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2014/4362/T - Eton Hall Eton College Road London NW3 2DW
2014/4363/P - 3 Britannia Street London WC1X 9JT
2014/4364/T - Eton Place Eton College Road London NW3 2DW
2014/4367/T - 1 Rosslyn Hill London NW3 5UL
2014/4368/L - 21 Prince Albert Road London NW1 7ST
2014/4370/T - Eton Rise Eton College Road London NW3 2DW
2014/4371/P - 7 & 8 Tudor Close London NW3 4AB
2014/4372/T - Garden Flat 19 College Crescent London NW3 5LL
2014/4374/P - 10 Linstead Street London NW6 2HB
2014/4373/L - Flat 14 Laney Building Portpool Lane London EC1N 7UL
2014/4375/P - 98 A Priory Road London NW6 3NT
2014/4377/P - 257 Pentonville Road Big Chill London N1 9NL
2014/4378/INVALID - Grafton Chambers Grafton Place London NW1 1LN
2014/4379/L - North Cloister of Wilkins Building University College London (UCL) campus Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
2014/4380/P - 26-27 Bedford Square London WC1B 3JA
2014/4381/P - 102 Camley Street London NW1 0PF
2014/4382/L - 1-2 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3AA
2014/4383/P - 1 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3AA
2014/4384/PRE - Liddell Road West Hampstead
2014/4385/P - 101 Camley Street London NW1 0PF
2014/4386/P - 18 Croftdown Road London NW5 1EH
2014/4387/P - Linton House 39-51 Highgate Road London NW5 1RT

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.