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Application Documents

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EN24/0763 - Scout Hut and Oliver Montessori Nursery School 52 Belsize Square London NW3 4HN
EN24/0764 - 74 Kilburn High Road London NW6 4HS
EN24/0765 - La Cucina 10 Theobald's Road London WC1X 8PN
EN24/0766 - Weatherall Lodge Well Road London NW3 1LJ
EN24/0767 - 7 - 8 Early Mews London NW1 7HG
EN24/0768 - Hillside Court 409 Finchley Road London NW3 6HG
EN24/0769 - 150 Finchley Road London NW3 5HS
2024/4141/P - Central Somers Town Covering Land At Polygon Road Open Space Edith Neville Primary School 174 Ossulston Street And Purchese Street Open Space London NW1 1EE
2024/4143/PVL - Baudry & Greene 20 Endell Street London WC2H 9BD
2024/4144/PVL - Seven Dials Market Thomas Neal Centre 35-41 Earlham Street London WC2H 9LD
2024/4146/PVL - Pret A Manger 106 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 4TT
2024/4145/PVL - Five Guys 264 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7RQ
2024/4140/PRE - 2 St Paul's Crescent London NW1 9XS
2024/4147/PVL - Yamas 42 Camden High Street London NW1 0JH
2024/4148/T - 19 Eton Villas London NW3 4SG
2024/4149/PVL - Cinder 66 Belsize Lane London NW3 5BJ
2024/4150/P - Flat 1 62 Fitzjohn's Avenue London NW3 5LT
Planning Statement.pdf
Senior Regeneration Officer JD_June 2024(2)
Decision Notice - 2024/3254/P
Final decision notice
Section 106 Agreement
EN24/0770 - 104 Judd Street London WC1H 9NT

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.