From: O'GORMAN, Laura Sent: 30 March 2015 09:20 To: Sadraei, Agnieszka Cc: Kidd, Sandy Subject: RE: Kenwood viewpoint - request for advice Hi Agnieszka, Recommend No Archaeological Requirement Thank you for your recent consultation to English Heritage, Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service (GLAAS), regarding the archaeological interest of this site in relation to the proposed development. The site lies within an area of archaeological interest, but the proposed new build is of a small scale and in this instance I do not feel that the archaeological resource would be compromised by these works. No further assessment or conditions are therefore necessary at this stage. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. This response relates solely to archaeological considerations, however, have passed this on to our Inspectors of Historic Buildings who may also want to comment. Yours sincerely, Laura Laura O’Gorman Assistant Archaeology Adviser National Planning and Conservation: London Laura.O’ Direct Line: 0207 973 3242 Mobile: 07789 928 817 English Heritage 1 Waterhouse Square 138-142 Holborn London EC1N 2ST -----Original Message----- From: Stevenson, Mark Sent: 26 March 2015 13:29 To: O'GORMAN, Laura Cc: Kidd, Sandy Subject: FW: Kenwood viewpoint - request for advice Importance: High Laura, Please can you reply asap to Agnieszka. regards Mark Stevenson | Archaeology Advisor National Planning & Conservation | London direct line: 020-7973-3737 mobile phone: 07789-285761 English Heritage | 1 Waterhouse Square 138-142 Holborn | London | EC1N 2ST Please see our website: Please note that a summary version of the Greater London Historic Environment Record can now be searched online at: For publication pdf of Sustainable Regeneration of Historic Brownfield Sites, please see : Please note I will be away from the office 27 March – 7 April inclusive. -----Original Message----- From: Sadraei, Agnieszka Sent: 26 March 2015 13:07 To: Stevenson, Mark Subject: Kenwood viewpoint - request for advice Importance: High Dear Mark, Many thanks for agreeing to look at this and pass it on to the member of your team responsible for Kenwood House area. As I’ve said over the phone I’d be grateful if I could have your advice by Monday afternoon. Apologies for rushing this through but I've only just been given full information on this proposal and, as usual at this time of the year, there is a rush on our side to spend the rest of the available money and on top of it, it turns out that Camden are raising their per-application fees from c.£250 to as much as £1200 after 1st of April. So it would be good to submit this, with your approval of course as soon as possible. What we are proposing is to re-install an interpretation viewpoint plinth with an etched panel with a panoramic view of London on the elevated point in the 'Stable field' between the Millfield Lane and Cut Through Lane to the east of Kenwood House (see plan attached). This location has been identified by the Landscape Management Plan of 1995 as part of the setting of the grade II listed Stables and sits within the boundary of the grade II* Registered Park and Garden. This area is outside the parkland designed by Humphry Repton, within the land which was bought and incorporated into the estate in 1840 to prevent its development. The proposed viewpoint will be installed on the same spot as a modern pagoda-style gazebo (photo attached), which incorporated a similar plinth with a panoramic view panel, and which was removed about 2 years ago. The pavement for this old structure remains in situ but will have to be altered as the new plinth requires a shallow foundation (300mm as per sketch attached). The new viewpoint will be diminutive in scale (see drawings and visualisation attached), of simple design and executed in good quality material - Portland stone. Due to its low-key scale, good quality design and natural colour, it is my opinion that it will not have a detrimental effect on the setting of the House and the Stables or the ambience of the Heath. As this area is outside Repton’s landscaped grounds, its construction will not have an impact on the design value of Kenwood park. The main features of this area are its elevation and a crescent of forest trees planted on the ridge. Once again, due to its scale and design, the viewpoint will not detract from the informal character of this area. No trees will be removed in the process and as the foundations are shallow and will be kept within the perimeter of the existing pavement, the roots of the nearby trees should not be affected. As a residence of Lord Mansfield in the 18th century, Kenwood House was designed to enjoy the views of London - to serve as a grand suburban mansion that offers respite from the stress and impure air of the big city and yet connects with the metropolis highlighting the important position the owner held within London society and in government. The installation of the viewpoint is in the spirit of this tradition - it will highlight the connection of Kenwood with London and enhance the educational value of visitors' experience. It is my opinion that because of this it will deliver substantial public benefits while having diminutive effect on the setting and character of the heritage assets. I would appreciate your advice on the impact of the proposal on the archaeological interest of this area and hope you'd agree that the proposal is not controversial and should receive support of Camden conservation team. Best wishes, Agnieszka Dr Agnieszka Sadraei Properties Curator (London) 1 Waterhouse Square 138-142 Holborn London EC1N 2ST E-mail: Direct Dial: 0207 973 3393/Mobile: 07554 333 521