27/02/2023 11:16:55 |
Campbell Reith - final BCP audit report
20/02/2023 14:44:35 |
230217 - DBCP review_final
Supporting Documents
16/02/2023 13:38:00 |
ZP21-0103-247 TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD-231122 - AKT II comments 230206(2)
Supporting Documents
16/02/2023 13:37:41 |
Design Note - 247 Tottenham Court Rd - AKT II Comments 230203(2)
Supporting Documents
16/02/2023 13:37:30 |
230206 - Fitzrovia temporary works scheme review(2)
Supporting Documents
16/02/2023 13:36:17 |
230215 - WP letter(
Supporting Documents
16/02/2023 13:35:07 |
4190-Detailed Basement Construction Plan_03
Supporting Documents
07/09/2022 10:54:37 |
MMemb-12366-22-010922-DBCP Review D1
30/08/2022 12:57:16 |
CMP- Construction Management Plan (Addendum- approved 24 August)
01/02/2022 16:16:51 |
Demolition Management Plan -DMP combine all files
14/01/2022 18:04:43 |
Demolition Management Plan
14/10/2021 10:36:00 |
2019263-WBD-SW-XX-REP-TW-200-001_Temporary Works_AIP Eurocodes_CG300_P02- Approved AIP
S106 submission
23/09/2021 10:21:53 |
s106 final scanned(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
02/09/2021 13:56:48 |
4486-ST-PR-02-100-TOPO- Level Plan
S106 submission
02/09/2021 13:56:25 |
4486-EX-02-100-TOPO Level Plan
S106 submission
02/09/2021 13:55:56 |
Level Plan Proforma August 2021
S106 submission
18/08/2021 12:32:28 |
s106 final scanned(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
30/07/2021 17:13:19 |
Final Decision Notice
Decision Notice
20/01/2021 15:51:59 |
1. 247 Tottenham Court Road Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
11/01/2021 20:41:21 |
Revised Proposed Roof Plan Rev B
Revised Drawing
11/01/2021 20:41:07 |
Revised Proposed Upper Roof Plan Rev B
Revised Drawing
11/01/2021 09:21:31 |
Residential cycle parking detail sheet
Supporting Documents
11/01/2021 09:20:57 |
Revised proposed ground floor plan
Revised Drawing
23/12/2020 11:07:15 |
Sustainability addendum V2
Supporting Documents
22/12/2020 21:06:17 |
Sustainability Addendum
Supporting Documents
22/12/2020 10:40:11 |
Pre-app Design Review Panel (DRP) Report
Supporting Documents
17/12/2020 17:56:29 |
Revised Proposed Basement 1 Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
17/12/2020 17:56:13 |
SUPERSEDED Revised Proposed Ground Floor Plan
17/12/2020 17:56:00 |
201217_247 TCR Transport Addendum
Supporting Documents
16/12/2020 10:22:10 |
Revised Proposed Morwell Street Elevation
Revised Drawing
26/11/2020 08:52:17 |
Campbell Reith final audit report
Supporting Documents
26/11/2020 08:34:16 |
1 x response (Bloomsbury Association)
Consultation Response
18/11/2020 16:34:30 |
SUPERSEDED Revised Proposed Upper Roof Plan
18/11/2020 16:33:38 |
Revised Proposed Tottenham Court Road Elevation
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:33:13 |
Revised Proposed Second Third Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:32:47 |
SUPERSEDED Revised Proposed Roof Plan
18/11/2020 16:32:28 |
SUPERSEDED Revised Proposed Morwell Street Elevation
18/11/2020 16:31:45 |
Revised Proposed Fourth Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:31:17 |
Revised Proposed First Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:30:54 |
Revised Proposed Fifth Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:25:54 |
Revised Proposed Bayley Street Elevation
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:25:37 |
Revised Proposed Basement 2 Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
18/11/2020 16:24:43 |
Revised Draft Construction Managment Plan
Supporting Documents
18/11/2020 16:24:24 |
Proposed Loading Addendum Note
Supporting Documents
18/11/2020 16:23:10 |
For Information Only - Clouded Updated Plans and Elevations(2)
Supporting Documents
18/11/2020 16:19:07 |
Design and Access Statement Addendum
Supporting Documents
18/11/2020 16:18:47 |
Daylight and Sunlight Letter prepared by Point 2
Supporting Documents
18/11/2020 16:18:31 |
Applicants Amendments and Consultation Response Letter
Supporting Documents
17/11/2020 21:44:39 |
4190_Stage 02 BIA Report_03_no appendicies
Supporting Documents
16/11/2020 17:37:14 |
BIA Trial Pit Plans
Supporting Documents
16/11/2020 17:36:45 |
BIA Site Plan with trial pits
Supporting Documents
16/11/2020 17:36:10 |
BIA Ground investigation letter
Supporting Documents
05/11/2020 16:55:37 |
Preliminary ground movement assessment
Supporting Documents
05/11/2020 16:54:44 |
Building Damage Assessment rev 01 Nov 2020
Supporting Documents
28/10/2020 15:02:02 |
1 x response (The Georgian Group)
Consultation Response
14/10/2020 14:02:12 |
Revised Drainage Strategy
Supporting Documents
30/09/2020 18:36:51 |
1 x response (Bloomsbury Association)
Consultation Response
30/09/2020 13:42:10 |
BIA Audit Report 1 30.09.2020 (Campbell Reith)
28/09/2020 15:56:29 |
1 x response (Charlotte Street Association)
Consultation Response
24/09/2020 10:28:44 |
1 x response (Bloomsbury CAAC)
Consultation Response
18/09/2020 16:33:26 |
1 x response (Westminster - no comment)
Consultation Response
17/09/2020 14:39:28 |
1 x response (comment)
Consultation Response
09/09/2020 16:16:16 |
1 x response (objection)
Consultation Response
08/09/2020 08:21:18 |
1 x response (TfL - Infrastructure Protection)
Consultation Response
20/08/2020 17:08:11 |
Application Form
Application Form
18/08/2020 17:14:18 |
Transport Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:12:33 |
Townscape Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:11:28 |
Drainage Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:07:01 |
Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
18/08/2020 17:06:17 |
Daylight Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:02:51 |
Basement Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:02:20 |
Archaeological Desk Based Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/08/2020 17:01:26 |
Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
17/08/2020 10:58:25 |
247 TCR - Basement Impact Assessment Audit Form A - C
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:27:14 |
Whole Life Carbon Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:23:51 |
Town Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:23:36 |
Sustainability Statement
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:23:24 |
Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:22:28 |
Site Location Plan
OS Extract
12/08/2020 11:22:17 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Upper Roof Level
12/08/2020 11:22:05 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Tottenham Court Road Elevation
12/08/2020 11:21:52 |
Proposed Section EE
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:21:39 |
Proposed Section DD
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:21:08 |
Proposed Section CC
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:20:57 |
Proposed Section BB
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:20:44 |
Proposed Section AA
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:20:30 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Second Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:20:15 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Roof Plan
12/08/2020 11:20:02 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Morwell Street Elevation
12/08/2020 11:19:49 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Ground Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:19:32 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Fourth Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:19:20 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed First Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:18:21 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Fifth Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:18:11 |
Proposed Block Plan
Proposed Drawing
12/08/2020 11:18:00 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Bayley Street Elevation
12/08/2020 11:17:48 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Basement 2 Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:17:38 |
SUPERSEDED Proposed Basement 1 Floor Plan
12/08/2020 11:17:23 |
Preliminary Ecology Appraisal
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:17:11 |
Noise Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:17:00 |
Framework Travel Plan
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:16:39 |
Framework Delivery and Servicing Plan
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:16:29 |
Fire Statement
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:16:08 |
Existing Tottenham Court Road Elevation
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:58 |
Existing Third Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:49 |
Existing Sixth Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:38 |
Existing Section EE
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:29 |
Existing Section DD
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:19 |
Existing Section CC
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:15:06 |
Existing Section BB
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:14:52 |
Existing Section AA
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:14:40 |
Existing Second Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:14:24 |
Existing Roof Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:14:10 |
Existing Morwell Street Elevation
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:14:01 |
Existing Ground Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:13:53 |
Existing Fourth Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:13:44 |
Existing First Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:13:35 |
Existing Fifth Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:13:27 |
Existing Block Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:13:17 |
Existing Bayley Street Elevation
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:12:37 |
Existing Basement Floor Plan
Existing Drawing
12/08/2020 11:11:46 |
Energy Statement
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:11:26 |
Energy Statement Appendices
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:11:17 |
Drawing Schedule
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 11:10:06 |
SUPERSEDED Draft Construction Management Plan
12/08/2020 11:06:37 |
Bat Survey Report
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 10:30:42 |
Applicants Covering letter
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 10:30:22 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/08/2020 10:30:08 |
Additional CIL Information Form