01/03/2024 11:01:34 |
DMP- Demolition Management Plan
26/06/2020 09:53:30 |
1 x Response (Natural England) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/07/2020 12:42:54 |
1 x Response (CAAC) + 2 attachments (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/07/2020 12:46:27 |
1 x Response (CAAC) - Attachment 1 - Suggested Planning Obligations
Consultation Response
07/07/2020 12:48:02 |
1 x Response (CAAC) - Attachment 2 - Full Response to Application
Consultation Response
07/07/2020 17:17:34 |
1 x Response (Theatres Trust) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/07/2020 13:53:27 |
1 x Response (Thames Water) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/07/2020 14:06:01 |
1 x Response (Conway Hall) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
10/07/2020 11:34:29 |
1 x Response (Thames Water) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/07/2020 17:23:36 |
1 x Response (Neighbour)
Consultation Response
26/08/2020 10:40:41 |
GSM-ORM-ZZ-00-DR-A-12200_revP03_Proposed 00FL Plan - Red Lion - Revised Fisher Street elevation
Revised Drawing
26/08/2020 10:42:15 |
GSM-ORM-ZZ-SO-DR-A-12602_revP03_Proposed South Elevation - Red Lion - Revised Fisher Street elevation
Revised Drawing
26/08/2020 10:43:22 |
GSM-ORM-NB-SO-DR-A-12618_revP02_Proposed Bay Study 15 - Red Lion - Revised Fisher Street elevation (detail)
Revised Drawing
26/08/2020 10:51:33 |
GSM-ORM-XX-XX-RP-A-32003 - DAS update_Fisher Street Elevation
Revised Drawing
28/08/2020 14:08:02 |
Health Impact Assessment - April 2020
Supporting Documents
10/09/2020 13:42:46 |
Independent Audit of Basement Impact Assessment
Consultation Response
05/10/2020 17:42:08 |
Link to animation
Supporting Documents
30/10/2020 09:43:36 |
GSM-ORM-RB-B1-DR-A-12299 - Residential Mezzanine Basement 1_P05
Proposed Drawing
03/11/2020 11:11:06 |
Decision Notice
Decision Notice
21/07/2021 23:28:10 |
Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
28/07/2021 22:31:01 |
Section 106 Agreement Lethaby Building 2020/2470/P
S106 submission
05/06/2020 11:13:40 |
Application Form Redacted
Application Form
05/06/2020 11:19:17 |
Affordable Housing Statement - Gerald Eve - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:19:33 |
Air Quality Impact Assessment - H M - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:19:58 |
Arboricultural Report and Impact Assessment - Crown - April 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:20:31 |
Archeological Desk Based Assessment - L-P Archaeology - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:22:30 |
Basement Impact Assessment - A-squared Studio - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:24:16 |
Built Heritage Statement - RPS - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:24:40 |
CIL Questions Form - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:25:03 |
Completed CMP Pro Forma - April 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:25:21 |
Construction management Plan - Sheet Street - John F Hunt Ltd - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:25:51 |
Employment and Training Plan - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:26:07 |
Energy and Sustainability Statement - Atelier Ten - April 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:26:48 |
Financial Viability Report - Gerald Eve - May 2020 - Issue 2
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:27:15 |
Flood Risk Assessment and SuDS Strategy Report - HTS - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:28:48 |
Geo-technical and Geo-environmental Desk Study Report - A-Squared Studio - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:36:08 |
Internal Daylight and Sunlight Report - Anstey Horne - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:36:39 |
Neighbouring Daylight and Sunlight Report - Anstey Horne - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:37:02 |
Noise Assessment - Cahill Design - April 2020 Rev1.1
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:37:36 |
Planning Statement - Gerald Eve - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:40:08 |
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal - The Ecology Consultancy - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:41:05 |
Regeneration and Cultural Statement - Gerald Eve and Beispiel - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:41:22 |
Statement of Community Involvement - Quatro - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:41:50 |
Structural Report - HTS - May 2020 - Rev04
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:43:04 |
Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment - Peter Stewart Consultancy - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:48:27 |
Transport Assessment - ARUP - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 11:48:59 |
Wind Comfort Assessment - Ramboll - May 2020
Supporting Documents
05/06/2020 13:33:03 |
Design and Access Statement (Compressed)
Design and Access Statement
05/06/2020 14:20:31 |
Location Plan
OS Extract
05/06/2020 14:20:55 |
Lethaby Building - Demolition Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:21:17 |
Lethaby Building - Detail Plans and Sections (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:21:42 |
Lethaby Building - Elevations (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:22:43 |
Lethaby Building - Existing Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:23:03 |
Lethaby Building - Proposed Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:23:25 |
Lethaby Building - Reflected Ceiling Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:24:08 |
Lethaby Building - Sections (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:24:34 |
Red Lion Building - Bay Studies (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:25:00 |
Red Lion Building - Courtyard Elevations (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:25:21 |
Red Lion Building - Demolition Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:25:57 |
Red Lion Building - Existing Elevations (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:26:18 |
Red Lion Building - Existing Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:26:48 |
Red Lion Building - Existing Sections (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:27:07 |
Red Lion Building - Proposed Elevations (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:27:47 |
Red Lion Building - Proposed Plans (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:28:39 |
Red Lion Building - Proposed Sections (Combined)
05/06/2020 14:29:19 |
Theobald's Building - Proposed Plans, Elevations and Sections (Combined)
10/06/2020 10:00:07 |
BIA Audit Parts ABC
Supporting Documents
11/06/2020 16:54:53 |
1 x Response (Crossrail)
Consultation Response
16/06/2020 15:25:17 |
1 x Response (Crime) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/06/2020 14:02:38 |
1 x Response (Neighbour) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
23/06/2020 14:17:48 |
1 x Response (Victorian Society)
Consultation Response
23/06/2020 14:22:15 |
1 x Response (TfL Location Enquiries) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
25/06/2020 12:32:59 |
1 x Response (Sport England) (Redacted)
Consultation Response