From: Richard Simpson < Sent: 30 October 2014 12:33 To: Ampoma, Nanayaa Subject: 6 Edis Street, London, NW1 8LG ref 2014/5983/P: ADVICE from Primrose Hill Conservation Area Advisory Committee Dear Nanayaa, The e-notification doesn’t seem to be working, so here is our advice direct to you. Many thanks for all your help, Best wishes, Richard ADVICE from Primrose Hill Conservation Area Advisory Committee 12A Manley Street, London NW1 8LT 15 October 2014 6 Edis Street, London, NW1 8LG ref 2014/5983/P comments by 30 October 2014 Strong objection: 1. The partial enclosure of the front area to provide a bin store disrupts the pattern of front railings, which is an important part of the special character of the street. We note that recent appeals have been dismissed on this point, for example, on no 6 Chalcot Road, making it clear that this change is harmful, and fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area. 2. We note that the examples cited by the applicant are not valid precedents, and are superseded by the recent appeal decisions. 3. We further note that it would be possible to retain both the sense of an open area, and the pattern of railings by using a pierced cast-iron platform, and retaining the railings as a self-closing gate. 4. More details of the doors proposed for the cellars are needed for an appropriate assessment: we suggest a condition be imposed to require approval of details if this element of the application is to be approved. 5. Similarly, details and dimensions for replacement windows are required, given the general consistency of front windows in the terrace: this too could be managed through a condition requiring approval of details. 6. At the rear, local policy guidance (PH27) requires that ‘Extensions should be in harmony with the original form and character of the house ...’: this proposal is not. The clumsy and inappropriately proportioned rear opening at lower ground floor is harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area. A more appropriately designed extension could also accommodate the needed structure, which is notably absent from the proposal. Richard Simpson FSA Chair