01/11/2017 10:07:51 |
Appeal Decision
19/10/2017 11:29:46 |
CPG8 (Supplementary Planning Guidance)
19/10/2017 11:29:11 |
H7 - Large and Small Homes
23/08/2017 10:30:28 |
Appendix 8 - 14-day Notice of Closure letter issued by Camden Council
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 10:30:06 |
Appendix 7 (k) - Email response from Camden Council Legal Services re BM fourth letter
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 10:29:44 |
Appendix 7 (j) - Lender fourth response letter to agent
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:06:57 |
Appendix 7 (i) - Agent response to third letter from lender
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:03:03 |
Appendix 2 - Proposals Map Extract
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:03:17 |
Appendix 3 - Photos
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:03:29 |
Appendix 4 (a) - Draft Decision Notice
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:03:44 |
Appendix 4 (b) - Site location map to accompany draft decision notice
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:03:58 |
Appendix 5 - Draft S106 Agreement
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:04:12 |
Appendix 6 - Copy of Camden Planning Guidance 8 - Planning Obligations
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:04:26 |
Appendix 7 (a) - First letter from lender to appellant
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:04:41 |
Appendix 7 (b) - Email response from Camden Council Legal Services re BM first letter - 163 Sumatra Rd
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:04:56 |
Appendix 7 (c) - Agent response to first letter from lender
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:05:09 |
Appendix 7 (d) - Lender second response letter to agent
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:05:40 |
Appendix 7 (e) - Email response from Camden Council Legal Services re BM second letter
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:05:57 |
Appendix 7 (f) - Agent response to second letter from lender
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:06:13 |
Appendix 7 (g) - Third letter from lender to agent
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:06:30 |
Appendix 7 (h) - Email response from Camden Council Legal Services re BM third letter
Appellant's Case
16/09/2015 12:19:45 |
Basement Impact Assessment_Sumatra Road_Rev 2
Supporting Documents
21/08/2017 11:01:45 |
Site Notice
21/08/2017 11:02:37 |
appeal correspondence list
21/08/2017 11:03:32 |
Notification of an appeal letter
21/08/2017 11:03:57 |
CPG1 Full
21/08/2017 11:04:11 |
CPG2 Full
21/08/2017 11:04:26 |
CPG4 - Full
21/08/2017 11:04:48 |
CPG6 - Full
21/08/2017 11:05:07 |
CPG7 - Full
21/08/2017 11:06:08 |
A1 - Managing the Impact of Development
21/08/2017 11:06:27 |
A5 - Basements
21/08/2017 11:06:44 |
CC5 - Waste
21/08/2017 11:07:03 |
D1 - Design
21/08/2017 11:07:24 |
H1 - Maximising Housing Supply
21/08/2017 11:07:43 |
H6 - Housing Choice and Mix
21/08/2017 11:08:04 |
T1 - Prioritising Walking, Cycling and Public Transport
21/08/2017 11:08:26 |
T2 - Parking and Car Free Development
21/08/2017 11:08:50 |
Title and Front Page
21/08/2017 11:13:19 |
APPEAL FORM (Redacted)
Appellant's Case
21/08/2017 14:41:45 |
23/08/2017 09:02:37 |
Appeal Case Statement
Appellant's Case
23/08/2017 09:02:51 |
Appendix 1 - Location Map
Appellant's Case
16/04/2015 03:16:13 |
Existing_Site Plan
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:14 |
OS Map
OS Extract
16/04/2015 03:16:14 |
Existing_Front Elevation.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:15 |
Existing_Rear Elevation.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:15 |
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:16 |
Existing_Ground Floor.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:16 |
Existing_First Floor.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:17 |
Existing_Second Floor.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:17 |
Existing_Roof Plan.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:18 |
Existing_Section AA.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:18 |
Existing_Section BB.pdf
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:21 |
M3 Document
16/04/2015 03:16:22 |
Proposed_Ground Floor.pdf
M3 Document
21/05/2015 10:40:26 |
1x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/09/2015 11:59:59 |
Proposed_Lifetime Home_Criteria
Supporting Documents
16/09/2015 12:00:54 |
Proposed_Front Elevation_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:11:25 |
Proposed_Site Plan_Revision A
16/09/2015 12:12:26 |
Proposed_Basement Plan_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:12:57 |
Proposed_Ground Floor_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:13:27 |
Proposed_First Floor_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:14:32 |
Proposed_Second Floor_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:15:02 |
Proposed_Loft Plan_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:15:38 |
Proposed_Roof Plan_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:16:44 |
Proposed_Section AA_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:17:16 |
Proposed_Section BB_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:17:56 |
Proposed_Section CC_Revision A
Proposed Drawing
16/09/2015 12:18:31 |
SMTRD_E201_Existing_Front Elevation
Proposed Drawing