Sent: 16 January 2012 18:20
To: Thuaire, Charles
Subject: 30a highgate road - daylight/sunlight

Attachments: 20120116180215329.pdf; 20120116180221638.pdf; 20120116180227537.pdf; 20120116181019646.pdf

Hi Charles,

With regard to your questions, please find below and attached Brooke Vincent & Partners' response.


Mark Pender
PPM Planning

07429 561948
020 8761 6371

185 Casewick Road
West Norwood
SE27 0TA 

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---------- Original Message ----------
From: John Carter <>
Date: 16 January 2012 at 18:12
Subject: RE: 30a highgate road

I have tried to turn this round in short measure as I am out tomorrow morning.
Mr Thuaire's daylighting concern is with regard to the 1st floor. See attachment 1.
The Living Rooms at each end are served by windows in three elevations, four if you count the rebated sections separately. With so many windows, there can be no cause for concern but these can be calculated tomorrow morning if required. Please contact Berna in my absence. See above.  
The north west facing bedrooms are all provided with large windows for the size of rooms and any neighbouring properties are set well away. Good daylight is assured.
This leaves the two central living rooms with kitchens. Recommended average daylight factor (ADF) is 2.0%. The results are 4.77% and 4.60%, which is exceptionally good for central London. See the last two figures on attachment 2. These very good figures will reduce very slightly,  because the architect has provided for a loggia effect with an open framework. I have spoken to him on this matter and I am assured the intention is to make this as light as possible with minimal cross section of materials used.
Turning now to sunlight. BRE specifically excludes bedrooms and kitchens from its numerical criteria. This only leaves Living Rooms.
At ground floor level, this relates to just two rooms, which happen to be open plan to kitchen space. It is this latter title we have used on the ADF sheet because it demands a higher level of daylight, which the rooms easily provide and will therefore be naturally well lit. The sunlight readings on Attachment 3, relate to ground floor W10 and W12. These do not meet BRE recommendations but that is true of about 50% of proposed accommodation, due to the existing constraints imposed upon sites in central locations. This is just one reason why BRE state that their numerical values are given for guidance only and are not an absolute requirement for planning approval.
By moving to the first floor we have a completely different outcome.The figures at the base of Attachment 3, confirm that both of the living rooms would receive sunlight in excess of BRE recommendations in both annual and winter categories.
I continue to report on a scheme that has been designed to be well lit by natural light and whilst two living rooms do not meet the sunlight recommendations, that is not significant in relation to any scheme in this general location.
I almost forgot Appendix 4. This clarifies window locations.
John Carter
Brooke Vincent and Partners
Enterprise House
The Crest
London NW4 2HN
tel: 020 8202 1013
fax: 020 8202 9488
mob: 07796 694921

From: []
Sent: 16 January 2012 13:24
To: John Carter
Subject: Fwd: 30a highgate road

Hi John,

Please see questions below which have been raised by the case officer.

Can I please have your details response today if at all possible as the officer is completing his committee report.



Mark Pender
PPM Planning

07429 561948
020 8761 6371

185 Casewick Road
West Norwood
SE27 0TA 

PPM Planning Limited is registered in England and Wales number 7866759.
A list of Directors is available for inspection at our registered office at
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---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Thuaire, Charles" <>
To: "''" <>
Date: 16 January 2012 at 12:53
Subject: 30a highgate road


I’ve now checked the daylight etc report and am unable to check the daylight results for proposed flats as the window refs used in the daylight tables for proposed flats are not shown legibly if at all on the associated plans. Also there is no ref to 1 st floor flats. I’m not bothered about the 2 nd floor windows as clearly these will comply as they are higher than the proposed flats opposite.

Regarding sunlight, I am surprised that no study has been made of the proposed flats and also the statement that all flats will benefit from sunlight is misleading- clearly the 2 storey block on its SE side will not achieve the 25 degree angle due to the new 3 storey block opposite and therefore needs further analysis, while its NW side will of course receive no sun due to its orientation. The SE facing windows of the ground floor flats will also be affected by the proposed projecting walkway. Has the study on both daylight and sunlight taken account of this?   Again I’m not worried about the 2 nd floor flats as they are not obstructed by adjoining blocks.

Pl can you help!


Charles Thuaire
Senior Planning Officer
Regeneration and Planning
Culture and Environment
London Borough of Camden

Telephone:   020 7974 5867
Fax:               020 7974 1680

5th floor
Town Hall Extension (Development Control)
Argyle Street
London WC1H 8ND

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