainability and Energy Proforma - MAJORS v1 (1) Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:22:34 Heat Pump Feasibility study (Redacted) Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:23:00 Revised BIA - Sept Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:27:08 Off site AP AH Offer Letter.doc (Redacted) Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:27:35 urban greening factor spreadsheet GLA Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:28:03 Revised URBAN GREENING FACTOR Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:28:41 208-277A SOUTH AND NORTH HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTRE ACCESS - ELEVATIONS Proposed Drawing
08/09/2022 15:30:31 Revised Crime Impact Statement Supporting Documents
08/09/2022 15:34:05 208-400 TRIPARTITE WINDOW DETAIL WITH BLIND BALUSTRADE Proposed Drawing
08/09/2022 15:34:18 208-401 SECOND FLOOR TRIPARTITE WINDOW DETAIL Proposed Drawing
08/09/2022 15:34:32 208-402 TYPICAL ENTRY PORCH Proposed Drawing
08/09/2022 15:37:18 REVISED INTERNAL ELEVATIONS Proposed Drawing
15/09/2022 10:56:43 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/10/2022 14:35:58 Updated Drawing Schedule 221007 (003) Other
07/10/2022 14:42:28 Revised proposed site floor plans FINAL Proposed Drawing
07/10/2022 14:45:12 Revised LOCATION PLAN OS Extract
07/10/2022 14:45:47 Revised existing BLOCK PLAN Existing Drawing
07/10/2022 14:46:11 Revised PROPOSED SITE PLAN Proposed Drawing
07/10/2022 14:47:47 Revised proposed bin and bike stores Proposed Drawing
07/10/2022 14:49:56 Revised proposed elevations and sections AA and BB Proposed Drawing
07/10/2022 14:51:50 Revised Landscaping Layout & Materials Schedule Proposed Drawing
07/10/2022 14:52:22 Revised URBAN GREENING FACTOR plan Supporting Documents
07/10/2022 14:52:46 Revised Urban Greening Factor Table_221005 Supporting Documents
07/10/2022 14:53:14 Tree note Supporting Documents
07/10/2022 14:54:09 Revised area figures Supporting Documents
07/10/2022 15:15:12 Revised BIA Supporting Documents
07/10/2022 15:17:01 Revised drainage strategy plan Supporting Documents
17/10/2022 09:30:45 BIA Audit FINAL_F1 Consultation Response
19/10/2022 17:07:06 Revised Whole Life Cycle Carbon Emissions Assessment - HC v4 Supporting Documents
19/10/2022 17:07:45 Revised - GLA WLC Spreadsheet - v.1 - 17.10.2022 Supporting Documents
20/10/2022 10:12:05 Revised proposed Dwelling floor plans 1-12 FINAL 2 Proposed Drawing
20/10/2022 10:26:03 SKC101_Exceedance flows_P2 Supporting Documents
20/10/2022 10:27:45 Revised FRA + SuDS Strategy Report Supporting Documents
20/10/2022 10:36:08 Updated Drawing Schedule 20.10.22 Other
14/11/2022 12:29:31 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/06/2023 12:37:17 decision notice Decision Notice
11/07/2023 10:32:51 Committee Report Officer Delegated Report
08/09/2023 12:00:08 Construction Management Plan Other
03/10/2023 12:15:40 52 Avenue Road Section 106 Agreement - Dated 10 May 2023 (Redacted) Legal Agreement

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.