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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
18/08/2021 10:57:34 2020 3116 P FDN Decision Notice
17/05/2021 11:25:23 scan_chxjl04_2020-12-03-17-34-33(2) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
17/05/2021 11:01:12 Second Deed of Variation dated 3 December 2020(3) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
17/05/2021 09:43:19 CGY 2nd DoV dated 3 December 2020 - signed by SSL and WMS(2) (Redacted) Legal Agreement
08/03/2021 09:56:51 3. 2020.3116.P - Camden Goods Yard FINAL Officer Committee Report
07/12/2020 14:42:19 Camden Goods Yard - s73 Permission - 2020.3116.P Decision Notice
12/11/2020 16:15:46 1095_00_07_102_P5 Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:32 1095_00_07_101_P5 Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:18 1095_00_07_105_P5 Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:01 1095_00_07_104_P5 Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:14:44 1095_00_07_103_P5 Masterplan 3rd floor Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 14:00:07 1095_07_07_102 - Block F - 2nd Floor Plan Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:47 1095_07_07_104 Block F - 4th floor plan Revised Drawing
27/08/2020 12:36:56 10x response Consultation Response
28/08/2020 16:52:19 2020-08-23 Re_ Objection for Planning Application - 2020_3116_P Attachment Consultation Response
24/09/2020 17:30:33 KBemb-13398-46-240920 Camden Goods Yard D1 Supporting Documents
09/10/2020 09:15:31 Historic England response - no comment Consultation Response
15/10/2020 08:49:13 INITIAL AUDIT REPORT - KBemb-13398-46-240920 Camden Goods Yard D1 Supporting Documents
22/10/2020 18:30:06 FINAL BIA AUDIT REPORT KBemb-13398-46-221020 Camden Goods Yard F1(2) Supporting Documents
30/10/2020 16:17:54 TfL response Consultation Response
02/11/2020 09:50:46 1573-105D Tree Retention & Removal Strategy Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:24 1573-101D Landscape General Arrangement Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:34 1573-017E Vehicle Circulation Plan Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:45 1573-102B Landscape Hardworks Plan Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:56 1573-002O Landscape Masterplan Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:37:10 1573-103C Landscape Softworks Plan Revised Drawing
10/11/2020 12:19:47 1573-005L Amenity Space Provision Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:51:42 1095_07_07_101 Block F - 1st Floor Plan Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:06 1095_07_07_105 Block F - 5th floor plans Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:24 1095_07_07_103 Block F - 3rd floor plan Revised Drawing
18/07/2020 13:47:39 13508-A Block A Drawings Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:48:43 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 8 PEDESTRIAN LEVEL WIND MICROCLIMATE ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:49:21 AM2004_UP_Camden Goods Yard_TVIA_v7 Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:52:48 AM2004_UP_Camden Goods Yard_TVIA_v7_LOW RES Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:25:29 1573-105C Tree Retention and Removal Strategy Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:25:40 1573-104A Tree Planting Strategy Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:26:53 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:20 Energy Strategy Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:40 CIL Form Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:49 Covering Letter Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:30:28 Masterplan Block B C and F Drawing Register Other
18/07/2020 14:30:41 Noise and Vibration Addendum Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:00 Overheating Assessment Addendum Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:12 Planning Area Schedule Other
18/07/2020 14:31:21 Planning Statement Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:31 Statement of Community Involvement Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:45 Surface Water Drainage Strategy Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:06 Sustainability Strategy Addendum Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:23 Health Impact Assessment Addendum Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:34 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 10 - Heritage Statement Addendum Supporting Documents
20/07/2020 16:52:12 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:06 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.2 Daylight and Sunlight Results Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:23 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 1 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:53 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 2 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:29:33 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 3 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:29:55 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 4 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:11 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.4 Internal DSO Report V3_ISSUE Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:35 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 1 - 3 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:46 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 4 Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01)_Part1 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:31:21 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 4 Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01)_Part2 Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:31:46 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 5 Phase 2a Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:32:06 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 6 Noise and Vibration Addendum Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:32:33 Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.1 Drawings Supporting Documents
23/07/2020 14:47:25 13508-Drawing Issue Sheet Other
23/07/2020 14:47:43 Approved drawings - Block A Drawing
23/07/2020 14:48:32 Combined CGY Consented Landscape Drwgs Drawing
23/07/2020 18:12:15 ApplicationForm Application Form
23/07/2020 18:12:28 ApplicationFormRedacted Application Form
23/07/2020 18:15:43 Heritage Statement Addendum Supporting Documents
24/07/2020 08:00:47 Approved drawings - Block C Drawing
24/07/2020 08:02:54 Approved drawings - Block F Drawing
24/07/2020 08:03:44 Approved Masterplan drawing Drawing
24/07/2020 08:06:40 Approved drawings - Block B Drawing
30/07/2020 14:17:16 1 x Response - Objection Consultation Response
02/08/2020 23:24:10 1 x Response - TFL Consultation Response
31/07/2020 15:39:24 1095_00_07_Masterplan Consolidated Proposed Drawing
07/08/2020 10:14:33 20203116P - Part A - Independent Audit of BIA 1v8 Other
11/08/2020 12:18:43 Camden Yard Basement Impact Assessment July 2020_P08 Supporting Documents
17/08/2020 15:32:19 1 x Response - objection Consultation Response
17/08/2020 15:33:32 1 x Response - objection Consultation Response
17/08/2020 15:52:42 1 x Response - objection Consultation Response
24/08/2020 15:41:31 Objection to Morrisons Development Consultation Response
27/08/2020 10:27:04 Objection template for Morrissons increased height application(2) Consultation Response
18/07/2020 13:29:01 Appendix 10.4 Internal Daylight Sunlight Report V3_ISSUE Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:30:35 Camden Goods Yard - Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01) Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:31:29 CGY Complete DAS Addendum - July 2020 - High Res(2) Design and Access Statement
18/07/2020 13:35:29 CGY Complete DAS Addendum - July 2020_ Low Res Design and Access Statement
18/07/2020 13:37:24 L1620008029_2_Camden Goods Yard S73 Phase 2A EIL Letter Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:38:00 L1620008029_2_Camden Goods Yard S73 Phase 2A EIL Letter with app (Consolidated - LARGE FILE) Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:43:12 1095_02_07_Block B Plans Consolidated Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:43:43 1095_03_07_Block C Plans Consolidated Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:45:42 1095_07_07_Block F Plans Consolidated Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:46:56 1570-CGY-Application drwgs Landscape Proposed Drawing

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.