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2025/1062/L - Flat 35 Barnfield Upper Park Road London NW3 2UU
2025/1034/P - 10 Chalcot Crescent London Camden NW1 8YD
2025/0793/L - Melia White House Hotel Albany Street London NW1 3UP
2025/1089/INVALID - Flat Lower Ground Floor Front 42 Malden Road London NW5 3HG
2025/1096/T - University Of London Connaught Hall 36 - 45 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9EX
2025/1114/L - 45 Flask Walk London NW3 1HH
2025/1071/L - Flat 2 12 Lyndhurst Gardens London NW3 5NR
2025/0922/INVALID - 38 St Paul's Crescent London NW1 9TN
2024/5452/L - 30 Great James Street London WC1N 3EY
2025/1000/INVALID - 161 West End Lane London Camden NW6 2LG
2025/1091/T - 54 Parliament Hill London NW3 2TL
2025/1097/T - University Of London Malet Street Gardens Malet Street London WC1E 7HU
2025/1115/NEW - 12 and 13 Primrose Hill Studios Fitzroy Road London NW1 8TR
2025/1051/P - NCP Car Park Drury Lane London WC2B 5PW
2025/1021/P - 91 Castlehaven Road London Camden NW1 8SJ
2025/0474/L - BMA House 13 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP
2025/1075/P - 12 South Villas London NW1 9BS
2025/1090/L - 10 Chalcot Crescent London Camden NW1 8YD
2025/1101/T - University Of London Gordon Square London WC1E 6BT
2025/1116/NEW - 52 Avenue Road London Camden NW8 6HS
2025/1054/P - 42 Flat A Denning Road London NW3 1SU
2025/1031/P - 101 Camley Street London NW1 0PF
2025/0603/P - 27 Belsize Square London Camden NW3 4HU
2025/1085/L - 25 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AF
2025/1094/T - University Of London Intenational Hall London WC1N 1AS
2025/1102/T - University Of London Woburn Square London WC1H 0AB

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.