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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
24/01/2023 12:33:04 CMP- Construction Management Plan Other
19/03/2020 14:53:22 APPEAL DECISION Appeal Decision
14/01/2020 14:51:32 Certified Copy of Legal Agreement Legal Agreement
20/12/2019 17:26:36 Ham and High advert Appeal
20/12/2019 17:10:02 Notification of Appeal letter Appeal
20/12/2019 17:02:40 Decision notice Appeal
20/12/2019 17:02:18 Committee report (14.03.2019 committee) Appeal
20/12/2019 17:00:43 2018.0645.q Appeal
20/12/2019 17:00:28 2018.0645.p Appeal
20/12/2019 17:00:10 2018.0645.o Appeal
20/12/2019 16:59:43 2018.0645.n Appeal
20/12/2019 16:59:17 2018.0645.m Appeal
20/12/2019 16:58:56 2018.0645.l Appeal
20/12/2019 16:57:50 2018.0645.k Appeal
20/12/2019 16:57:35 2018.0645.j Appeal
20/12/2019 16:57:15 2018.0645.i Appeal
20/12/2019 16:55:56 2018.0645.h Appeal
20/12/2019 16:55:41 2018.0645.g Appeal
20/12/2019 16:55:24 2018.0645.f Appeal
20/12/2019 16:54:39 2018.0645.e Appeal
20/12/2019 16:53:58 2018.0645.d Appeal
20/12/2019 16:53:35 2018.0645.c Appeal
20/12/2019 16:53:12 2018.0645.b Appeal
20/12/2019 16:52:51 2018.0645.A Appeal
20/12/2019 16:52:22 2018.0645.a (2) Appeal
20/12/2019 16:51:55 2018.0645.r Appeal
20/12/2019 16:49:42 CPG8 - Planning obligations 2015 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:49:23 CPG7 Transport Appeal
20/12/2019 16:48:58 CPG2 Housing 2016 - as amended March 2019 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:48:42 CPG Planning for health and wellbeing March 2018 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:48:10 CPG Biodiversity_UPDATED MAy2018 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:47:27 CPG Basement March 2018 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:47:12 CPG Amenity March 2018 Appeal
20/12/2019 16:46:28 cpg 3 sustainabillity all Appeal
20/12/2019 16:45:57 1 x Objection (Redacted) Appeal
20/12/2019 16:45:39 Design CPG 2018 Appeal
17/12/2019 10:23:37 P_55 Proposed Boundary Wall Details Appellant's Case
17/12/2019 10:23:19 P_54 Proposed Boundary Treatments Appellant's Case
17/12/2019 10:23:02 191101 Barrie House Statement of Case Appellant's Case
17/12/2019 10:22:41 191101 Barrie House Statement of Case - Appendices Only Appellant's Case
17/12/2019 10:22:24 APPEAL FORM Appellant's Case
17/12/2019 10:22:00 P_56 Proposed Bin Store Details Appellant's Case
10/05/2019 10:44:54 Supplementary Agenda Item 5 Barrie House, 29 St Edmunds Terrace Other
10/05/2019 10:42:41 Committee report (14.03.2019 committee) Officer Committee Report
10/05/2019 10:41:39 Decision notice Decision Notice
09/04/2019 16:52:48 P_21D Proposed Ground Floor Plan Proposed Drawing
09/04/2019 16:52:07 E_21 Existing Ground Floor Plan_Rev B Existing Drawing
09/04/2019 14:29:56 Letter to planning committee (new) Consultation Response
09/04/2019 14:28:23 Email from Barrie House - Replace letter from 31/03/2019 (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/03/2019 11:51:38 1 x Response Thames Water (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/03/2019 11:48:38 1 x Response Thames Water (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/03/2019 10:54:19 1 x Objection (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/03/2019 13:50:36 1 x objection Consultation Response
12/03/2019 13:49:34 Email - 1 x objection (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/03/2019 12:05:31 Email - 1 x comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/03/2019 15:58:56 Email - Objection (Redacted) Correspondence
14/02/2019 18:12:11 Barrie House Members Briefing pack Member’s Briefing
06/02/2019 13:15:16 1x response [personal data] (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/01/2019 18:31:20 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Supporting Documents
27/11/2018 15:12:53 1 x Response Consultation Response
27/11/2018 15:05:31 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/11/2018 14:25:06 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/11/2018 09:44:44 1 x Response Consultation Response
16/11/2018 17:43:24 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/11/2018 18:04:41 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/11/2018 14:49:14 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/11/2018 14:43:46 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/11/2018 14:37:00 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/11/2018 11:48:28 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/11/2018 14:59:36 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/11/2018 14:34:00 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/11/2018 14:02:33 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/11/2018 14:00:22 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
08/11/2018 11:13:58 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 10:37:04 6 Amended Proposed Floor Plans Proposed Drawing
15/10/2018 10:36:47 21 Ground Source Heat Pump Feasibility Study Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 10:36:30 20 Overheating Analysis Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 10:36:07 16 Arboricultural Report Rev 2 Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 10:35:49 12 Sustainability Statement Rev 3 Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 10:34:05 9 Landscape Statement Rev D Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 10:33:42 6 Existing Floor Plans Existing Drawing
15/10/2018 10:33:16 Site Location Plan_REV A OS Extract
15/10/2018 10:32:45 Energy Statement Rev 2 Supporting Documents
01/08/2018 16:39:06 Final BIA review Consultation Response
13/07/2018 17:56:58 Retaining Wall Design rev C0 Proposed Drawing
13/07/2018 11:04:36 BIA audit V2 (Campbell Reith) Consultation Response
12/06/2018 10:30:12 BIA audit Consultation Response
05/06/2018 17:25:00 Daylight and Sunlight Report Rev2 Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 17:23:57 Response to Consultation Comments Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 17:20:16 Drawing Schedule (revised) Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 17:19:34 Document schedule (revised) Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 17:07:51 Extract from Manual for Streets re parking bay requirements Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 17:05:45 P_56 Proposed Bin Store Details Proposed Drawing
05/06/2018 17:05:18 P_55 Proposed Boundary Wall Details Proposed Drawing
05/06/2018 17:04:54 P_54 Proposed Boundary Treatments Proposed Drawing
05/06/2018 17:04:21 P_22 Proposed First Floor Plan_REV A Superseded
05/06/2018 17:03:52 P_21 Proposed Ground Floor Plan_REV A Superseded
05/06/2018 17:03:20 Site layout plan Superseded
05/06/2018 16:55:22 BIA Rev2_Part4 Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 16:54:44 BIA Rev2_Part3 Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 16:53:49 BIA Rev2_Part2 Supporting Documents
05/06/2018 16:52:52 BIA Rev2_Part1 Supporting Documents
01/06/2018 10:27:28 1 x Response Consultation Response
17/05/2018 17:31:35 1x Response Consultation Response
17/05/2018 16:54:32 1x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/05/2018 11:38:56 Westminster City Council consultation response Consultation Response
11/05/2018 13:36:51 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/05/2018 15:06:19 Copy of Barrie House residents Meeting 06d17 Minutes- final version-6.2.18 Correspondence
02/05/2018 15:05:33 2 x responses Consultation Response
02/05/2018 12:51:05 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/04/2018 14:00:51 2 x responses Consultation Response
18/04/2018 14:38:48 Camden Design Review Panel report Consultation Response
11/04/2018 16:35:21 2x Response Consultation Response
06/04/2018 14:45:34 5x Responses (Redacted) (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/03/2018 12:10:22 Objection (Barrie House Residents Group) Consultation Response
16/03/2018 16:07:27 1 x Objection by Anita Robbins (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/03/2018 15:41:57 4 x Objection by Family Gowers Consultation Response
14/03/2018 12:22:33 1 x objection by Gaurav Jain - JBarrie House Objection Letter (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/03/2018 12:07:54 7 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/03/2018 13:26:36 6 x responses Consultation Response
26/02/2018 15:11:18 1 x comment 2018.0645.P (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/02/2018 14:52:11 1 x comment by Armine Ishkanian (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/02/2018 14:00:51 BIA Audit Instruction Form ABC Correspondence
20/02/2018 12:25:06 Design and Access Statement - Part 2 Design and Access Statement
12/02/2018 12:20:52 1 Supporting documents Schedule BH-01A (updated) Revised Drawing
12/02/2018 12:19:48 20 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 11:12:13 P_52 Proposed Southwest Detailed Bay - Screens Closed Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:10:51 P_51 Proposed Southwest Detailed Bay - Screens Open Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:10:17 P_39 Existing and Proposed Site Section C-C Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:09:48 P_38 Existing and Proposed Site Section A-A Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:09:17 P_37 Existing and Proposed Northwest Lightwell Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:08:45 P_36 Existing and Proposed Northwest Site Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:08:16 P_35 Existing and Proposed Northeast Lightwell Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 10:43:22 1. Application material (Superseded) Superseded
06/02/2018 10:43:44 2 BH Covering Letter Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:44:02 4 Drawing Schedule BH-02 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:44:21 5 Site Location Plan Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:44:40 8 Planning Statement - Barrie House Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:44:58 9 Landscape Statement_Part1 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:45:18 9 Landscape Statement_Part2 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:45:38 10 Transport Assessment Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:46:03 11 Barrie House_Energy Assessment_Part1 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:46:24 11 Barrie House_Energy Assessment_Part2 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:46:47 11 Barrie House_Energy Assessment_Part3 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:47:08 12 Barrie House_Sustainability Assessement Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:47:31 13 Daylight - Sunlight Assessment Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:47:52 14a CMP Draft Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:48:15 14b CMP Pro Forma Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:48:34 15 Acoustic Report Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:48:54 16 Arboricultural Report Superseded
06/02/2018 10:49:14 17 SUDS Assessment Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:49:36 19 CIL Form Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:49:58 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-1 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:50:19 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-2 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:50:48 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-3 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:51:10 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-4 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:51:31 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-5 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:51:55 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-6 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:52:16 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-7 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:52:39 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-8 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:53:01 16033_Barrie House_BIA-Part-9 Superseded
06/02/2018 10:53:23 16033_Barrie House_Design - Access Statement - Part 1 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:54:02 16033_Barrie House_Design - Access Statement - Part 3 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:54:27 16033_Barrie House_Design - Access Statement - Part 4 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:54:53 16033_Barrie House_Design - Access Statement - Part 5 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:55:16 16033_Barrie House_Design - Access Statement - Part 6 Supporting Documents
06/02/2018 10:55:43 Application Form Application Form
06/02/2018 10:57:12 E_01 Existing Landscape Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 10:57:39 E_20 Existing Lower Ground Floor Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 10:58:44 E_21 Existing Ground Floor Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 10:59:09 E_22 Existing First Floor Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 10:59:41 E_23 Existing Second Floor Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 11:00:05 E_24 Existing Third Floor Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 11:00:35 E_25 Existing Roof Plan Existing Drawing
06/02/2018 11:01:38 P_01 Proposed Landscape Plan Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:02:07 P_20 Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 11:02:37 P_21 Proposed Ground Floor Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 11:03:23 P_22 Proposed First Floor Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 11:03:49 P_23 Proposed Second Floor Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 11:04:36 P_24 Proposed Third Floor Plan(2) Superseded
06/02/2018 11:05:03 P_25 Proposed Roof Plan Superseded
06/02/2018 11:05:36 P_30 Existing and Proposed Southeast Site Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:06:04 P_31 Existing and Proposed Southwest Street Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:06:34 P_32 Existing and Proposed Southwest Site Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:07:10 P_33 Existing and Proposed Southwest Lightwell Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/02/2018 11:07:46 P_34 Existing and Proposed Northeast Site Elevation Existing & Proposed Drawing

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.