From: Bond, Catherine
Sent: 23 April 2013 11:52
To: ''
Subject: Pre-application inquiry ref 2012/1951/PRE - 17 Regent's Park Terrace

Dear Rory


Thank you for your inquiry regarding proposed works to the grade II listed single family dwelling at No 17 Regent’s Park Terrace, which is situated in the Primrose Hill Conservation Area.


I have examined your proposal, and have the following comments to make.  Please note that the internal works you are planning which affect the special interest of the listed building will require listed building consent.  Any works which affect the exterior of the building will require listed building consent and planning permission.


Ground floor


It is noted that the side-hung double doors connecting the two principal rooms are to be removed and sliding doors put in their place.  Clarification is required as to whether the existing doors are historic or original, for instance are they panelled?  Whilst it is traditional to have side-hung doors in this location, sliding doors may be considered if the existing doors are of no historic value.


First floor


No changes are proposed at this level.


Second floor


The proposed second floor layout is considered to streamline the existing situation and subject to detailed design has no negative impact on the historic fabric of the building.


Third floor


The proposed third floor layout changes are considered to be an improvement on the existing situation.  It is noted that a large chunk of fabric will be removed from the corner of the rear bathroom.  If this material has a structural role, however, justification will be required for its removal.




Whilst there is no in principle objection to the creation of an internal bathroom, the location of the entrance door as part of a lobby is questioned.  A preferred option in listed building terms would be to insert a door opening into the chamfered wall in the main corridor area, opposite the bottom of the staircase.


The removal of the shower to create a utility room is considered acceptable, since the enclosure does not constitute original fabric.


Rear elevation


The removal of the spiral staircase from the upper ground floor of the closet wing is welcomed in its own right, and its replacement with a Juliet-style balcony is acceptable subject to detailed design.  Confirmation is required as to whether changes are proposed to the width of the French doors opening onto this structure, as the proposed elevation drawing shows a narrower opening of slightly mean proportions.  The retention of the existing opening width and doors is recommended.


However, there are concerns regarding the proposal to insert a French door in the rear wall of the dining room accessing a sizeable balcony with an external staircase entering the garden.  This design does not accord with advice given in English Heritage guidance on Terraced houses in London 1660-1860.  It is not traditional to erect a balcony and garden staircase in the recess alongside a traditional closet wing at this upper ground floor level.  It is also considered harmful to remove a sash window serving the rear of the main reception room on this principal floor.  I have checked the Council’s records for similar such developments on neighbouring properties, and have no consents for such works in recent years.  However, there would be no issues with the retention of the French windows and spiral stair serving the closet wing.


Finally, I can state following our telephone conversation last week that works of stripping out of bathrooms and kitchens and associated services, which do not impact on the historic fabric of the property, do not require listed building consent.  However, you may wish to submit a brief schedule of such works to us for our scrutiny, so that we can confirm that consent is not required.


If you have any questions on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me either by e-mail or on the direct line number given below.


Catherine Bond BAHons BArchHons MTP GradDipConsAA IHBC
Principal Planner (Conservation and Heritage)
Regeneration and Planning
Culture and Environment
London Borough of Camden

Telephone:   020 7974 2669
Fax:               020 7974 1680

6th Floor.
Town Hall Extension (Culture and Environment)
Argyle Street
London WC1H 8EQ

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