25/01/2023 08:37:41 |
s106 DOV Arthur Stanley - Completed 16 December 2022(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
22/11/2021 16:26:09 |
Committee Report
Officer Committee Report
06/05/2020 20:57:52 |
Approved CMP Appendices
S106 submission
06/05/2020 20:57:02 |
Arthur Stanley - Construction Management Plan (CMP) 21C 22.04.20 ver 2 Approved Addendum
S106 submission
06/05/2020 20:53:00 |
ASH Newsletter 01.05.20
S106 submission
04/05/2020 15:47:53 |
ASH Newsletter 01.05.20
S106 submission
11/01/2019 15:37:41 |
Arthur Stanley House - The GP Surgery Marketing Plan (30 October 2018)
S106 submission
10/01/2019 18:48:51 |
Addendum Signed
S106 submission
10/01/2019 18:48:09 |
approved5-TMP-Rev 05 - Updated 19.12.18 Approved CMP
S106 submission
10/01/2019 18:47:06 |
CMP Arthur Stanley House updated Draft 8 updated 19 12 18 Approved CMP
S106 submission
04/09/2018 11:02:50 |
Arthur Stanley House - Decision Notice
Decision Notice
04/09/2018 11:02:26 |
Arthur Stanley House - Agreement pt 2
Legal Agreement
04/09/2018 11:02:05 |
Arthur Stanley House - Agreement pt 1
Legal Agreement
29/08/2018 18:08:23 |
Extension of time email
04/04/2018 17:52:20 |
BREEAM Pre-Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/04/2018 17:51:04 |
Revised ground floor plan
Revised Drawing
04/04/2018 17:50:13 |
Daylight and Sunlight window maps
Supporting Documents
04/04/2018 17:47:34 |
ASH Letter from Point 2 - Daylight
Supporting Documents
04/04/2018 17:46:52 |
Arthur Stanley House - Daylight Addendum Letter
Supporting Documents
07/03/2018 16:20:04 |
Revised Area schedule
Supporting Documents
07/03/2018 16:19:38 |
Covering Letter
07/03/2018 16:19:14 |
Design and Access Statement Addendum
Supporting Documents
07/03/2018 16:18:25 |
Revised Daylight and Sunlight Report
Supporting Documents
07/03/2018 16:18:02 |
Revised CIL Form
07/03/2018 16:17:34 |
Revised Drawings
Revised Drawing
23/01/2018 12:40:11 |
Bloomsbury CAAC response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/12/2017 10:45:48 |
1 x Response - Thames Water
Consultation Response
13/12/2017 09:29:24 |
1x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
07/12/2017 13:20:26 |
Revised bay studies
Revised Drawing
07/12/2017 13:19:43 |
Revised elvations
Revised Drawing
07/12/2017 13:18:46 |
Revised floor plans
Revised Drawing
07/12/2017 13:17:59 |
Revised proposed site plan
Revised Drawing
07/12/2017 13:17:07 |
Revised sections
Revised Drawing
07/12/2017 12:55:09 |
Amendments to Structural Planning Report
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 12:54:22 |
Area schedule
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 12:51:48 |
Covering Letter
Applicant Correspondence
07/12/2017 12:47:06 |
Drainage Strategy
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 10:56:21 |
Daylight and Sunlight Addendum
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 10:55:29 |
Energy and Sustainability Addendum
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 10:51:27 |
Basement Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
07/12/2017 10:50:01 |
Design and Access Statement Addendum
Supporting Documents
23/11/2017 13:53:26 |
Charlotte Street Association response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/11/2017 11:06:50 |
Fitzrovia Association
Consultation Response
10/10/2017 11:12:48 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
12/09/2017 13:53:25 |
1 x response (online)
Consultation Response
12/09/2017 13:52:51 |
1 x response (online)
Consultation Response
11/09/2017 19:17:35 |
1x response
Consultation Response
11/09/2017 14:20:29 |
1x response
Consultation Response
06/09/2017 12:24:03 |
London Wildlife Trust
Consultation Response
30/08/2017 12:39:06 |
Thames Water response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
22/08/2017 12:14:13 |
Historic England response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/08/2017 08:28:15 |
AQ Planning Checklist(2)
Supporting Documents
15/08/2017 08:28:01 |
15068_ASH_Meeting notes re Designing out Crime_170814(2)
Supporting Documents
15/08/2017 08:27:02 |
15068_ASH Designing Out Crime 170814(2)
Supporting Documents
10/08/2017 14:05:15 |
Daylight and Sunlight Report
Supporting Documents
10/08/2017 14:00:35 |
Structural Report
Supporting Documents
10/08/2017 13:56:40 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Statement
Supporting Documents
10/08/2017 13:51:36 |
Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
10/08/2017 13:44:37 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:30:09 |
Demolition Plan first floor
04/08/2017 09:30:01 |
Demolition Plan ground floor
04/08/2017 09:29:50 |
Demolition Plan basement
04/08/2017 09:29:42 |
Demolition plan lower basement
04/08/2017 09:29:24 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 6
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:29:15 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 5
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:29:05 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 4
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:28:56 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 3
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:28:47 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 2
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:28:38 |
Drainage and Flood Risk Report Part 1
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:28:30 |
Design & Access Statement Part 9
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:28:22 |
Design & Access Statement Part 8
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:28:15 |
Design & Access Statement Part 7
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:28:06 |
Design & Access Statement Part 6
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:27:58 |
Design & Access Statement Part 5
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:27:49 |
Design & Access Statement Part 4
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:27:40 |
Design & Access Statement Part 3
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:27:33 |
Design & Access Statement Part 2
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:27:24 |
Design & Access Statement Part 1
Design and Access Statement
04/08/2017 09:26:57 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 8
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:48 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 7
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:36 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 6
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:28 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 5
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:20 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 4
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:10 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 3
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:26:00 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment Part 2
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:51 |
Townscape, Visual Impact and Heritage Assessment part 1
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:42 |
Travel Plan
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:34 |
Transport Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:26 |
Sustainability and Energy Statement
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:17 |
ASH Structural Report Part 6
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:25:08 |
ASH Structural Report Part 5
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:58 |
ASH Structural Report Part 4
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:50 |
ASH Structural Report Part 3
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:42 |
ASH Structural Report Part 2
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:34 |
ASH Structural Report Part 1
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:26 |
Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:18 |
Preliminary Ecology Appraisal
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:24:09 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:23:40 |
Noise Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:23:32 |
Draft Construction Management Plan
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:23:24 |
ASH Daylight and Sunlight Part 2
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:23:16 |
ASH Daylight and Sunlight Part 1
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:23:07 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
04/08/2017 09:22:59 |
Application Form
Application Form
04/08/2017 09:22:32 |
Demolition Plan West Elevation
04/08/2017 09:22:23 |
Demolition Plan North Elevation
04/08/2017 09:22:16 |
Demolition Plan East Elevation
04/08/2017 09:22:07 |
Demolition Plan South Elevation
04/08/2017 09:21:59 |
Existing Section BB
04/08/2017 09:21:51 |
Existing Section AA
04/08/2017 09:21:42 |
Existing West Elevation
04/08/2017 09:21:34 |
Existing North Elevation
04/08/2017 09:21:25 |
Existing East Elevation
04/08/2017 09:21:17 |
Existing South Elevation
04/08/2017 09:21:10 |
Existing South Elevation Streetscene
04/08/2017 09:21:01 |
Existing Roof Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:52 |
Existing Seventh Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:44 |
Existing Sixth Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:36 |
Existing Fifth Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:28 |
Existing Fourth Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:20 |
Existing Third Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:12 |
Existing Second Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:20:05 |
Existing First Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:19:56 |
Existing Ground Floor Plan
04/08/2017 09:19:36 |
Existing Basement Plan
04/08/2017 09:19:28 |
Existing Lower Basement Plan
04/08/2017 09:19:15 |
Existing Site Plan
OS Extract
04/08/2017 09:19:07 |
Proposed Section BB
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:58 |
Proposed Section DD
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:49 |
Proposed Section AA
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:41 |
Proposed Bay Study - East Elevation Upper
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:32 |
Proposed Bay Study - East Elevation Lower
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:25 |
Proposed Bay Study -West Elevation Upper
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:18 |
Proposed Bay Study - South Elevation Entrances
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:10 |
Proposed Bay Study - North Elevation Upper
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:18:02 |
Proposed Bay Study - North Elevation Lower
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:55 |
Proposed Bay Study - South Elevation Upper
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:45 |
Proposed Bay Study - South Elevation Lower
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:37 |
Proposed West Elevation
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:29 |
Proposed North Elevation
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:21 |
Proposed East Elevation
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:11 |
Proposed South Elevation
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:17:03 |
Proposed South Elevation Streetscene
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:54 |
Proposed Roof Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:46 |
Proposed Eighth Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:38 |
Proposed Seventh Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:29 |
Proposed Sixth Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:21 |
Proposed Fifth Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:12 |
Proposed Fourth Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:16:03 |
Proposed Third Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:55 |
Proposed Second Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:46 |
Proposed First Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:38 |
Proposed Ground Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:29 |
Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:21 |
Proposed Basement Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:15:13 |
Proposed Site Plan
Proposed Drawing
04/08/2017 09:14:55 |
Demolition Plan lift overrun
04/08/2017 09:14:44 |
Demolition Plan Roof
04/08/2017 09:14:34 |
Demolition Plan Seventh Floor
04/08/2017 09:14:25 |
Demolition Plan Sixth Floor
04/08/2017 09:14:15 |
Demolition Plan Fifth Floor
04/08/2017 09:14:06 |
Demolition Plan Fourth Floor
04/08/2017 09:13:56 |
Demolition Plan Third Floor
04/08/2017 09:13:47 |
Demolition Plan Second Floor