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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
31/03/2022 16:34:16 Officer Report Officer Delegated Report
31/03/2022 15:40:59 Decision notice Decision Notice
04/01/2022 11:04:55 1 x objection from Metropolis (on behalf of City of London Corporation) (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/03/2021 12:23:04 1 x Response - Objection (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/04/2021 17:03:21 55 Fitzroy Park - LLFA Comment Tracker 31st March 2021 Supporting Documents
20/11/2021 13:46:50 Network simulation/analysis Report Supporting Documents
20/11/2021 13:47:17 SUDS PROFORMA 14th August 2020 Supporting Documents
26/11/2021 17:49:45 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/12/2021 17:52:46 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/12/2021 18:07:05 1 x response (Comments on Applicant Documents Uploaded 20/11/21) Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:23:24 55 Fitzroy Park - SUDS PROFORMA 14th August 2020 Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:23:40 55 Fitzroy Park - SUDS RUN-OFF CALCS 14th August 2020 Supporting Documents
17/09/2020 09:21:49 2020.03.13 An Addendum to a Report on Landscape and Ecological Constraints Land at Fitzroy Park (Final 13.03.2020) Consultation Response
29/09/2020 17:05:33 2 x Response Consultation Response
12/10/2020 10:06:30 2020-10-01 55 Fitzroy Park- Foul Sewer Note Supporting Documents
12/02/2021 16:27:20 FPRA submission - 21.01.19 LON 2048 Updated Drainage Comparison Report Consultation Response
18/02/2021 10:39:06 55 Fitzroy Park - Re-Infiltration Test Report (LBH4480i Ver. 1.0) Supporting Documents
18/02/2021 10:40:24 LLFA comments_2018.3672.P_021220(2) Consultation Response
22/02/2021 13:28:16 55 Fitzroy Park JFA overlay report - high res plans (Redacted) Correspondence
09/03/2021 09:58:24 2021-02-23 Comments on LB Camden LLFA Commentary DR Correspondence
17/03/2021 15:49:59 Follow up response from CoL on drainage matters Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:51 1671-118-06(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:24:21 20183672P - FPRA further BIA comments (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:25:29 2019-04-05 HYDROLOGY OF WATER HOUSE & TIR-NA-NOG (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:33:18 20183672P - FPRA- CMP & AIA (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:34:29 20183672P - FPRA Revised CTMP Review Letter Final Rev B (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/08/2019 13:38:00 1 x Response LAMAS Consultation Response
07/08/2019 13:41:06 1 x Response Highgate Society (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/08/2019 11:16:32 attachment to Highgate Soc objection Consultation Response
04/10/2019 10:52:43 LBHGEO letter to Camden 23.09.2019 Supporting Documents
04/10/2019 10:53:10 Pages from 55 Fitzroy Park - Hydrological and Hydrogeological Impact Assessment LBH4480 Ver. x Supporting Documents
04/10/2019 10:53:29 16-254-190920-01RP REV A dated 20.9.19 Supporting Documents
14/10/2019 12:36:35 2019-10-11 ABA Letter to FPRA (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/10/2019 12:40:36 email from FPRA 12.10.19- drainage comments (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/10/2019 20:27:05 City of London- Representations 21 Oct 2019 with Appendices v1 Consultation Response
31/10/2019 10:21:53 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/11/2019 14:50:37 applicant's Drainage Comment Tracker 1st November 2019 Supporting Documents
18/11/2019 16:32:32 7122_010_AB Proposed Layout (15.5.19 landscape masterplan converted) Plans
17/12/2019 12:01:55 Response to further info request received 21.10.19 (Redacted) Supporting Documents
17/12/2019 12:03:40 Ecology Response to LPA Comments 13.11.19 (Redacted) Supporting Documents
17/12/2019 12:04:34 applicant's LLFA Comment Tracker 11th December 2019 Supporting Documents
20/12/2019 17:01:43 ABA - Further comments to LBH Wembley drainage responses 19.12.19 Consultation Response
13/02/2020 10:45:01 agents' transport note (LFB Response Note) Supporting Documents
09/03/2020 16:33:01 applicant's LLFA Comment Tracker 17th February 2020 Supporting Documents
09/03/2020 16:33:15 SuDS Proforma Supporting Documents
12/03/2020 16:05:37 AECOM 55 Fitzroy Park Technical Note_20200310 Consultation Response
13/07/2020 18:03:00 1 x Response - Addendum (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/08/2020 12:50:06 Consultation Response 03/08/20 Petition Consultation Response
10/09/2020 15:21:00 55 Fitzroy Park - Drainage Report - 16-254-200814-01RP REV C 14th August 2020 Supporting Documents
10/09/2020 15:23:00 55 Fitzroy Park - LLFA Comment Tracker 14th August 2020 Supporting Documents
13/12/2018 14:15:00 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
17/12/2018 10:45:19 Addendum to BIA Submission Ver 1.1 Supporting Documents
17/12/2018 10:45:39 SuDS Statment LBH4480suds Ver. 1.1 Supporting Documents
17/12/2018 12:21:14 ABA comments on BIA for FPRA Consultation Response
18/12/2018 10:36:14 arbo report by FPRA (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/12/2018 10:46:41 1 x Response (City of London) (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/12/2018 15:06:45 55 Fitzroy Park - CTMP Appraisal Letter Rev D (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/12/2018 10:47:39 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/12/2018 10:48:37 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
30/01/2019 14:04:21 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/02/2019 10:22:44 Consultation Response - J. Kennedy (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/02/2019 09:38:21 COnsultation response (C Kennedy) Consultation Response
19/02/2019 08:49:52 1 x Response (Redacted) (FPRA) Consultation Response
22/02/2019 17:16:15 55 Fitzroy Park - Tech Note on Fitzroy Park Impact (LBH4480ad ver. 1.0) Supporting Documents
22/02/2019 17:17:17 Campbell Reith revised final BIA audit 22022019-F2 Council's Case
25/02/2019 08:42:34 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/02/2019 12:03:35 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/02/2019 12:06:19 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/03/2019 12:50:20 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/03/2019 16:04:03 2x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/03/2019 14:46:30 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/03/2019 12:59:34 summary of Council's legal advice on POS policy (QC advice 31.8.18) Council's Case
18/03/2019 13:43:59 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:46:10 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:47:42 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/03/2019 09:52:39 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
22/03/2019 15:35:55 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/03/2019 10:57:45 Response by Agent 22.3.19 to FPRA objection of 18.2.19 (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/03/2019 15:40:30 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/03/2019 15:42:00 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/04/2019 09:23:24 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
07/06/2019 18:54:42 Covering Letter 55 Fitzroy Park- additional/revised info Applicant Correspondence
07/06/2019 18:54:58 AIA TPP - 55 Fitzroy Park - 18.3.19 Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:55:30 55 FITZROY PARK POLICY A2_V3 FINAL Supporting Documents
07/06/2019 18:55:47 PB6538-RHD-ZZ-XX-CO-R-0001-S2-P01.2 (13-05-2018, LB Camden) Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:05 13529_AP-Z1-L00-00-100-A Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:18 13529_AP-Z1-L01-00-101-B Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:37 13529_AP-Z1-L02-00-102-A Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:56:52 13529_AP-Z1-LXX-04-121-A Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:11 13529_AP-Z3-L00-00-110-A Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:25 13529_AP-Z3-LXX-04-131-A Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:57:43 A2010 - Ground floor plan Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:58:00 PB6538-TR24 Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:58:17 7122_010_AB Landscape Masterplan Revised Drawing
07/06/2019 18:59:53 55 Fitzroy Park - CMP REV Final Version REV D Supporting Documents
07/06/2019 19:00:16 190515_VerifiedViews_Reduced Supporting Documents
26/06/2019 19:54:21 First Objection dated 8.10.18 from HHS Consultation Response
02/07/2019 14:25:35 1 x Response KLPA (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/07/2019 08:11:05 1 x Response H&H Soc (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/07/2019 16:40:42 1 x Comment - FRPA (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/07/2019 17:20:58 1 x Comment - Nexus Planning (Redacted) Consultation Response
08/07/2019 11:51:45 1 x Response CAAC (Redacted) Consultation Response
30/07/2019 15:06:27 Consultation Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/07/2019 11:11:50 Consultation response (B Leach) (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/07/2019 11:15:13 Consultation Response (H&L Ratna) (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 15:45:54 A Report on Landscape and Ecological Constraints - 55 Fitzroy Park, Highgate (July 2019) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:17:52 2019-04-10 Audit Query Tracker Campbell s Reith Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:07 2019-04-10 Fitzroy Park - Further Structural Comments on the Basement Proposal (DR) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:23 2019-04-10 Fitzroy Park - ABA comment summary Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:18:56 1671-118-01(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:08 1671-118-02(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:21 1671-118-03(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:31 1671-118-04(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 16:19:41 1671-118-05(2) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 14:45:58 Consultation Response (V Plum) (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/08/2019 14:49:58 Consultation response (A Watson) (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/08/2018 11:40:21 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 1 Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:16 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 4 Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:32 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 6 Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:41:49 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 5 Design and Access Statement
03/08/2018 11:43:39 55 Fitzroy Park Ecological Appraisal July 2018 - FINAL Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:43:59 55 Fitzroy Park - CMP REV Final Version Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:44:16 PB6538 Fitzroy Park Construction Noise Impact Assessment_FINAL_NF Supporting Documents
03/08/2018 11:44:33 13529-Plot 4 Proposed Drawings - PART 1 Plans
03/08/2018 11:44:51 13529-Plot 4 Proposed Drawings - PART 2 Plans
06/08/2018 10:57:54 Covering Letter Applicant Correspondence
06/08/2018 10:58:05 Site Location Plan OS Extract
06/08/2018 11:27:38 55 Fitzroy Park - Hydrological and Hydrogeological Impact Assessment LBH4480 Ver2.0 - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:44 55 Fitzroy Park - Geotechnical Assessment LBH4480 v2.0 - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:51 55 Fitzroy Park Energy Statement - Planning - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:27:58 55FP Statement of Community Involvement SCI - Final Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:04 2018-08-01 PB6538 55 Fitzroy Park - Transport Statement - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:10 13529-AP-LXX-03-010_Site Location Plan Plans
06/08/2018 11:28:17 13529-Existing Drawings Plans
06/08/2018 11:28:30 13529-Plot 5 Proposed Drawings Plans
06/08/2018 11:28:37 13529-Plots 1-3 Proposed Drawings Plans
06/08/2018 11:28:43 180727 55 Fitzroy Park heritage assessment v2 - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:28:49 Tree report- AIA TPP - 55 Fitzroy Park - FINAL Supporting Documents
06/08/2018 11:29:02 Application Form NoPersonalData Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:15 CIL form Fitzroy Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:28 form_7_self_build_part_1_exemption_claim Application Form
06/08/2018 11:29:34 Planning Statement FINAL Supporting Documents
28/08/2018 12:32:25 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 2 Design and Access Statement
28/08/2018 12:32:38 13529_55FP-DAS_PART 3 Design and Access Statement
28/08/2018 12:32:54 13529-Landscape Drawings Plans
31/08/2018 19:48:43 13529_AP-XX-LXX-05-160- sections for plots 2 and 5 Plans
31/08/2018 19:48:56 A2200 - Sections for plot 4 Plans
31/08/2018 19:50:21 13529_Design Review Panel Summary (prepared by architect) Supporting Documents
04/09/2018 14:49:14 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/09/2018 12:29:02 Fitzroy Park Energy Statement - Planning I2 Revised Drawing
04/10/2018 11:59:42 1 x Response (CAAC) (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/10/2018 18:49:15 neighbour response Consultation Response
11/10/2018 14:02:42 7122_005_D Existing Layout Supporting Documents
11/10/2018 14:02:55 13529_AP-XX-LXX-05-160 Supporting Documents
15/10/2018 09:06:37 1 x Response - CAAC (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:09:13 1 x Response - Highgate Society (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:12:50 Petition (x6) (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 09:17:24 1 x Response - KLPA (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 10:30:43 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/10/2018 10:49:56 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/10/2018 12:09:16 BIA audit form ABC Other
18/10/2018 14:56:00 2018-10-18 Letter to Fitzroy Park Residents Association (re BIA) Consultation Response
31/10/2018 11:13:48 The Heath and Hampstead Society Consultation Response
07/11/2018 15:42:23 4 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/11/2018 18:05:30 1. Covering Letter 55 Fitzroy Park app omissions 7.11.18 Applicant Correspondence
09/11/2018 18:05:54 Application omissions AMENDED ver 2.0 Applicant Correspondence
09/11/2018 18:07:35 4. Updated Air Quality CEMP Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:07:51 5. Drg 13529 AP Z1 L00-00-105 Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:21 6. Structural and Civil Engineering Design Statement Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:34 7. Technical Report by SureScreen - Appendix 6 of Ecological Appraisal Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:08:50 8. Site Investigation Report Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:06 9. Tree Protection Plan Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:20 10. Drg TR26 Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:36 11. Drg TR27 Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:09:53 12. Drg P-600 Revised Drawing
09/11/2018 18:12:40 CMP REV Final Version REV C Revised Drawing
19/11/2018 16:39:28 2018_3672_P Application omissions 20180928 (Redacted) Consultation Response
22/11/2018 10:10:43 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
22/11/2018 10:13:16 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/11/2018 16:14:51 Campbell Reith BIA Audit 23112018-F1 Council's Case
03/12/2018 11:25:09 4656 Sustainability Statement Rev01 Supporting Documents
07/12/2018 10:47:00 1 x Response (CAAC) (Redacted) Consultation Response

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.