10/10/2023 10:56:19 |
Final Decision Notice
Decision Notice
12/09/2023 14:00:08 |
Construction Management Plan plots B & C
04/07/2023 11:04:37 |
UBB St Pancras Way - S106 Second DoV - Completed 02.06.23(3) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
14/11/2022 12:59:26 |
Completed S106 2021.2671.P - Part 2- Schedules 1 to 15(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
14/11/2022 11:51:24 |
Completed S106 2021.2671.P - Part 1(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
23/09/2022 16:40:19 |
FINAL Committee Report
17/01/2022 11:40:57 |
Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:28:19 |
Revised 1603_P_099_P(2)
Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:27:51 |
Revised 1603_P_100_Q(2)
Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:27:23 |
Revised 1603_P_098_J(2)
Proposed Drawing
22/11/2021 21:23:54 |
GLA0852 Ugly Brown Building Stage 1 report(2)
Consultation Response
17/11/2021 13:54:22 |
Basement Impact Audit report
Supporting Documents
19/10/2021 20:34:39 |
GLA 0852 Ugly Brown Building Stage 1 letter
Supporting Documents
02/07/2021 13:46:47 |
Thames Water response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/07/2021 13:35:49 |
Thames Water response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
28/06/2021 12:14:04 |
TFL Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
23/06/2021 21:48:16 |
1 x Response - Canal & River Trust: amendment
Consultation Response
22/06/2021 15:03:46 |
1 x Response Canal & River Trust
Consultation Response
16/06/2021 08:21:58 |
1 response (Historic England) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/06/2021 15:31:57 |
UBB Plots B and C Cover Letter (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 15:28:11 |
210421 Wind Micro Climate Statement of Conformnity RWDI Project 2101535 UBB Camden_SoC_Rev C (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 15:20:54 |
1661 - Daylight & Sunlight St Pancras Way (UBB) Plots A and C amendments and revised plot B planning addendum letter 20.04.21 (FULL) (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:36:21 |
WIE11701-102-R-9.2.1-Noise Assessment Report
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:35:29 |
WIE11701-100-R-6-7-1-Outline CMP
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:34:29 |
WIE11701-100-R-2-4-1_Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:33:11 |
UBB Plot B Planning Statement (Issue)(1)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:32:24 |
UBB - Regeneration Statement April 2021
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:32:05 |
UBB - Health Impact Assessment April 2021
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:54 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part19
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:32 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part18
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:02 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part17
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:29:43 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part16
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:29:17 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part15
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:57 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part14
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:32 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part13
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:10 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part12
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:49 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part11
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:27 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part10
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:03 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part9
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:26:29 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part8
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:26:04 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part7
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:25:38 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part6
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:25:13 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part5
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:24:40 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:24:16 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part3
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:23:52 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:23:31 |
TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:22:19 |
RSK - Exploratory hole location plan
Existing Drawing
02/06/2021 13:21:03 |
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:20:43 |
Retaining Wall Assessment - UBB Report 371654-L01 (00) 19th. May 2020
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:19:46 |
R01-DB-Transport Assessment Addendum F1 (210520) (002)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:19:18 |
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:18:54 |
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:18:32 |
Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:18:05 |
Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part3
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:17:39 |
Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:17:13 |
Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:16:53 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part6
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:16:22 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part5
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:55 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:32 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part3
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:08 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:14:42 |
Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:14:02 |
Plot B Preliminary Basement Impact Assessment - Version F
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:13:07 |
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:12:49 |
C2718-KJT-ZZ-XX-RP-ME-0012-Plot B Energy Statement-S2-P02
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:11:36 |
BIA Appendix 4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:11:17 |
BIA Appendix 2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:56 |
BIA Appendix 1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:35 |
BB7 Fire Strategy RIBA 2 UBB rev 01 (13 05 2021)
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:19 |
B1420-KJT-ZZ-XX-RP-ME-0001-BREEAM Pre-Assessment-S2-P01
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:09:59 |
Site Photographs Appendix 11
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:08:54 |
Flood Risk Asessment & SuDS Strategy Appendix 10_compressed
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:07:08 |
Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part5
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:06:38 |
Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:06:06 |
Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part3
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:05:22 |
Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:04:52 |
Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:03:23 |
Damage Category Charts/Deflection Ratio Calculation/Historic Heave Values Appendix 8
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:59:31 |
Topography Views & Strategic FRA References Appendix 7
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:59:00 |
Landscape, Topographical Survey & Existing Drawings Appendix 6
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:57:26 |
260421 UBB Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:47:56 |
Site Location Plan 1603_XP_001_C
OS Extract
02/06/2021 12:47:01 |
1603_RP_005_A_DAS Addendum-compressed-31-58
Design and Access Statement
02/06/2021 12:46:36 |
1603_RP_005_A_DAS Addendum-compressed-1-30
Design and Access Statement
02/06/2021 12:46:07 |
Proposed Roof Plan 1603_P_RP_K
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:44:19 |
Proposed Bay Study West Elevation Pavilion C4 1603_P_460_A
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:42:57 |
Proposed Bay Study West Elevation Building B 1603_P_459_A
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:41:46 |
Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Upper Building B 1603_P_458_A
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:40:46 |
Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Lower Building B 1603_P_457_A
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:39:17 |
Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Building B 1603_P_451_D
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:37:04 |
Proposed Elevations Building C4 1603_P_350_J
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:36:00 |
Proposed West Elevation Building B 1603_P_324_J
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:34:51 |
Proposed South Elevation Building B 1603_P_323_J
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:33:55 |
Proposed East Elevation Building B 1603_P_322_J
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:32:40 |
Proposed North Elevation Building B 1603_P_321_J
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:31:19 |
Proposed West Elevation St. Pancras Way 1603_P_304_F
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:30:01 |
Proposed East Elevation Regent's Canal 1603_P_302_F
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:28:31 |
Proposed Section AA Looking East 1603_P_240_H
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:27:17 |
Proposed Section CC Looking North 1603_P_231_F
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:26:10 |
Proposed Residential Levels 02 & 03 Tenure Plan 1603_P_132_D
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:24:33 |
Proposed Residential Level 01Tenure Plan 1603_ P_131_ D
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:21:04 |
Proposed Level 08 Plan 1603_P_108_P
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:20:06 |
Proposed Level 07 Plan 1603_P_107_L
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:19:05 |
Proposed Level 06 Plan 1603_P_106_M
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:18:00 |
Proposed Level 05 Plan 1603_P_105_M
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:16:56 |
Proposed Level 04 Plan 1603_P_104_K
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:15:54 |
Proposed Level 03 Plan 1603_P_103_L
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:14:45 |
Proposed Level 02 Plan 1603_P_102_L
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:13:35 |
Proposed Level 01 Plan 1603_P_101_M
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:12:28 |
Proposed Level 00 Ground Floor Plan 1603_P_100_P
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:11:18 |
Proposed Basement Level B1 Plan 1603_P_099_N
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:10:08 |
Proposed Basement B2 Plan 1603_P_098_H
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:07:43 |
Proposed Site Plan 1603_P_001_H
Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 11:59:54 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part8
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:59:28 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part7
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:59:02 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part6
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:58:35 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part5
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:58:03 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part4
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:56:37 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part3
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:50:43 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part2
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:38:50 |
( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part1
Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:28:15 |
Application Form Redacted
Application Form