From: Stark, Stephen (Councillor) Sent: 23 March 2018 09:51 To: Whittredge, Emily Cc: Subject: 2017/6990/P Site Address22 Pilgrim's Lane London NW3 1SN Dear Emily, I met the resident at 20 Pilgrims Lane this morning and we looked at the proposed extension at the above property. I can understand the neighbours concerns that whilst an extension is possible at 22 Pilgrims Lane not to the size and height proposed. This would in my view destroy the openness of the site. I am also concerned on the loss of light and over shadowing. I trust that you also share my concerns and you will ask the applicant to scale back the design and discuss matters with the neighbours. Please can you arrange to visit 20 Pilgrims Lane and see this for yourself. I am happy to meet you on site (morning meetings are generally best) to discuss this with the neighbour. I have copied the owner of 20 Pilgrims Lane into this email. I await to hear from you. Best regards, Stephen Councillor Stephen Stark BSc MBA C. Eng MICE Hampstead Town Ward Conservative Party London Borough of Camden Room 125 Camden Town Hall Judd Street London WC1H 9JE Tel: 020 7974 5257 Mobile: 07467 338862 Surgeries 2nd Saturday in the month outside Barclays Bank, Hampstead High Street NW3 (10.30am-12.00pm) and The last Saturday in the month at Hampstead Community Centre, Hampstead High Street NW3 (11.00am-12.00pm)