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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
05/06/2017 13:21:54 Sustainability Docs Camden Road CSH Design Stage Tracker dated 15.03.17 Other
05/06/2017 13:21:44 Sustainability Docs As Built Stage Checklist Other
05/06/2017 13:21:25 Sustainability Docs PV Array Design Other
05/06/2017 13:21:15 Sustainability Docs Plot 140 to 154 - F-1-EPC Other
05/06/2017 13:21:04 Sustainability Docs Plot 1- 164 Buil reg complience rep, 1-PEA, 1-SAP worksheet Other
19/05/2017 09:46:25 CMP submitted 15.05.2017 Camden_Courtyards_DSWP_Audit with appendices Other
01/02/2016 11:38:02 79 Camden Road, - SSoW22 - St Pancras Way Sewer Connection(2) Other
22/01/2016 13:53:39 79 Camden Road - SSoW021 - Temporary Boom Pump Set Up REVISION 04 22 07 2016 (002) (Addendum CMP) Section 106
22/01/2016 13:52:52 pour 1 camden rd (CMP Addendum) Section 106
22/01/2016 13:52:01 Concrete truck specs (Addendum) CMP Section 106
22/01/2016 13:51:06 St Pancras Way Addendum (CMP Section 106
25/10/2014 20:32:47 X1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/02/2015 15:55:43 Legal Agreement - supplemental Deed 79 Camden Road and 86-100 St Pancras way Legal Agreement
14/04/2015 10:56:36 CMP 7 April 2015 Rev A Section 106
14/04/2015 10:58:39 DMP - Camden Rd rev.F additions by 777 05.06(2) Section 106
22/04/2015 16:08:59 DMP - Camden Road Section 106
14/05/2015 14:13:57 Camden CMP 24 April 2015 Rev. A Other
14/05/2015 14:15:26 Appendix C - Master Programme - 79 Camden Road - 2015.04.15 Other
14/05/2015 14:15:57 Appendix D - Camdens Minimum requirements Building construction Other
14/05/2015 14:16:23 Appendix E - PMP - 79 Camden Road - REV 02 2015 04 24 Other
14/05/2015 14:16:48 Appendix F - 79 Camden Road - SSoW006 - Traffic Management Plan REVISION 02 23 04 15 Other
14/05/2015 14:17:11 Appendix F - Phase 1 - Roch Place Open & St Pancras Way Open Other
14/05/2015 14:17:29 Appendix F - Phase 2 - Roch Place Closed & St Pancras Fpth Open Other
14/05/2015 14:17:49 Appendix G - Phase 1 - Roch Place Open & St Pancras Way Open Other
14/05/2015 14:18:09 Appendix G - Phase 2 - Roch Place Closed & St Pancras Fpth Open Other
14/05/2015 14:18:30 Appendix G - Phase 3 - Site Access Still Maintained in St Pancras Way Other
14/05/2015 14:18:47 Appendix H - Camden Road - SSoW002 - Noise Assessent & MS Rev 02 - 24 04 15 Other
14/05/2015 14:19:12 Appendix I - Construction Noise Technical Note RK - CMP APRIL 2015 FINAL Rev 1 Other
14/05/2015 14:19:31 Appendix J - Dust and Emissions SPG 8 July 2014_01 Other
14/05/2015 14:19:49 Appendix J - SSoW008 - Dust Supression & Monitoring REV 02 Other
14/05/2015 14:20:09 Appendix K - Pest Minimisation - Best practice construction industry Other
14/05/2015 14:20:34 Appendix L - Complaint methodology flow chart Other
19/06/2015 11:33:05 S106 79 Camden Road - Primary deed Section 106
11/08/2015 15:57:19 79 Camden Road - SSoW017 - Tipper Truck Movements to Site REVISION 04 23 07 2015(2) - CMP Addendum/method statement July 2015 Other
11/08/2015 16:02:27 SErith Camd15072309070 - Maps for addendum to CMP July 2015 Other
29/10/2015 15:11:33 20151026135806548(2) Other
29/10/2015 15:12:26 SSoW018 - St Pancras Way CAD Layout of Chapter 8 Signage(2) Other
29/10/2015 15:13:03 79 Camden Road - SSoW018 - Addendum to CMP in St Pancras Way 23 10 2015(2) Other
26/06/2014 12:57:54 PLANS Superseded
26/06/2014 12:57:55 DETAILED ELEVATION - ROCHESTER PLACE Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:58 DETAILED ELEVATION - ST PANCRAS WAY Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:58:01 ACCOMMODATION SCHEDULE Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:58:11 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:58:12 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:58:16 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:58:59 ACCESS & INCLUSIVITY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:00 AFFORDABLE HOUSING STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:01 AIR QUALITY REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:02 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:03 ARBORICULTURAL REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:04 BASEMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:07 CIL FORM Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:10 DRAFT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:11 EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:15 ENERGY STRATEGY Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:16 EXTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:18 HERITAGE STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:20 INTERNAL DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:23 NOISE REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:23 PHASE 1 HABITAT SURVEY REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:59:25 PLANNING STATEMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 13:20:36 COVER LETTER Applicant Correspondence
26/06/2014 13:20:37 GROUND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 13:20:37 OS Extract OS Extract
26/06/2014 13:20:38 Application Form Application Form
21/07/2014 15:00:23 Officer Committee Report Officer Committee Report
21/07/2014 15:30:12 Decision Notice Decision Notice
21/07/2014 20:09:28 ACCOMMODATION SCHEDULE Supporting Documents
21/07/2014 20:09:36 PROPOSED 5TH FLOOR Revised Drawing
21/07/2014 20:09:45 GLA STAGE 2 RESPONSE Supporting Documents
21/07/2014 22:07:05 UPDATED DRAWINGS PART 1 Revised Drawing
21/07/2014 22:07:06 UPDATED DRAWINGS PART 2 Revised Drawing
21/07/2014 22:07:08 UPDATED DRAWINGS PART 3 Revised Drawing
03/10/2014 14:36:15 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 15:25:25 RESPONSE NEWLON HT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 15:29:27 COMMENT FROM REED’S AND ROCHESTER PLACE NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION 1 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:22:45 RESPONSE - GLA (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:22:49 RESPONSE - OPTOMEN TELEVISION (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:24:29 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:36:35 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:42:15 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:47:50 RESPONSE X 2 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:00:48 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:03:40 RESPONCE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:03:44 RESPONCE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:09:24 RESPONCE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:12:42 RESPONCE (Redacted) Correspondence
03/10/2014 17:12:49 RESPONCE (Redacted) Correspondence
03/10/2014 18:36:20 X1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/06/2014 20:26:12 TRANSPORT NOTE 1 Supporting Documents
25/06/2014 20:26:13 TRANSPORT NOTE 2 Supporting Documents
25/06/2014 20:26:14 CHP LAYOUT Drawing
25/06/2014 20:26:14 DRAINAGE PLAN Drawing
25/06/2014 20:26:20 DRAINAGE PLAN Drawing
25/06/2014 20:26:21 FACADE MITIGATION FROM NOISE Supporting Documents
25/06/2014 20:26:22 UPDATED INTERNAL DALIGHT DOC Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 02:01:33 RESPONCE X 5 Consultation Response
26/06/2014 12:41:15 RESPONSE - NATURAL ENGLAND Consultation Response
26/06/2014 12:50:40 PART 1 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:50:42 PART 2 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:50:44 PART 3 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:50:46 PART 4 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:50:49 PART 5 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:50:51 PART 6 Design and Access Statement
26/06/2014 12:55:21 TOWNSCAPE VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:55:22 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:57:18 TRAVEL PLAN Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:57:21 WASTE STRATEGY Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:57:24 WIND REPORT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 12:57:44 DEMOLITION PLANS, SECTIONS & ELEVATIONS Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:45 PLANS, SECTIONS & ELEVATIONS Existing Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:46 DETAILED ELEVATION - CAMDEN ROAD Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:49 ELEVATIONS Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:50 DETAILED ELEVATION - INTERNAL COURTYARD Proposed Drawing
26/06/2014 12:57:53 LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS Proposed Drawing

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.