From: Faye Shelley []
Sent: 22 July 2010 17:46
To: Faye Shelley; Peck, Amanda
Subject: RE: Bloomsbury Square
Apologies for the delay - my 4pm meeting ran over.
Energy/sustainability info as follows:-
In terms of what is proposed for green measures - boilers, insulation, lighting, heating cooling, toilet flushes etc:
I hope this is sufficient information for your report. As the building is listed we are generally pretty constrained in terms of what we can achieve but the applicants want to ensure that energy savings are made wherever possible.
Any queries please let me know.
Kind regards

Faye Shelley

Gerald Eve LLP
7 Vere Street  London  W1G 0JB

Direct tel. 020 7333 6355  Direct fax. 020 7333 6402
Mobile 07812 140 099


From: Faye Shelley
Sent: 22 July 2010 15:03
To: 'Peck, Amanda'
Subject: Bloomsbury Square

I write to confirm the outstanding points relating to the planning application for Bloomsbury Square.
Surplus office accommodation 
A report prepared by Farebrother Chartered Surveyors in respect of the Midtown office market in 2009 states that during 2009, office supply increased by 37% to 4.3 million sq ft. this increase in supply in 2009 raised availability from 7.7% to 10.2% during the year. This was due to low levels of take up and the completion of development schemes increased the amount of new and refurbished space available by 14% in 2009 from 900,000 sq ft to just over 1 million sq ft.
Available secondhand space increased by 41% during 2009 from 2.3 million sq ft to 3.3 million sq ft. The project for 2010 is for a further increase in supply.
There are a number of buildings in the vicinity with available space. These include:-
Bloomsbury Plaza - 28,000 sq ft of new/refurbished office accommodation.
151 Shaftsbury Avenue - 23,296 sq ft of office space which is currently under refurbishment
Victory House, 170 Tottenham Court Road - 29,888 sq ft of office floorspace which is currently under refurbishment.
There is over 40,000 sq ft of office accommodation available in Chancery House and over 38,000 sq ft of accommodation at 203 High Holborn.
In addition to this, new schemes are being brought forward at 24 Britton Street, Conquest House and 100 Clerkenwell Road.
Cycle spaces
33 cycle spaces are proposed (although only 32 are shown on the drawings)
Channel for bikes
We are proposing a channel attached to the staircase for bikes. There will be no impact on the external elevation as a result of this proposal.
In terms of servicing the current arrangement is a refuse point at the corner of Southampton Place. Refuse vehicles park at the end on the right and load up the refuse and, due to the reverse bus lane being implemented outside the front of the buildings on Bloomsbury Square, this existing arrangement will continue post refurbishment.
The building will not require any additional servicing over and above this.
I am awaiting BREEAM comments which I hope to get across shortly and I trust this is sufficient information for the time being.
Kind regards

Faye Shelley

Gerald Eve LLP
7 Vere Street  London  W1G 0JB

Direct tel. 020 7333 6355  Direct fax. 020 7333 6402
Mobile 07812 140 099


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