20/12/2021 15:48:16 |
Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
11/12/2019 16:54:08 |
Construction Management Plan 2019-11-18
Supporting Documents
29/07/2019 10:18:31 |
s.106 1800.1089 dated 9 July 2019 (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
29/07/2019 10:08:50 |
Decision 2018-1528-P dated 9 July 2019
Decision Notice
09/07/2019 14:20:30 |
Final decision
Decision Notice
01/02/2019 14:14:18 |
1 x Response Thames Water (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/01/2019 10:03:43 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (Part 6)
Design and Access Statement
31/01/2019 10:03:12 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (Part 5)
Design and Access Statement
31/01/2019 10:02:39 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (Part 4)
Design and Access Statement
31/01/2019 10:02:07 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (Part 3)
Design and Access Statement
31/01/2019 10:01:00 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (Part 2)
Design and Access Statement
31/01/2019 10:00:04 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A (part 1)
Design and Access Statement
30/01/2019 11:17:26 |
Proposed plans (revised) (0067_PL_006C to 13C, 18, 19 and 20)
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2019 12:09:42 |
BIA Audit
Consultation Response
22/01/2019 18:07:05 |
Energy consumption figures
Supporting Documents
22/01/2019 18:04:20 |
Sustainability and Energy Statement report rev 3
Supporting Documents
18/12/2018 11:45:09 |
Ground Investigation, Basement Impact Assessment and Ground Movement Assessment
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 11:36:33 |
Internal Daylight Assessment - Phase 2
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 11:35:22 |
Landscape Drawing Set
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 11:34:25 |
Design and Access Statement_Rev A
Design and Access Statement
23/11/2018 11:33:50 |
Landscape Study
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 11:28:43 |
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 10:38:44 |
Flood Risk Assessment Report
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 10:27:07 |
Structural Engineering Report and Construction Method Statement
Supporting Documents
23/11/2018 10:25:52 |
Ground Investigation (GI), Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) and Ground Movement Assessment (GMA)
Supporting Documents
20/11/2018 11:30:00 |
Revised drawings (Oct 2018)
Proposed Drawing
01/10/2018 13:58:27 |
Initial BIA audit report
Consultation Response
16/08/2018 17:16:05 |
Revised BIA
Proposed Drawing
16/08/2018 17:10:51 |
Existing (0067_PL_00 and 1A to 5A); proposed (6A to 13A); existing vs proposed (14, unrevised).
Existing & Proposed Drawing
16/08/2018 17:02:50 |
Ground Movement Assessment
Supporting Documents
01/06/2018 14:23:49 |
19 x Responses
Consultation Response
30/05/2018 14:49:21 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
30/05/2018 14:01:13 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
30/05/2018 12:32:11 |
1 x Response CAAC (Redacted)
Consultation Response
29/05/2018 09:31:21 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
29/05/2018 09:05:38 |
1 x Response DPCAAC
Consultation Response
17/05/2018 17:39:23 |
3x Responses
Consultation Response
17/05/2018 16:59:57 |
CAACs Response
Consultation Response
11/05/2018 13:32:04 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/05/2018 11:36:34 |
Design Review Panel Report
04/05/2018 11:06:01 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
27/04/2018 14:47:54 |
2 x responses
Consultation Response
24/04/2018 11:06:44 |
138-140 Highgate Road Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
23/04/2018 13:44:03 |
Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
29/03/2018 14:34:56 |
P1323J1303 - Highgate Road - Daylight Report v2.0 (1)
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:42 |
1 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:34 |
Vol 3 of Archaelogy Report
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:28 |
Vol 2 of Archaelogy Report
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:21 |
Vol 1 of Archaelogy Report
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:16 |
Transport Statement Vol 4
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:10 |
Transport Statement Vol 3
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:05 |
Transport Statement Vol 2
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:09:00 |
Transport Statement Vol 1
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:54 |
Proposed Drawing
27/03/2018 15:08:49 |
Proposed Drawing
27/03/2018 15:08:44 |
Noise Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:39 |
Heritage Statement
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:33 |
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:28 |
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:22 |
Existing Drawing
27/03/2018 15:08:17 |
Environment Desk Study incorporating Basement Impact Assessment Floodrisk Land Contamination and Construction Method Groundwork Assessment
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:11 |
Energy Strategy Report
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:08:06 |
Ecological Appraisal
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:07:26 |
Arb Report v1.0
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:07:21 |
Application Form
27/03/2018 15:07:11 |
Air Quality Report
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:07:05 |
6 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:07:00 |
5 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:06:52 |
4 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:06:46 |
3 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents
27/03/2018 15:06:40 |
2 of BIA Desk Study Appendices
Supporting Documents