31/03/2022 16:34:16 |
Officer Report
Officer Delegated Report
31/03/2022 15:40:59 |
Decision notice
Decision Notice
04/01/2022 11:04:55 |
1 x objection from Metropolis (on behalf of City of London Corporation) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
19/03/2021 12:23:04 |
1 x Response - Objection (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/04/2021 17:03:21 |
55 Fitzroy Park - LLFA Comment Tracker 31st March 2021
Supporting Documents
20/11/2021 13:46:50 |
Network simulation/analysis Report
Supporting Documents
20/11/2021 13:47:17 |
SUDS PROFORMA 14th August 2020
Supporting Documents
26/11/2021 17:49:45 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/12/2021 17:52:46 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/12/2021 18:07:05 |
1 x response (Comments on Applicant Documents Uploaded 20/11/21)
Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:23:24 |
55 Fitzroy Park - SUDS PROFORMA 14th August 2020
Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:23:40 |
55 Fitzroy Park - SUDS RUN-OFF CALCS 14th August 2020
Supporting Documents
17/09/2020 09:21:49 |
2020.03.13 An Addendum to a Report on Landscape and Ecological Constraints Land at Fitzroy Park (Final 13.03.2020)
Consultation Response
29/09/2020 17:05:33 |
2 x Response
Consultation Response
12/10/2020 10:06:30 |
2020-10-01 55 Fitzroy Park- Foul Sewer Note
Supporting Documents
12/02/2021 16:27:20 |
FPRA submission - 21.01.19 LON 2048 Updated Drainage Comparison Report
Consultation Response
18/02/2021 10:39:06 |
55 Fitzroy Park - Re-Infiltration Test Report (LBH4480i Ver. 1.0)
Supporting Documents
18/02/2021 10:40:24 |
LLFA comments_2018.3672.P_021220(2)
Consultation Response
22/02/2021 13:28:16 |
55 Fitzroy Park JFA overlay report - high res plans (Redacted)
09/03/2021 09:58:24 |
2021-02-23 Comments on LB Camden LLFA Commentary DR
17/03/2021 15:49:59 |
Follow up response from CoL on drainage matters
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:51 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:24:21 |
20183672P - FPRA further BIA comments (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:25:29 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:33:18 |
20183672P - FPRA- CMP & AIA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:34:29 |
20183672P - FPRA Revised CTMP Review Letter Final Rev B (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/08/2019 13:38:00 |
1 x Response LAMAS
Consultation Response
07/08/2019 13:41:06 |
1 x Response Highgate Society (Redacted)
Consultation Response
12/08/2019 11:16:32 |
attachment to Highgate Soc objection
Consultation Response
04/10/2019 10:52:43 |
LBHGEO letter to Camden 23.09.2019
Supporting Documents
04/10/2019 10:53:10 |
Pages from 55 Fitzroy Park - Hydrological and Hydrogeological Impact Assessment LBH4480 Ver. x
Supporting Documents
04/10/2019 10:53:29 |
16-254-190920-01RP REV A dated 20.9.19
Supporting Documents
14/10/2019 12:36:35 |
2019-10-11 ABA Letter to FPRA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
14/10/2019 12:40:36 |
email from FPRA 12.10.19- drainage comments (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/10/2019 20:27:05 |
City of London- Representations 21 Oct 2019 with Appendices v1
Consultation Response
31/10/2019 10:21:53 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
05/11/2019 14:50:37 |
applicant's Drainage Comment Tracker 1st November 2019
Supporting Documents
18/11/2019 16:32:32 |
7122_010_AB Proposed Layout (15.5.19 landscape masterplan converted)
17/12/2019 12:01:55 |
Response to further info request received 21.10.19 (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
17/12/2019 12:03:40 |
Ecology Response to LPA Comments 13.11.19 (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
17/12/2019 12:04:34 |
applicant's LLFA Comment Tracker 11th December 2019
Supporting Documents
20/12/2019 17:01:43 |
ABA - Further comments to LBH Wembley drainage responses 19.12.19
Consultation Response
13/02/2020 10:45:01 |
agents' transport note (LFB Response Note)
Supporting Documents
09/03/2020 16:33:01 |
applicant's LLFA Comment Tracker 17th February 2020
Supporting Documents
09/03/2020 16:33:15 |
SuDS Proforma
Supporting Documents
12/03/2020 16:05:37 |
AECOM 55 Fitzroy Park Technical Note_20200310
Consultation Response
13/07/2020 18:03:00 |
1 x Response - Addendum (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/08/2020 12:50:06 |
Consultation Response 03/08/20 Petition
Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:21:00 |
55 Fitzroy Park - Drainage Report - 16-254-200814-01RP REV C 14th August 2020
Supporting Documents
10/09/2020 15:23:00 |
55 Fitzroy Park - LLFA Comment Tracker 14th August 2020
Supporting Documents
13/12/2018 14:15:00 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
17/12/2018 10:45:19 |
Addendum to BIA Submission Ver 1.1
Supporting Documents
17/12/2018 10:45:39 |
SuDS Statment LBH4480suds Ver. 1.1
Supporting Documents
17/12/2018 12:21:14 |
ABA comments on BIA for FPRA
Consultation Response
18/12/2018 10:36:14 |
arbo report by FPRA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/12/2018 10:46:41 |
1 x Response (City of London) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/12/2018 15:06:45 |
55 Fitzroy Park - CTMP Appraisal Letter Rev D (Redacted)
Consultation Response
27/12/2018 10:47:39 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
27/12/2018 10:48:37 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
30/01/2019 14:04:21 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/02/2019 10:22:44 |
Consultation Response - J. Kennedy (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/02/2019 09:38:21 |
COnsultation response (C Kennedy)
Consultation Response
19/02/2019 08:49:52 |
1 x Response (Redacted) (FPRA)
Consultation Response
22/02/2019 17:16:15 |
55 Fitzroy Park - Tech Note on Fitzroy Park Impact (LBH4480ad ver. 1.0)
Supporting Documents
22/02/2019 17:17:17 |
Campbell Reith revised final BIA audit 22022019-F2
Council's Case
25/02/2019 08:42:34 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/02/2019 12:03:35 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/02/2019 12:06:19 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/03/2019 12:50:20 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/03/2019 16:04:03 |
2x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/03/2019 14:46:30 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/03/2019 12:59:34 |
summary of Council's legal advice on POS policy (QC advice 31.8.18)
Council's Case
18/03/2019 13:43:59 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:46:10 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:47:42 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:52:39 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
22/03/2019 15:35:55 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
25/03/2019 10:57:45 |
Response by Agent 22.3.19 to FPRA objection of 18.2.19 (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/03/2019 15:40:30 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/03/2019 15:42:00 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/04/2019 09:23:24 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/06/2019 18:54:42 |
Covering Letter 55 Fitzroy Park- additional/revised info
Applicant Correspondence
07/06/2019 18:54:58 |
AIA TPP - 55 Fitzroy Park - 18.3.19
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:55:30 |
Supporting Documents
07/06/2019 18:55:47 |
PB6538-RHD-ZZ-XX-CO-R-0001-S2-P01.2 (13-05-2018, LB Camden)
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:05 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:18 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:37 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:52 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:11 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:25 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:43 |
A2010 - Ground floor plan
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:58:00 |
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:58:17 |
7122_010_AB Landscape Masterplan
Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:59:53 |
55 Fitzroy Park - CMP REV Final Version REV D
Supporting Documents
07/06/2019 19:00:16 |
Supporting Documents
26/06/2019 19:54:21 |
First Objection dated 8.10.18 from HHS
Consultation Response
02/07/2019 14:25:35 |
1 x Response KLPA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/07/2019 08:11:05 |
1 x Response H&H Soc (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/07/2019 16:40:42 |
1 x Comment - FRPA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/07/2019 17:20:58 |
1 x Comment - Nexus Planning (Redacted)
Consultation Response
08/07/2019 11:51:45 |
1 x Response CAAC (Redacted)
Consultation Response
30/07/2019 15:06:27 |
Consultation Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/07/2019 11:11:50 |
Consultation response (B Leach) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/07/2019 11:15:13 |
Consultation Response (H&L Ratna) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 15:45:54 |
A Report on Landscape and Ecological Constraints - 55 Fitzroy Park, Highgate (July 2019)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:17:52 |
2019-04-10 Audit Query Tracker Campbell s Reith
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:07 |
2019-04-10 Fitzroy Park - Further Structural Comments on the Basement Proposal (DR)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:23 |
2019-04-10 Fitzroy Park - ABA comment summary
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:56 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:08 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:21 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:31 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:41 |
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 14:45:58 |
Consultation Response (V Plum) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/08/2019 14:49:58 |
Consultation response (A Watson) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/08/2018 11:40:21 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 1
Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:16 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 4
Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:32 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 6
Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:49 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 5
Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:43:39 |
55 Fitzroy Park Ecological Appraisal July 2018 - FINAL
Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:43:59 |
55 Fitzroy Park - CMP REV Final Version
Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:44:16 |
PB6538 Fitzroy Park Construction Noise Impact Assessment_FINAL_NF
Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:44:33 |
13529-Plot 4 Proposed Drawings - PART 1
03/08/2018 11:44:51 |
13529-Plot 4 Proposed Drawings - PART 2
06/08/2018 10:57:54 |
Covering Letter
Applicant Correspondence
06/08/2018 10:58:05 |
Site Location Plan
OS Extract
06/08/2018 11:27:38 |
55 Fitzroy Park - Hydrological and Hydrogeological Impact Assessment LBH4480 Ver2.0 - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:44 |
55 Fitzroy Park - Geotechnical Assessment LBH4480 v2.0 - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:51 |
55 Fitzroy Park Energy Statement - Planning - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:58 |
55FP Statement of Community Involvement SCI - Final
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:04 |
2018-08-01 PB6538 55 Fitzroy Park - Transport Statement - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:10 |
13529-AP-LXX-03-010_Site Location Plan
06/08/2018 11:28:17 |
13529-Existing Drawings
06/08/2018 11:28:30 |
13529-Plot 5 Proposed Drawings
06/08/2018 11:28:37 |
13529-Plots 1-3 Proposed Drawings
06/08/2018 11:28:43 |
180727 55 Fitzroy Park heritage assessment v2 - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:49 |
Tree report- AIA TPP - 55 Fitzroy Park - FINAL
Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:29:02 |
Application Form NoPersonalData
Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:15 |
CIL form Fitzroy
Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:28 |
Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:34 |
Planning Statement FINAL
Supporting Documents
28/08/2018 12:32:25 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 2
Design and Access Statement
28/08/2018 12:32:38 |
13529_55FP-DAS_PART 3
Design and Access Statement
28/08/2018 12:32:54 |
13529-Landscape Drawings
31/08/2018 19:48:43 |
13529_AP-XX-LXX-05-160- sections for plots 2 and 5
31/08/2018 19:48:56 |
A2200 - Sections for plot 4
31/08/2018 19:50:21 |
13529_Design Review Panel Summary (prepared by architect)
Supporting Documents
04/09/2018 14:49:14 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
10/09/2018 12:29:02 |
Fitzroy Park Energy Statement - Planning I2
Revised Drawing
04/10/2018 11:59:42 |
1 x Response (CAAC) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/10/2018 18:49:15 |
neighbour response
Consultation Response
11/10/2018 14:02:42 |
7122_005_D Existing Layout
Supporting Documents
11/10/2018 14:02:55 |
Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 09:06:37 |
1 x Response - CAAC (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:09:13 |
1 x Response - Highgate Society (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:12:50 |
Petition (x6) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:17:24 |
1 x Response - KLPA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/10/2018 10:30:43 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/10/2018 10:49:56 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/10/2018 12:09:16 |
BIA audit form ABC
18/10/2018 14:56:00 |
2018-10-18 Letter to Fitzroy Park Residents Association (re BIA)
Consultation Response
31/10/2018 11:13:48 |
The Heath and Hampstead Society
Consultation Response
07/11/2018 15:42:23 |
4 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/11/2018 18:05:30 |
1. Covering Letter 55 Fitzroy Park app omissions 7.11.18
Applicant Correspondence
09/11/2018 18:05:54 |
Application omissions AMENDED ver 2.0
Applicant Correspondence
09/11/2018 18:07:35 |
4. Updated Air Quality CEMP
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:07:51 |
5. Drg 13529 AP Z1 L00-00-105
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:21 |
6. Structural and Civil Engineering Design Statement
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:34 |
7. Technical Report by SureScreen - Appendix 6 of Ecological Appraisal
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:50 |
8. Site Investigation Report
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:06 |
9. Tree Protection Plan
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:20 |
10. Drg TR26
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:36 |
11. Drg TR27
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:53 |
12. Drg P-600
Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:12:40 |
CMP REV Final Version REV C
Revised Drawing
19/11/2018 16:39:28 |
2018_3672_P Application omissions 20180928 (Redacted)
Consultation Response
22/11/2018 10:10:43 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
22/11/2018 10:13:16 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/11/2018 16:14:51 |
Campbell Reith BIA Audit 23112018-F1
Council's Case
03/12/2018 11:25:09 |
4656 Sustainability Statement Rev01
Supporting Documents
07/12/2018 10:47:00 |
1 x Response (CAAC) (Redacted)
Consultation Response