20/12/2024 11:58:42 |
Acorn House Playspace Agreement for use rev01
Supporting Documents
20/12/2024 11:57:26 |
Acorn House Community Space Management Plan rev 01
Supporting Documents
20/12/2024 11:57:13 |
Acorn House booking form and user agreement v3
Supporting Documents
20/12/2024 11:57:00 |
Acorn House Playspace Management Plan rev 01
Supporting Documents
20/12/2024 11:55:56 |
Email from agent 26/11 re Acorn House Community Space Management Plan and Children’s Playspace Management Plan
Applicant Correspondence
31/10/2024 09:30:47 |
S106 submission
31/10/2024 09:30:34 |
S106 submission
20/10/2023 09:24:42 |
S106 submission
16/10/2023 17:21:36 |
Agreement - Dated 25.09.2023 - Signed By Transport for London & Trinco Properties LTD
S106 submission
03/10/2023 12:02:19 |
Acorn House - Scanned s106 Agreement dated 01.11.21 - 2020.3888.P (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
08/09/2023 12:28:42 |
Construction Management Plan -Addendum B
03/11/2022 12:27:05 |
Construction Management Plan (CMP)
02/11/2021 07:56:32 |
GLA Stage II Decision Letter
02/11/2021 07:56:07 |
GLA Stage II Report
02/11/2021 07:47:43 |
Acorn House Planning Permission - 2020.3880.P
Decision Notice
04/03/2021 07:16:22 |
GLAAS comments Acorn House
Consultation Response
22/02/2021 13:38:15 |
25th Feb 2021 Committee Report ITEM 2 Acorn House Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8DP
Officer Committee Report
21/01/2021 17:15:02 |
Revised (ver 03) Basement Impact Assessment (4259_BIA Acorn House_BIA_rev03)
Revised Drawing
21/01/2021 17:14:15 |
Campbell Reith Final BIA Audit Report
29/12/2020 18:30:55 |
Bloomsbury CAAC
Consultation Response
22/12/2020 19:40:40 |
REVISED Acorn House Drainage Strategy Report
Supporting Documents
22/12/2020 19:30:49 |
REVISED Acorn House Flood Risk Assessment LARGE FILE
Supporting Documents
09/12/2020 10:29:48 |
3 x Responses
Consultation Response
19/11/2020 07:55:00 |
Basement Impact Assessment Audit Initial report (author : Campbell Reith)
12/11/2020 17:31:18 |
Townscape & Visual Impact Assessment for Revisions
Supporting Documents
12/11/2020 17:30:20 |
Revised Proposed Drawings
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 17:30:00 |
Revisions Covering Letter
Supporting Documents
12/11/2020 17:29:34 |
Acorn_Drawing Issue Register_Planning_201105
Supporting Documents
12/11/2020 17:27:42 |
Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment for Revisions LOWRES
Supporting Documents
08/09/2020 15:30:04 |
Response #1 Thames Water
Consultation Response
01/09/2020 15:45:06 |
18102_(02)_910_Apartment Schedule
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:21:26 |
Daylight and Sunlight Report
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:21:10 |
Construction Management Plan
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:20:26 |
Circular Economy Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:19:20 |
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:18:55 |
Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:18:35 |
Application Form
27/08/2020 13:17:47 |
Applicant Cover Letter
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:17:20 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:16:10 |
Affordable Housing Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:15:44 |
Acoustic Report
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:15:24 |
Tree Survey
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:14:57 |
Transport Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:14:12 |
Townscape & Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment (superseded)
27/08/2020 13:13:50 |
Town Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:12:39 |
Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:12:07 |
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:11:48 |
Operational Waste Management Strategy
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:11:29 |
Health Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:07:54 |
Fire Safety Strategy
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:06:29 |
Energy & Sustainability statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:05:49 |
Employment and Skills Strategy and Regeneration Statement
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 13:04:00 |
Drainage Strategy (superseded )
27/08/2020 12:58:43 |
Design and access statement LARGE FILE
Design and Access Statement
27/08/2020 12:58:04 |
Delivery and Servicing Plan
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 12:48:29 |
Existing plans
Existing Drawing
27/08/2020 12:48:11 |
Existing sections and elevations
Existing Drawing
27/08/2020 12:47:58 |
Existing site plan 18102_(01)_001
Existing Drawing
27/08/2020 12:47:24 |
Proposed elevations and sections
Proposed Drawing
27/08/2020 12:46:57 |
Proposed plans
Proposed Drawing
27/08/2020 12:46:34 |
Proposed Site Plan 18102_(00)_010
Proposed Drawing
27/08/2020 12:46:12 |
Site Location plan 18102_(00)_001
OS Extract
27/08/2020 12:45:53 |
Demolition drawings
Proposed Drawing
27/08/2020 12:42:47 |
BIA Appendices parts 13-23 VERY LARGE FILE
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 12:38:46 |
BIA Appendices parts 1-12 VERY LARGE FILE
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 12:34:42 |
BIA Appendices Parts 24-33 VERY LARGE FILE
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 12:28:55 |
Land Contamination Assessment Complete Document VERY LARGE FILE
Supporting Documents
27/08/2020 12:14:18 |
Flood Risk Assessment Complete VERY LARGE FILE (superseded)
27/08/2020 08:06:34 |
Basement Impact Assessment Part-1 (superseded)