25/04/2024 12:38:32 |
CMP- Construction management plan
10/04/2024 16:14:43 |
Final Decision Notice
Decision Notice
10/04/2024 16:11:15 |
scanned completed s106(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
12/03/2024 10:28:40 |
Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
26/05/2023 10:39:30 |
Proposed basement plan
Proposed Drawing
08/05/2023 15:22:27 |
BPS Viability Rebuttal 12a West End Lane Maida Vale NW6 4NX - 11.04.2023
Supporting Documents
04/05/2023 13:01:48 |
2020-008 - PL7000A - Area Schedule
Supporting Documents
06/04/2023 14:22:47 |
Revision - Proposed drawings, elevations, sections
Revised Drawing
03/03/2023 11:33:41 |
Revision Flood Risk assessment 21170-FRA-TN-02 P01
Supporting Documents
15/02/2023 17:42:56 |
BPS Viability Review 12a West End Lane Maida Vale NW6 4NX - 15.02.23
Supporting Documents
01/02/2023 16:31:58 |
50-785-R1-1 - Noise Impact Assessment - The Bird in Hand, Kilburn
Supporting Documents
09/11/2022 17:25:27 |
Revision - Water environment technical note 21170-FRA-TN-01 C01
Supporting Documents
11/10/2022 16:09:10 |
1 x response 2022/3430/P - Possible Objection (Redacted)
Consultation Response
06/10/2022 11:44:15 |
HE - Historic England - Archaeology advice 12 West End Lane 20223430P
Consultation Response
03/10/2022 16:49:10 |
4 x responses
Consultation Response
27/09/2022 14:05:29 |
2 x Responses
Consultation Response
07/09/2022 20:51:36 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
07/09/2022 12:08:41 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
01/09/2022 11:28:13 |
superseded 2020-008 - PL7000 - Area Schedule
01/09/2022 11:24:40 |
superseded Proposed drawings
01/09/2022 11:24:19 |
Existing drawings
Existing Drawing
01/09/2022 11:22:16 |
2020-008 - PL1010A - Existing Site Plan
Existing Drawing
01/09/2022 11:22:06 |
2020-008 - PL1000 - Site Location Plan
OS Extract
01/09/2022 11:21:28 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 7_p 73-80
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:21:18 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 6_p 59-72
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:21:06 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 5_p 50-58
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:20:56 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 4_p 31-49
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:20:46 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 3_p 18-30
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:20:37 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 2_p 8-17
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:20:00 |
2020-008 - Bird In Hand Kilburn NW6 4NX - Design and Access Statement - part 1_p 1-7
Design and Access Statement
01/09/2022 11:19:46 |
Cover letter 01(09August2022) Camden Council
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:17:45 |
Flood Risk and Sustainable drainage strategy 21170-FRA-RP-01 C01
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:17:16 |
BIA 17185 - GEO - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX - Geotechnical Report
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:16:52 |
Phase II 17185 - ENV - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX - Environmental Report
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:16:07 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 3 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 4 of 4
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:15:32 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 3 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 3 of 4
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:15:20 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 3 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 2 of 4
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:15:11 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 3 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 1 of 4
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:14:59 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 2 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 3 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:14:38 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 2 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 2 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:14:24 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 2 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX-Part 1 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:14:13 |
BIA 17185 - DTS Part 1 - Bird in Hand West End Lane London NW6 4NX
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:13:28 |
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment 7919 Bird in Hand DBA-Part 3 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:13:19 |
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment 7919 Bird in Hand DBA-Part 2 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:13:10 |
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment 7919 Bird in Hand DBA-Part 1 of 3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:12:32 |
7649 - Bird In Hand - Air Quality Assessment-2206-09nv
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:11:03 |
7193 - The Bird in Hand - Sustainability Statement - 2206-09KP
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:09:46 |
6910-The Bird in Hand Kilburn-Energy Assessment-2206-09vvhy-withappendixV4
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:07:16 |
5344-Statement of Community Involvement-August 2022
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:07:09 |
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:07:01 |
5344-Health Impact Assessment-2022
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:05:19 |
Viability - West End Lane Full VA With Appendices 0722
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:05:01 |
Fire Safety SCUTUM - Bird in the Hand Final Design FSS v1.3
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:04:36 |
R02-AT-Travel Plan Statement 220726
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:04:25 |
R01-AT-Transport Statement 220726
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:04:16 |
LDP-22-P133 1002C Soft Landscape Proposals
Proposed Drawing
01/09/2022 11:04:02 |
LDP-22-P133 1001C Landscape General Arrangement
Proposed Drawing
01/09/2022 11:03:08 |
Daylight Sunlight Assessment DLSLBirdinHand220422
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:02:43 |
CMP - Bird in Hand - 11.06.22
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:02:33 |
Bird in the Hand DandA Landscape Rev C
Supporting Documents
01/09/2022 11:01:50 |
Application Form