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Application Documents

The links below are to PDF files. To view PDFs you need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader onto your computer. Help for people with visual disabilities: The files contained scanned documents that cannot be read by screen readers. If this is a problem for you please use the Planning online support form to request an alternative format.

Drawings can be large files. The quality of the image depends on the quality of the original submission.

2024/5575/P - 1 Branch Hill London NW3 7LT
2024/5599/P - 62 Warren Street London Camden W1T 5NY
2024/5721/T - 112 - 124 Haverstock Hill London NW3 2BB
2024/5576/P - 179A Tottenham Court Road Shropshire House Capper Street W1T 7PA
2024/5619/P - Parnell House Streatham Street London WC1A 1JB
2024/5685/INVALID - 127-128 High Holborn London Camden WC1V 6PQ
2024/5728/T - 6 Estelle Road London NW3 2JY
Design and access statement - kiosk o_s Rosslyn Hill.pdf
2024/5426/PRE - Great Northern Hotel Pancras Road London N1C 4TB
2024/5588/P - Offices And Premises At Part Ground Floor Wired 76 Charlotte Street London W1T 4QS
2024/5621/P - Euston Telephone Exchange Euston Road London NW1 2BH
2024/5707/L - 7 Sharpleshall Street London NW1 8YL
2024/5732/PVL - Gail's Ltd 42 Gloucester Avenue London NW1 8JD
2024/5589/P - 2 Milburn Lane London NW1 9FA
2024/5667/A - 100 West End Lane London Camden NW6 2LU
2024/5716/T - 12 South Villas London NW1 9BS
Application Form (No Personal Data)

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.