13/07/2023 15:33:57 |
Source Control - Attenuation 1in100 year
13/07/2023 15:33:42 |
Source Control - Attenuation 1in30 year
13/07/2023 15:33:24 |
230713 FRA Responses
22/07/2022 14:14:36 |
330 Gray s Inn Road - Planning Permission - 2020.5593.P(2)
Decision Notice
22/07/2022 14:12:12 |
330 GIR s106 - Completed Agreement 20.07.22(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
20/07/2022 14:14:10 |
Decision Notice
Decision Notice
19/07/2022 10:17:44 |
Letter dated 19.07.22 - lift Article 31 to LPA(2)
20/01/2022 15:31:41 |
Letter on behalf of applicant to DLUHC
Supporting Documents
08/01/2022 20:20:50 |
Article 31 Letter (Secretary of State directing the Council not to grant permission on this application without specific authorisation) dated 07/01/2022
Consultation Response
03/11/2021 15:36:28 |
GLA 2021.0172 Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Stage 2 Letter
Consultation Response
03/11/2021 15:35:55 |
GLA 2021.0172 Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Stage 2 Report
Consultation Response
07/07/2021 17:25:19 |
Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital Committee Pack
Officer Committee Report
06/07/2021 18:31:08 |
UCL Ear Institute 06 July 2021 objection
Consultation Response
05/07/2021 11:22:45 |
Ventilation Strategy Statement_210628(2)
Supporting Documents
28/06/2021 12:02:11 |
UKRI Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
25/06/2021 16:03:14 |
Objection Letter to LBC re 330 GIR - on behalf of UCL (Redacted)
Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:03:13 |
Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation (Set 2) - Energy Memo(4)
Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:02:40 |
Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation (Set 2) - Energy Memo(3)
Consultation Response
24/06/2021 21:02:13 |
330 Grays Inn Road_GLA Response_21.6.2
Consultation Response
09/06/2021 17:10:44 |
GLA Stage I Response
Supporting Documents
09/06/2021 15:03:09 |
Noise/Vibration Transfer from The Water Rats
Supporting Documents
09/06/2021 15:01:42 |
330 Grays Inn Road Hotel Report - February 2021 v2
Supporting Documents
25/05/2021 15:38:51 |
BPS Viability Response to Gerald Eve 29.04.21(2)
Consultation Response
21/05/2021 17:52:34 |
GLA WLC assessment template_May 2020 v.1.1-210401
Supporting Documents
20/05/2021 20:53:40 |
TfL FURTHER Initial Comments-Final(2)
Consultation Response
20/05/2021 20:53:13 |
TfL comments additional further comments_developer contributions_200521(2)
Consultation Response
19/05/2021 14:47:35 |
Circular Economy Statement_210513
Supporting Documents
19/05/2021 00:20:02 |
Urban Greening Factor and Biodiversity Response 14/05/21
Supporting Documents
18/05/2021 10:55:32 |
Pre-stage 2 GLA Consultation - Energy_XCO2 Response_210517
Supporting Documents
18/05/2021 10:54:56 |
Overheating Assessment
Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:15:38 |
Updated Viability note
Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:14:53 |
Unit Mix Update_Technical Note_210513 (energy and sustainability)
Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:14:33 |
Socio Economic Benefit Statement May 2021
Revised Drawing
14/05/2021 21:14:15 |
Roof plan with updated UGF scope
Revised Drawing
14/05/2021 21:13:47 |
Internal Daylight Addendum Letter 14.05.2021
Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:12:09 |
Design and Access Statement_Low Res_P01
Design and Access Statement
14/05/2021 21:11:45 |
Covering Letter Substitutions dated 14.05.2021
Supporting Documents
14/05/2021 21:11:23 |
Affordable Housing Statement Addendum
Revised Drawing
12/05/2021 22:18:57 |
GLA Viability Comments
Consultation Response
11/05/2021 17:28:51 |
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report
Supporting Documents
11/05/2021 15:02:54 |
Thames Water - Response
Consultation Response
16/04/2021 11:01:41 |
TfL follow up comments
Consultation Response
07/04/2021 11:16:06 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/04/2021 09:23:46 |
330 Grays Inn Road Addendum Final
Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:17:39 |
LBC Planning Comments_XCO2 Responses_210326(2)
Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:17:14 |
UGF and Biodiversity Response_210317(2)
Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:16:24 |
Response letter to LBC comments_210317(2)
Supporting Documents
01/04/2021 09:15:53 |
Future DHN_safeguarded route(2)
Supporting Documents
31/03/2021 09:41:15 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:39:25 |
1 response
Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:28:34 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:22:43 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/03/2021 09:20:50 |
1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
25/03/2021 11:21:27 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
24/03/2021 18:28:24 |
AQC response to EH comments 8-3-17 with plan
Supporting Documents
24/03/2021 18:10:28 |
Urban Greening Factor and Biodiversity Response_210317
Supporting Documents
23/03/2021 12:57:38 |
Viability Addendum Report
Supporting Documents
17/03/2021 12:14:11 |
Planning Area Schedule Rev 2
Supporting Documents
10/03/2021 22:20:05 |
Flood risk addendum and design strategy addendum
Supporting Documents
10/03/2021 22:18:12 |
Steer Response to LBC_TfL Comments (March 2021)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 16:14:53 |
Revised Health Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:40:05 |
9370-M-GEN-003-1-P0-Energy Centre(2)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:39:33 |
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:35:13 |
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:34:47 |
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:34:19 |
DHN_Argent communication(2)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:33:44 |
9370-M-GEN-599-P0-Building Heat Network Route(2)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:33:22 |
9370-M-GEN-598-P0-Building Heat Network Route(2)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:32:59 |
9370-M-GEN-101-1-P0-Future DHN connection allowance(2)
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:28:30 |
GHA Overheating-in-New-Homes-Tool-and-Guidance-Tool-only_AHMM Comments_v2
Supporting Documents
27/02/2021 09:26:22 |
21/02/25 Energy Response
Supporting Documents
25/02/2021 13:22:55 |
1 x Response - TfL Initial Comments_Final(2)
Consultation Response
24/02/2021 19:38:40 |
Basement Impact Assessment Independent Audit
Consultation Response
17/02/2021 17:08:40 |
Initial BPS Report dated 16/02/2021
Consultation Response
10/02/2021 13:40:51 |
Greater London Authority response
Consultation Response
09/02/2021 21:18:37 |
Area Schedule
Supporting Documents
09/02/2021 15:55:57 |
GLA Stage 1 letter
Consultation Response
09/02/2021 15:55:24 |
GLA Stage 1 Report
Consultation Response
01/02/2021 18:25:47 |
Proposed CGI renders of Wicklow Street Courtyard and Residential Courtyard with links to 360 degree images - https://www.weareink.co.uk/gir9/
Supporting Documents
28/01/2021 11:51:14 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
22/01/2021 14:10:35 |
2 x Response - BCAAC & KXCAAC
Consultation Response
13/01/2021 15:36:21 |
330 Grays Inn Road - Camden_Suds_Proforma
Supporting Documents
12/01/2021 20:16:57 |
BIA Independent Audit
Supporting Documents
08/01/2021 09:09:34 |
Consultation Response
07/01/2021 08:50:48 |
FW: Planning Application 2020/5593/P (Redacted)
Consultation Response
06/01/2021 13:48:05 |
Daylight Sunlight Report (External) Final
Revised Drawing
06/01/2021 13:26:43 |
330 Gray’s Inn Road (ref. 2020/5593/P) - Letter of objection (Redacted)
Consultation Response
05/01/2021 18:08:44 |
1 x consultation response - Archaeology of Battle Bridge - response
Consultation Response
04/01/2021 12:42:55 |
3 x Responses
Consultation Response
29/12/2020 03:35:18 |
1 x Response - Thames Water
Consultation Response
21/12/2020 10:43:11 |
Financial Viability Assessment
Supporting Documents
08/12/2020 21:59:22 |
Drawing Register
Supporting Documents
08/12/2020 12:37:13 |
Transport for London (Engineering) response
Consultation Response
07/12/2020 16:20:10 |
1 x Response - DOC
Consultation Response
05/12/2020 15:14:06 |
Construction Management Plan
Supporting Documents
02/12/2020 11:58:57 |
Proposed Residential Floor Plans
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:52:08 |
Proposed Residential Elevations and Sections
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:38:32 |
Proposed Office Floor Plans
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 11:10:34 |
Proposed Office Elevations and Sections
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:53:33 |
Proposed Hotel Elevations and Sections
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:30:41 |
Proposed Hotel Floor plans
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 10:04:28 |
Proposed Masterplan (site-wide) Elevations and Sections
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 09:40:00 |
Proposed Masterplan (site-wide) Floor plans
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 09:20:31 |
Existing Drawings (combined)
Existing Drawing
02/12/2020 08:39:47 |
Demolition drawings (combined)
Existing & Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 08:32:35 |
Public Realm drawings
Proposed Drawing
02/12/2020 08:29:35 |
Landscape and Public Realm Design and Access Statement Planning Report
Design and Access Statement
01/12/2020 23:56:46 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:55:44 |
Health Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:54:55 |
Energy Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:48:58 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Built Heritage Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:45:26 |
Circular Economy Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:44:52 |
Biodiversity Survey and Report
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:43:47 |
Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:40:11 |
Affordable Housing Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:39:29 |
Archaeological Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:33:17 |
Basement Impact Assessment (BIA)
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:32:22 |
Daylight Sunlight Report (Internal)
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:31:55 |
Daylight Sunlight Report (External) Draft
01/12/2020 23:24:22 |
Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and Drainage Report
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:23:15 |
Noise and Vibration Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:22:34 |
Sustainability Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:21:37 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:20:37 |
CIL form
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:13:31 |
Contaminated Land Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:11:41 |
Covering Letter
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:10:47 |
Fire Statement
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:07:05 |
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:05:06 |
Transport Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:04:13 |
Whole Life Carbon Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 23:03:38 |
GLA WLC assessment template May 2020 v.1.1-201130
Supporting Documents
01/12/2020 17:04:49 |
Application Form
Application Form
01/12/2020 17:04:47 |
Site Location Plan
OS Extract