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Application Documents

The links below are to PDF files. To view PDFs you need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader onto your computer. Help for people with visual disabilities: The files contained scanned documents that cannot be read by screen readers. If this is a problem for you please use the Planning online support form to request an alternative format.

Drawings can be large files. The quality of the image depends on the quality of the original submission.

Date Created Title Document Type
19/11/2020 11:38:05 Members Briefing Panel Documents - Maitland Park Member’s Briefing
01/10/2020 16:35:29 Decision Notice Decision Notice
23/07/2020 14:05:15 Maitland_Park__HQM_Predictive_Assessment_(updated_230720) Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 09:31:52 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_120-PL12 - PROPOSED GT SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Proposed Drawing
31/03/2020 09:34:51 Applicant's response to Parkhill CAAC - MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_22-PL12 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA ELEVATIONS SHEET 3 - proposed west elevation Supporting Documents
15/06/2020 09:25:43 Maitland Park MMA Addendum Letter 25.03.20 (duplicate) Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:28:21 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_05-PL12 - PROPOSED SITE GROUND FLOOR BLOCK PLAN - Site Waste Strategy Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:28:46 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_10-PL11 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA GROUND FLOOR Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:29:09 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_11-PL15 - PROPOSED AC FLOOR PLANS 1 & 3, AV FLOOR PLAN 1 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:29:31 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_12-PL15 - PROPOSED AC FLOOR PLAN 2, AV FLOOR PLAN 2 & 3 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:29:58 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_13-PL15 - PROPOSED AC & AV FLOOR PLAN 4 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:30:12 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_14-PL14 - PROPOSED AC ROOF PLAN, AV FLOOR PLAN 5 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:30:24 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_15-PL14 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA ROOF PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:30:37 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_21-PL18 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA ELEVATIONS SHEET 2 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:30:50 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_22-PL12 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA ELEVATIONS SHEET 3 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:31:05 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_26-PL16 - PROPOSED AC & AV - GA SECTIONS SHEET 2 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:31:19 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_30-PL13 - PROPOSED GT - GA GROUND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:31:31 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_31-PL12 - PROPOSED GT - GA FIRST FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:31:45 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_32-PL12 - PROPOSED GT - GA SECOND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:31:57 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_33-PL12 - PROPOSED GT - GA THIRD FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:32:09 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_34-PL11 - PROPOSED GT - GA FOURTH FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:32:23 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_35-PL11 - PROPOSED GT - GA ROOF PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:32:36 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_42-PL14 - PROPOSED GT - GA ELEVATIONS SHEET 2 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:32:49 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_43-PL10 - PROPOSED GT - GA ELEVATIONS SHEET 3 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:33:04 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_46-PL09 - PROPOSED GT - GA SECTIONS SHEET 1 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:33:32 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_100-PL11 - PROPOSED AC SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:00 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_110-PL14 - PROPOSED AV SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:13 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_130-PL12 - PROPOSED GT SCOPING ELEVATION SHEET 2 Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:25 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_150-PL11 - AC AV GT CYCLE STORAGE PLANS Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:36 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_500-PL08 - AC UNIT AREA SCOPING PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:47 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_501-PL08 - AV UNIT AREA SCOPING PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:34:59 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_502-PL10 - GT UNIT AREA SCOPING PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:35:15 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_1000-PL08 - AC CIL GROUND PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:35:27 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_1001-PL08 - AC CIL FIRST & THIRD FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:35:47 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_1002-PL08 - AC CIL SECOND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:35:58 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_1003-PL08 - AC CIL FOURTH FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:36:11 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_1500-PL06 - AV CIL GROUND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:36:22 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_2000-PL06 - GT CIL GROUND FLOOR PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:36:39 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4520-PL07 - AC SOCIAL FLAT 2B3P (WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:36:53 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4530-PL07 - AC SOCIAL FLAT 2B4P (WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:37:18 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4532-PL07 - AC SOCIAL FLAT 2B3P (WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:37:30 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4540-PL07 - AC SOCIAL FLAT 2B4P (WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:37:48 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4555-PL07 - AV PRIVATE FLAT 2B4P (ADAPTABLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:37:59 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_4589-PL08 - GT PRIVATE FLAT 2B3P (ADAPTABLE) Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:38:12 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_Drawing_Register Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:38:23 MMA UPDATE - Planning Statement V2 March 2020 Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:38:37 MMA UPDATE - CIL Form 1 CIL
03/03/2020 15:42:07 MMA UPDATE - Application Form (Redacted) Application Form
04/03/2020 15:18:41 MPI_P_06_PL04 - Site ground floor key plan sections and elevations APPROVED Approved Drawings
04/03/2020 15:21:07 MMA UPDATE - S73 Covering Letter V2 (Redacted) Supporting Documents
31/03/2020 09:31:37 Applicant's response to Parkhill CAAC Supporting Documents
31/03/2020 09:33:10 Applicant's response to Parkhill CAAC - MPI_P_22_PL02 approved west elevation Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 15:29:17 Masterplan Units mix study: Floor plans - MPI_P_07_PL04(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 15:30:56 Masterplan Units: LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR UNITS MPI_P_08_PL06(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 15:32:01 ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT GROUND FLOOR PLAN MPI_P_10_PL04(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 15:34:27 ASPEN COURT FLOOR PLANS 1 & 3, ASPEN VILLAS FLOOR PLAN 1 MPI_P_11_PL05(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 15:36:09 MPI_P_12_PL05 ASPEN COURT FLOOR PLAN 2, ASPEN VILLAS FLOOR PLAN 2 & 3 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 15:39:58 MPI_P_13_PL05(2) ASPEN GENERAL ARRANGEMENT UPPER FLOOR PLAN, FLOOR 4 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:12:27 MPI_P_14_PL04 - ASPEN COURT ROOF PLAN, ASPEN VILLAS FLOOR PLAN 5 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:13:21 MPI_P_15_PL04(2) - ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ROOF PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:14:51 MPI_P_20_PL02(2) - ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 1: Existing Existing Drawing
02/10/2019 16:15:08 MPI_P_21_PL05(2) - ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 2: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:18:10 MPI_P_22_PL03(2) ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 3: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:19:11 MPI_P_25_PL02(2) - ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS SHEET 1: Existing Existing Drawing
02/10/2019 16:19:32 MPI_P_26_PL04(2) ASPEN COURT & VILLAS - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS SHEET 2: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:20:24 MPI_P_30_PL05(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT GROUND FLOOR PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:20:59 MPI_P_31_PL05(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT FIRST FLOOR PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:21:53 MPI_P_32_PL05(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECOND FLOOR PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:23:14 MPI_P_33_PL05(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT THIRD FLOOR PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:23:47 MPI_P_34_PL04(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT FOURTH FLOOR PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:24:23 MPI_P_35_PL04(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE - GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ROOF PLAN Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:25:09 MPI_P_40_PL02(2) - GRAFTON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 1: Existing Existing Drawing
02/10/2019 16:25:32 MPI_P_42_PL05(2) - GRAFTON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 2: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:26:02 MPI_P_43_PL01(2) - GRAFTON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ELEVATIONS SHEET 3: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:26:42 MPI_P_45_PL02(2) - 5 GRAFTON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS SHEET 1: Existing Existing Drawing
02/10/2019 16:27:10 MPI_P_46_PL02(2) - GRAFTON GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SECTIONS SHEET 1: Proposed Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:27:52 MPI_P_100_PL04(2) ASPEN COURT SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:28:39 MPI_P_110_PL03(2) ASPEN VILLA SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:29:24 MPI_P_120_PL04(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE SCOPING SECTION & ELEVATION SHEET 1 Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 16:30:07 MPI_P_130_PL04(2) - GRAFTON TERRACE SCOPING ELEVATION SHEET 2 Approved Drawings
07/10/2019 09:41:54 Covering Letter with appendix Supporting Documents
17/10/2019 12:22:55 1 x Response - DOC (Redacted) Consultation Response
23/10/2019 11:49:50 Parkhill CAAC response Consultation Response
03/03/2020 15:25:07 MMA UPDATE - 122 - L03 PROPOSED Landscape GA - rev I Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:25:19 MMA UPDATE - 122 - L04 - PROPOSED Materials GA - rev L Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:25:31 MMA UPDATE - 122 - L05 - PROPOSED Planting GA - rev L Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:25:44 MMA UPDATE - 122 - L06 - PROPOSED Levels GA - rev L Proposed Drawing
03/03/2020 15:25:57 MMA UPDATE - Acoustic Report Rev 4 Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:26:25 MMA UPDATE - Daylight sunlight addendum 25.02.20 Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:26:39 MMA UPDATE - DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT REV H_Part1 Design and Access Statement
03/03/2020 15:26:51 MMA UPDATE - DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT REV H_Part2 Design and Access Statement
03/03/2020 15:27:05 MMA UPDATE - Energy Statement 21.02.2020 Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:27:44 MMA UPDATE - Maitland Park FVA - Feb 2020 FINAL Supporting Documents
03/03/2020 15:27:58 MMA UPDATE - MPI_P_03-PL12 - PROPOSED SITE GROUND FLOOR BLOCK PLAN Proposed Drawing
02/10/2019 14:11:34 Grafton Terrace Entrance Elevation - MPI_P_135_PL04(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:12:17 CYCLE STORAGE LAYOUT - MPI_P_150_PL04(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:29:52 Notice form - notice to be served on individuals if Certificate B or C is completed Application Form
02/10/2019 14:30:01 Notice letter to UKPN(2) Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 14:35:01 Site Location Plan(2) OS Extract
02/10/2019 14:38:13 SUPERSEDED - 16-0565 R02-03 19.09.26 Acoustic report(2) Superseded
02/10/2019 14:42:34 122 - LS04 LANDSCAPING Sections - Aspen Court - rev A(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:42:47 122 - LS05 LANDSCAPING Sections - Aspen Court - Rev A(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:43:15 122 - LS06 LANDSCAPING Sections - Aspen Court - Rev A(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:43:28 122 - LS07 LANDSCAPING Sections - The Glade - Rev A(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:43:56 122 - LS08 LANDSCAPING Sections The Glade - REV A(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:44:13 122 - LS09 LANDSCAPING Sections MUGA(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:44:34 122 Issue Sheet 20190926(2) Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 14:46:59 122 L03 Landscape GA - rev D(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:53:41 122 L04 - LANDSCAPING Materials GA - Rev C(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:54:00 122 L05 - LANDSCAPING Planting GA - rev C(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:54:15 122 L06 - LANDSCAPING Levels GA - rev C(2) Approved Drawings
02/10/2019 14:54:30 5617.1_Arcadis_Maitland Park_Ecology Report Addendum_V2.0(2) Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 14:57:18 Councils Own Development Form - MP 190924(2) Other
02/10/2019 14:58:41 Maitland Park Decision Notice - 2014.5840.P(2) Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 14:59:26 Maitland Park Estate DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT Report 27 September 2019 Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 14:59:51 Maitland Park Variation Permission - 2015.6696.P(2) Supporting Documents
02/10/2019 15:03:45 EXISTING SITE GROUND FLOOR BLOCK PLAN MPI_P_02_PL02(2) Existing Drawing

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.