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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
13/07/2023 15:33:57 Source Control - Attenuation 1in100 year Other
13/07/2023 15:33:42 Source Control - Attenuation 1in30 year Other
13/07/2023 15:33:24 230713 FRA Responses Other
22/07/2022 14:14:36 330 Gray s Inn Road - Planning Permission - 2020.5593.P(2) Decision Notice
22/07/2022 14:12:12 330 GIR s106 - Completed Agreement 20.07.22(2) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
20/07/2022 14:14:10 Decision Notice Decision Notice
19/07/2022 10:17:44 Letter dated 19.07.22 - lift Article 31 to LPA(2) Correspondence
20/01/2022 15:31:41 Letter on behalf of applicant to DLUHC Supporting Documents
08/01/2022 20:20:50 Article 31 Letter (Secretary of State directing the Council not to grant permission on this application without specific authorisation) dated 07/01/2022 Consultation Response
03/11/2021 15:36:28 GLA 2021.0172 Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Stage 2 Letter Consultation Response
03/11/2021 15:35:55 GLA 2021.0172 Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Stage 2 Report Consultation Response
07/07/2021 17:25:19 Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Committee Pack Officer Committee Report
06/07/2021 18:31:08 UCL Ear Institute 06 July 2021 objection Consultation Response
05/07/2021 11:22:45 Ventilation Strategy Statement_210628(2) Supporting Documents
28/06/2021 12:02:11 UKRI Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/06/2021 16:03:14 Objection Letter to LBC re 330 GIR - on behalf of UCL (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:03:13 Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation (Set 2) - Energy Memo(4) Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:02:40 Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation (Set 2) - Energy Memo(3) Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:02:13 330 Grays Inn Road_GLA Response_21.6.2 Consultation Response
09/06/2021 17:10:44 GLA Stage I Response Supporting Documents
09/06/2021 15:03:09 Noise/Vibration Transfer from The Water Rats Supporting Documents
09/06/2021 15:01:42 330 Grays Inn Road Hotel Report - February 2021 v2 Supporting Documents
25/05/2021 15:38:51 BPS Viability Response to Gerald Eve 29.04.21(2) Consultation Response
21/05/2021 17:52:34 GLA WLC assessment template_May 2020 v.1.1-210401 Supporting Documents
20/05/2021 20:53:40 TfL FURTHER Initial Comments-Final(2) Consultation Response
20/05/2021 20:53:13 TfL comments additional further comments_developer contributions_200521(2) Consultation Response
19/05/2021 14:47:35 Circular Economy Statement_210513 Supporting Documents
19/05/2021 00:20:02 Urban Greening Factor and Biodiversity Response 14/05/21 Supporting Documents
18/05/2021 10:55:32 Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation - Energy_XCO2 Response_210517 Supporting Documents
18/05/2021 10:54:56 Overheating Assessment Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:15:38 Updated Viability note Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:14:53 Unit Mix Update_Technical Note_210513 (energy and sustainability) Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:14:33 Socio Economic Benefit Statement May 2021 Revised Drawing
14/05/2021 21:14:15 Roof plan with updated UGF scope Revised Drawing
14/05/2021 21:13:47 Internal Daylight Addendum Letter 14.05.2021 Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:12:09 Design and Access Statement_Low Res_P01 Design and Access Statement
14/05/2021 21:11:45 Covering Letter Substitutions dated 14.05.2021 Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:11:23 Affordable Housing Statement Addendum Revised Drawing
12/05/2021 22:18:57 GLA Viability Comments Consultation Response
11/05/2021 17:28:51 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report Supporting Documents
11/05/2021 15:02:54 Thames Water - Response Consultation Response
16/04/2021 11:01:41 TfL follow up comments Consultation Response
07/04/2021 11:16:06 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/04/2021 09:23:46 330 Grays Inn Road Addendum Final Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:17:39 LBC Planning Comments_XCO2 Responses_210326(2) Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:17:14 UGF and Biodiversity Response_210317(2) Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:16:24 Response letter to LBC comments_210317(2) Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:15:53 Future DHN_safeguarded route(2) Supporting Documents
31/03/2021 09:41:15 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:39:25 1 response Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:28:34 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:22:43 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:20:50 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/03/2021 11:21:27 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/03/2021 18:28:24 AQC response to EH comments 8-3-17 with plan Supporting Documents
24/03/2021 18:10:28 Urban Greening Factor and Biodiversity Response_210317 Supporting Documents
23/03/2021 12:57:38 Viability Addendum Report Supporting Documents
17/03/2021 12:14:11 Planning Area Schedule Rev 2 Supporting Documents
10/03/2021 22:20:05 Flood risk addendum and design strategy addendum Supporting Documents
10/03/2021 22:18:12 Steer Response to LBC_TfL Comments (March 2021) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 16:14:53 Revised Health Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:40:05 9370-M-GEN-003-1-P0-Energy Centre(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:39:33 9370_gla_carbon_emission_reporting_spreadsheet_v1.2_2020_WholeDevelopment(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:35:13 9370_gla_carbon_emission_reporting_spreadsheet_v1.2_2020_NewBuiltOnly(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:34:47 GHA-Overheating-in-New-Homes-Tool-and-Guidance-Tool-only_filled(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:34:19 DHN_Argent communication(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:33:44 9370-M-GEN-599-P0-Building Heat Network Route(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:33:22 9370-M-GEN-598-P0-Building Heat Network Route(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:32:59 9370-M-GEN-101-1-P0-Future DHN connection allowance(2) Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:28:30 GHA Overheating-in-New-Homes-Tool-and-Guidance-Tool-only_AHMM Comments_v2 Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:26:22 21/02/25 Energy Response Supporting Documents
25/02/2021 13:22:55 1 x Response - TfL Initial Comments_Final(2) Consultation Response
24/02/2021 19:38:40 Basement Impact Assessment Independent Audit Consultation Response
17/02/2021 17:08:40 Initial BPS Report dated 16/02/2021 Consultation Response
10/02/2021 13:40:51 Greater London Authority response Consultation Response
09/02/2021 21:18:37 Area Schedule Supporting Documents
09/02/2021 15:55:57 GLA Stage 1 letter Consultation Response
09/02/2021 15:55:24 GLA Stage 1 Report Consultation Response
01/02/2021 18:25:47 Proposed CGI renders of Wicklow Street Courtyard and Residential Courtyard with links to 360 degree images - Supporting Documents
28/01/2021 11:51:14 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
22/01/2021 14:10:35 2 x Response - BCAAC & KXCAAC Consultation Response
13/01/2021 15:36:21 330 Grays Inn Road - Camden_Suds_Proforma Supporting Documents
12/01/2021 20:16:57 BIA Independent Audit Supporting Documents
08/01/2021 09:09:34 20205593P_HERef_P01323730_L377819 Consultation Response
07/01/2021 08:50:48 FW: Planning Application 2020/5593/P (Redacted) Consultation Response
06/01/2021 13:48:05 Daylight Sunlight Report (External) Final Revised Drawing
06/01/2021 13:26:43 330 Gray’s Inn Road (ref. 2020/5593/P) - Letter of objection (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/01/2021 18:08:44 1 x consultation response - Archaeology of Battle Bridge - response Consultation Response
04/01/2021 12:42:55 3 x Responses Consultation Response
29/12/2020 03:35:18 1 x Response - Thames Water Consultation Response
21/12/2020 10:43:11 Financial Viability Assessment Supporting Documents
08/12/2020 21:59:22 Drawing Register Supporting Documents
08/12/2020 12:37:13 Transport for London (Engineering) response Consultation Response
07/12/2020 16:20:10 1 x Response - DOC Consultation Response
05/12/2020 15:14:06 Construction Management Plan Supporting Documents
02/12/2020 11:58:57 Proposed Residential Floor Plans Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:52:08 Proposed Residential Elevations and Sections Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:38:32 Proposed Office Floor Plans Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:10:34 Proposed Office Elevations and Sections Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:53:33 Proposed Hotel Elevations and Sections Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:30:41 Proposed Hotel Floor plans Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:04:28 Proposed Masterplan (site-wide) Elevations and Sections Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 09:40:00 Proposed Masterplan (site-wide) Floor plans Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 09:20:31 Existing Drawings (combined) Existing Drawing
02/12/2020 08:39:47 Demolition drawings (combined) Existing & Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 08:32:35 Public Realm drawings Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 08:29:35 Landscape and Public Realm Design and Access Statement Planning Report Design and Access Statement
01/12/2020 23:56:46 Planning Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:55:44 Health Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:54:55 Energy Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:48:58 Townscape, Visual Impact and Built Heritage Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:45:26 Circular Economy Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:44:52 Biodiversity Survey and Report Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:43:47 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:40:11 Affordable Housing Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:39:29 Archaeological Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:33:17 Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:32:22 Daylight Sunlight Report (Internal) Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:31:55 Daylight Sunlight Report (External) Draft Superseded
01/12/2020 23:24:22 Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and Drainage Report Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:23:15 Noise and Vibration Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:22:34 Sustainability Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:21:37 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:20:37 CIL form Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:13:31 Contaminated Land Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:11:41 Covering Letter Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:10:47 Fire Statement Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:07:05 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:05:06 Transport Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:04:13 Whole Life Carbon Assessment Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:03:38 GLA WLC assessment template May 2020 v.1.1-201130 Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 17:04:49 Application Form Application Form
01/12/2020 17:04:47 Site Location Plan OS Extract

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.