From: Dawson (development), Barry
Sent: 21 August 2013 14:34
To: Gillespie, Allen
Subject: FW: 61 Priory Road London NW6 3NH Attn. Sally Shepherd APP 2013/2212/P

Hi Allen


Can you have a quick look at this and let me know whether to log it as an enforcement?






From: Hugh James []
Sent: 20 August 2013 10:51
To: Planning
Cc: ''
Subject: 61 Priory Road London NW6 3NH Attn. Sally Shepherd APP 2013/2212/P


Ms Shepard


In my personal capacity I am a director of Northfacts Limited the owner of the freehold property 59 Priory Road which immediately adjoins the above property.


As you may be aware I objected to the original planning application on various grounds but understand that application was successful and planning permission has been granted.


You may also recall that at the time of the objection I did mention that rights needed to be resolved to enable the work to proceed should planning be granted.


Whilst I understand that the resolution of property rights between two landowners stands outside the ambit of the Council’s responsibility I consider that I must bring the following to your attention:


1.      The application was to replace an existing conservatory. The original structure leant against the wall between the two properties. The new structure has meant the increase in the height of the wall. I do not see this as a replacement.

2.      Concrete coping stones have been placed on the top of the wall and intrude into 59 Priory Road. The character of such coping stones is intrusive and not in keeping with the wall, the garden of 59 Priory Road or either property.

3.      I have not inspected the work next door but it may be that excavation works are taking place that might undermine the foundations of the wall.


I am happy to supply photographs if needs be. Can you clarify whether the works mentioned above fall within the consent given by the Council?


Please respond to my personal email address .




Hugh James


Real Estate

DD 023 8001 8369





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