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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
10/10/2023 10:56:19 Final Decision Notice Decision Notice
12/09/2023 14:00:08 Construction Management Plan plots B & C Other
04/07/2023 11:04:37 UBB St Pancras Way - S106 Second DoV - Completed 02.06.23(3) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
14/11/2022 12:59:26 Completed S106 2021.2671.P - Part 2- Schedules 1 to 15(2) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
14/11/2022 11:51:24 Completed S106 2021.2671.P - Part 1(2) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
23/09/2022 16:40:19 FINAL Committee Report Other
17/01/2022 11:40:57 RELOADED DUE TO FILE FAILURE: UBB AH plans combined Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:28:19 Revised 1603_P_099_P(2) Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:27:51 Revised 1603_P_100_Q(2) Proposed Drawing
05/12/2021 20:27:23 Revised 1603_P_098_J(2) Proposed Drawing
22/11/2021 21:23:54 GLA0852 Ugly Brown Building Stage 1 report(2) Consultation Response
17/11/2021 13:54:22 Basement Impact Audit report Supporting Documents
19/10/2021 20:34:39 GLA 0852 Ugly Brown Building Stage 1 letter Supporting Documents
02/07/2021 13:46:47 Thames Water response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/07/2021 13:35:49 Thames Water response (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/06/2021 12:14:04 TFL Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/06/2021 21:48:16 1 x Response - Canal & River Trust: amendment Consultation Response
22/06/2021 15:03:46 1 x Response Canal & River Trust Consultation Response
16/06/2021 08:21:58 1 response (Historic England) (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/06/2021 15:31:57 UBB Plots B and C Cover Letter (Redacted) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 15:28:11 210421 Wind Micro Climate Statement of Conformnity RWDI Project 2101535 UBB Camden_SoC_Rev C (Redacted) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 15:20:54 1661 - Daylight & Sunlight St Pancras Way (UBB) Plots A and C amendments and revised plot B planning addendum letter 20.04.21 (FULL) (Redacted) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:36:21 WIE11701-102-R-9.2.1-Noise Assessment Report Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:35:29 WIE11701-100-R-6-7-1-Outline CMP Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:34:29 WIE11701-100-R-2-4-1_Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:33:11 UBB Plot B Planning Statement (Issue)(1) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:32:24 UBB - Regeneration Statement April 2021 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:32:05 UBB - Health Impact Assessment April 2021 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:54 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part19 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:32 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part18 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:30:02 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part17 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:29:43 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part16 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:29:17 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part15 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:57 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part14 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:32 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part13 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:28:10 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part12 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:49 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part11 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:27 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part10 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:27:03 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part9 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:26:29 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part8 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:26:04 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part7 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:25:38 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part6 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:25:13 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part5 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:24:40 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:24:16 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part3 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:23:52 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:23:31 TVBH 3223_8460_210504A (1)_Part1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:22:19 RSK - Exploratory hole location plan Existing Drawing
02/06/2021 13:21:03 REVISED ARBORICULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:20:43 Retaining Wall Assessment - UBB Report 371654-L01 (00) 19th. May 2020 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:19:46 R01-DB-Transport Assessment Addendum F1 (210520) (002) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:19:18 PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT (CONTAMINATION) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:18:32 Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:18:05 Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part3 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:17:39 Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:17:13 Ground Movement and Building Damage Assessment Report 371654-02 (01) Aug 2020_Part1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:16:53 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part6 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:16:22 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part5 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:55 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:32 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part3 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:15:08 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:14:42 Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical Assessment SI Report 371654-01 (01) Aug 2019_compressed_Part1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:14:02 Plot B Preliminary Basement Impact Assessment - Version F Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:13:07 ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:12:49 C2718-KJT-ZZ-XX-RP-ME-0012-Plot B Energy Statement-S2-P02 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:11:36 BIA Appendix 4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:11:17 BIA Appendix 2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:56 BIA Appendix 1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:35 BB7 Fire Strategy RIBA 2 UBB rev 01 (13 05 2021) Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:10:19 B1420-KJT-ZZ-XX-RP-ME-0001-BREEAM Pre-Assessment-S2-P01 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:09:59 Site Photographs Appendix 11 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:08:54 Flood Risk Asessment & SuDS Strategy Appendix 10_compressed Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:07:08 Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part5 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:06:38 Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:06:06 Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part3 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:05:22 Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:04:52 Thames Water Sewer CCTV Reports Appendix 9_Part1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 13:03:23 Damage Category Charts/Deflection Ratio Calculation/Historic Heave Values Appendix 8 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:59:31 Topography Views & Strategic FRA References Appendix 7 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:59:00 Landscape, Topographical Survey & Existing Drawings Appendix 6 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:57:26 260421 UBB Statement of Community Involvement Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 12:47:56 Site Location Plan 1603_XP_001_C OS Extract
02/06/2021 12:47:01 1603_RP_005_A_DAS Addendum-compressed-31-58 Design and Access Statement
02/06/2021 12:46:36 1603_RP_005_A_DAS Addendum-compressed-1-30 Design and Access Statement
02/06/2021 12:46:07 Proposed Roof Plan 1603_P_RP_K Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:44:19 Proposed Bay Study West Elevation Pavilion C4 1603_P_460_A Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:42:57 Proposed Bay Study West Elevation Building B 1603_P_459_A Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:41:46 Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Upper Building B 1603_P_458_A Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:40:46 Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Lower Building B 1603_P_457_A Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:39:17 Proposed Bay Study South Elevation Building B 1603_P_451_D Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:37:04 Proposed Elevations Building C4 1603_P_350_J Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:36:00 Proposed West Elevation Building B 1603_P_324_J Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:34:51 Proposed South Elevation Building B 1603_P_323_J Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:33:55 Proposed East Elevation Building B 1603_P_322_J Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:32:40 Proposed North Elevation Building B 1603_P_321_J Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:31:19 Proposed West Elevation St. Pancras Way 1603_P_304_F Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:30:01 Proposed East Elevation Regent's Canal 1603_P_302_F Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:28:31 Proposed Section AA Looking East 1603_P_240_H Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:27:17 Proposed Section CC Looking North 1603_P_231_F Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:26:10 Proposed Residential Levels 02 & 03 Tenure Plan 1603_P_132_D Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:24:33 Proposed Residential Level 01Tenure Plan 1603_ P_131_ D Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:21:04 Proposed Level 08 Plan 1603_P_108_P Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:20:06 Proposed Level 07 Plan 1603_P_107_L Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:19:05 Proposed Level 06 Plan 1603_P_106_M Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:18:00 Proposed Level 05 Plan 1603_P_105_M Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:16:56 Proposed Level 04 Plan 1603_P_104_K Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:15:54 Proposed Level 03 Plan 1603_P_103_L Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:14:45 Proposed Level 02 Plan 1603_P_102_L Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:13:35 Proposed Level 01 Plan 1603_P_101_M Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:12:28 Proposed Level 00 Ground Floor Plan 1603_P_100_P Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:11:18 Proposed Basement Level B1 Plan 1603_P_099_N Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:10:08 Proposed Basement B2 Plan 1603_P_098_H Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 12:07:43 Proposed Site Plan 1603_P_001_H Proposed Drawing
02/06/2021 11:59:54 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part8 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:59:28 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part7 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:59:02 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part6 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:58:35 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part5 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:58:03 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part4 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:56:37 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part3 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:50:43 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part2 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:38:50 ( Latest) Thames Water Asset Assessment Report 371654 03 (03) Issued 11.12.2020_Part1 Supporting Documents
02/06/2021 11:28:15 Application Form Redacted Application Form

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.