29/08/2024 12:26:50 |
Officer Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
20/11/2023 11:23:02 |
Network & Tottenham Mews - Development Delivery Plan Q4 2023 v2.0(3)
S106 submission
20/11/2023 11:19:18 |
Network & Tottenham Mews - Development Delivery Plan Q4 2023 v2.0(2)
S106 submission
19/07/2023 20:45:55 |
Construction Management plan- CMP
14/04/2022 14:59:20 |
Tottenham Mews Completed S106(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
14/04/2022 14:09:48 |
Tottenham Mews Completed S106
Legal Agreement
13/04/2022 09:24:57 |
Tottenham Mews FDN 2020.5633.P
Decision Notice
18/02/2022 10:01:37 |
Revised Existing Drawings
Existing Drawing
05/06/2021 10:49:39 |
Neighbour comment (objection) to revised Point2 sunlight daylight report
03/06/2021 13:09:57 |
1 x Response TMRG (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/06/2021 13:02:25 |
Point 2 D& S Letter Tottenham Mews (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
28/05/2021 12:58:47 |
Supporting Documents
28/05/2021 12:55:53 |
Ventilation Extract Statement.pdf Updated Tottenham mews
Supporting Documents
26/05/2021 14:10:45 |
Proposed Roof Level Plan 13565-A-RF-03-106
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:10:29 |
Proposed Fifth Floor Plan 13565-A-L05-03-105
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:10:04 |
Proposed Fourth Floor Plan 13565-A-L04-03-104
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:09:49 |
Proposed Third Floor Plan 13565-A-L03-03-103
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:09:24 |
Proposed Second Floor Plan 13565-A-L02-03-102
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:09:09 |
Proposed First Floor Plan 13565-A-L01-03-101
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:08:44 |
Proposed Ground Floor Plan 13565-A-GF-03-100
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:08:29 |
Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan 13565-A-B01-03-099
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:07:59 |
Proposed West Elevation 13565-A-LXX-05-301
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:07:43 |
Proposed East Elevation 13565-A-LXX-05-300
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:07:27 |
Proposed South Elevation 13565-A-LXX-05-303
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:07:10 |
Proposed North Elevation 13565-A-LXX-05-302
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:06:33 |
Proposed Section CC 13565-A-LXX-04-202
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:06:18 |
Proposed Section BB 13565-A-LXX-04-201
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:05:53 |
Proposed Section AA 13565-A-LXX-04-200
Proposed Drawing
26/05/2021 14:05:37 |
Existing Section AA 13565-A-LXX-01-200
Existing Drawing
26/05/2021 14:05:10 |
13565_14-19 Tottenham Mews_Area & Accommodation Schedule_210513
Supporting Documents
26/05/2021 13:40:43 |
1 x Response CSA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
25/05/2021 19:05:50 |
Archaeology Formal Response (GLAAS)
Supporting Documents
25/05/2021 19:03:40 |
Basement Report - Campbell Reith (final)
25/05/2021 19:01:53 |
Internal Daylight Letter - future occupiers
Supporting Documents
25/05/2021 18:59:55 |
Daylight & Sunlight Consultant update on impacted properties
15/05/2021 09:58:25 |
Origin Housing letter
26/03/2021 15:37:07 |
Appendix 3 Clarification of Existing Disabled Parking
Supporting Documents
26/03/2021 15:34:55 |
Appendix 4 Beford Passage Sketch View update
Supporting Documents
26/03/2021 15:34:00 |
Consultant Response to concerns raised about daylight/ sunlight impact
Supporting Documents
26/03/2021 10:11:31 |
Applicant's response to objection by Tottenham Mews residents group
Supporting Documents
08/03/2021 14:55:08 |
objection letter Tottenham Mews Owners Association(redacted)
Consultation Response
08/03/2021 08:24:34 |
Covering letter WORDv2-ahs-25.02.21
Consultation Response
08/03/2021 08:21:34 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/03/2021 12:04:47 |
Planning Objection Letter (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/03/2021 14:45:39 |
Geotech and GeoEnviromental Report - by CLG 09529 Sept2020
Supporting Documents
01/03/2021 14:35:45 |
Site Investigation for former Middlesex Hospital site
Supporting Documents
01/03/2021 14:33:12 |
Site Investigation for Arthur Stanley House
Supporting Documents
01/03/2021 14:32:37 |
BIA Comment Tracker_23.02.2021-1 (by CGL)
Supporting Documents
01/02/2021 18:36:11 |
Initial report of Independent Audit of Basement Impact Assessment (author: Campbell Reith)
12/01/2021 07:52:04 |
Letter 080121 (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/01/2021 12:40:45 |
2 x Responses
Consultation Response
31/12/2020 10:43:49 |
4 x Responses
Consultation Response
31/12/2020 10:05:52 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
09/12/2020 17:00:17 |
1 x Response - Thames Water
Consultation Response
09/12/2020 06:46:53 |
Design Review Panel Frame report 200911_FR_14-19Tottenham Mews
08/12/2020 06:44:04 |
Pre-app Design Feedback Network and Tottenham Mews buildings 19th june 2020
04/12/2020 07:07:00 |
Demolition drawings
Proposed Drawing
04/12/2020 07:06:48 |
Delivery Servicing and Waste Management Plan
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:06:08 |
Daylight sunlight report
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:05:44 |
Construction Management Plan FV
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:05:36 |
Construction Management Plan Proforma
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:05:20 |
M3 Document
04/12/2020 07:04:47 |
Archaeology Desk Based Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:04:34 |
Application Form
04/12/2020 07:03:40 |
Application Cover Letter
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:03:21 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:02:23 |
Acoustic Report
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:02:13 |
Access Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:01:41 |
Travel Plan
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:01:27 |
Transport Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:01:17 |
Sustainability Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 07:00:57 |
Surface Water Drainage Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:59:38 |
Basement Impact Assessment Structural Planning Report Large file
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:58:54 |
Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:58:45 |
Site Plan
OS Extract
04/12/2020 06:58:38 |
Site Location Plan
OS Extract
04/12/2020 06:58:04 |
Plant Noise Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:57:44 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:57:00 |
Heritage statement and townscape and visual impact assessment
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:56:44 |
Fire Safety Strategy
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:54:07 |
Energy Statement
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:53:57 |
Ecology Report
Supporting Documents
04/12/2020 06:51:56 |
Design & Access Statement LARGE file
Design and Access Statement