17/02/2017 16:44:34 |
8 x responses
Consultation Response
24/01/2017 15:52:58 |
**superseded** Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment
Supporting Documents
20/02/2017 17:58:35 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:32:19 |
12 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:52:32 |
56 x responses
Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:53:03 |
Historic England response
Consultation Response
22/02/2017 10:26:10 |
Westminster City Council - No objection to application
Consultation Response
23/02/2017 14:36:20 |
18 x responses
Consultation Response
24/02/2017 15:38:43 |
12 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
24/02/2017 15:43:12 |
13 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
27/02/2017 14:47:47 |
13 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
27/02/2017 14:49:47 |
Council for British Archaeology response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/03/2017 11:47:49 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/03/2017 18:28:48 |
2 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/03/2017 18:29:58 |
Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/03/2017 14:04:53 |
MHA - BIA audit report - version D1
10/03/2017 15:34:27 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/03/2017 14:08:49 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
15/03/2017 14:15:44 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
03/04/2017 14:29:01 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
12/04/2017 16:12:50 |
1 x response (The Fitzrovia Partnership BID) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/04/2017 12:02:59 |
Cover letter to accompany revised plans and documents
Applicant Correspondence
13/04/2017 12:04:39 |
Heritage Statement Middlesex Hospital Annexe 17 03 17 (Revised)
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:05:19 |
MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 1 Draft Architectural Appraisal Donald Insall 2006
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:05:40 |
MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 2 Certificate of Immunity request KM Heritage 2012
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:03 |
MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 3 Former Strand Union Workhouse List Entry Summary English Heritage 2011
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:22 |
MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 4 Charlotte Street CA appraisal LBC 2008
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:44 |
MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 5 Charlotte Street West CAA SPG WCC 2002
Supporting Documents
16/02/2017 15:33:47 |
1 x response Lynda Nead (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/04/2017 12:07:46 |
Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment April 2017
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:08:34 |
**superseded** Historic Environment Assessment - MOLA
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:20:51 |
Proposed floor plans (**part superseded - levels B1,00,02)
Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:32:21 |
Proposed elevations and sections (**part superseded - Elev 01,02,03,04, Sections AA,BB, JJ-LL)
Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:39:45 |
Listed building - proposed elevations, floor plans and sections (**part superseded - elevs 03 + 04)
Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:42:04 |
Proposed landscape plans (revised)
Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:48:28 |
Lifetime Homes - all units (** Type 30 superseded)
Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:50:20 |
Design Revision Report - part 1
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:50:45 |
Design Revision Report - part 2
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:51:17 |
Design Revision Report - part 3
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:52:21 |
Design Revision Report - part 4
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:53:22 |
Design Revision Report - part 5
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:53:56 |
Design Revision Report - part 6
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:54:45 |
Design Revision Report - part 7
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:56:05 |
Design Revision Report - part 8
Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 14:32:10 |
**superseded** Drawing Register Rev. A
19/04/2017 08:13:24 |
TFL comments
Consultation Response
20/04/2017 13:47:04 |
1 x Response - Thames Water
Consultation Response
24/04/2017 08:21:53 |
Aecom cover letter with additional BIA docs
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:23:10 |
Middlesex Hospital Annexe Phase 1 Desk Study Report (BIA)
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:26:02 |
Basement Impact Assessment (Issue 2)
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:26:54 |
Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretative Report (BIA) (Issue 1)
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:28:20 |
Preliminary Ground Movement Assessment (BIA) (Issue 1)
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:29:02 |
Site Investigation Data Report (BIA) (Issue 1)
Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 11:01:41 |
Designing Out Crime Officer comments
Consultation Response
02/05/2017 10:48:31 |
Westminster City Council - No objection to application
Consultation Response
04/05/2017 09:12:41 |
Historic England response
Consultation Response
10/05/2017 13:36:56 |
x1 response (CAAC)
Consultation Response
15/05/2017 16:02:15 |
GLAAS comments
Consultation Response
16/05/2017 22:04:57 |
x1 response
Consultation Response
19/05/2017 14:24:15 |
Middlesex Hospital Annex - BIA audit report - version F1
05/06/2017 13:24:45 |
Additional Information - Daylight / Sunlight
Supporting Documents
05/06/2017 13:25:37 |
Applicant response to Consultation & Council Comments - letter dated 2.6.17
Supporting Documents
05/06/2017 13:26:24 |
P_GA_00 General Arrangement Level 00 Rev B **revised**
Revised Drawing
05/06/2017 13:26:47 |
**superseded** P_GA_B1 General Arrangement Level B1 Rev B
05/06/2017 13:28:19 |
**superseded** Document register and issue sheet Rev B (dated 2.6.17)
08/06/2017 09:10:49 |
Additional Information - North Wing Alcoves
Supporting Documents
12/06/2017 11:57:04 |
**Revised** CIL Form
12/06/2017 16:12:22 |
1x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/06/2017 14:21:44 |
HE GLAAS comments
Consultation Response
15/06/2017 15:20:42 |
Historic Environment Assessment (updated)
Supporting Documents
17/06/2017 12:32:42 |
Drawing Register (superseded)
17/06/2017 12:34:46 |
E_00_01-02-B Proposed Elevations 01 & 02 RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:35:56 |
E_01_03-04-B Proposed Elevations 03 & 04 RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:36:56 |
E_LB_03-04-B Listed Building Proposed Elevation 03 & 04 RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:37:26 |
LFT-30-B Lifetime Homes Unit Type 30 RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:38:09 |
P_GA_02-B General Arrangement Level 02 RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:38:35 |
P_GA_B1-C General Arrangement Level B1 RevC
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:00 |
P_GA_LB_B1-B Listed Building GA Level B1
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:24 |
P-XTG-L02-A Existing Second Floor RevA
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:49 |
S_01_AA-BB-B Proposed Sections AA & BB RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:40:35 |
S_05_JJ-LL-B Proposed Sections JJ-LL RevB
Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:42:06 |
**Revised** Existing view 5
Supporting Documents
17/06/2017 12:42:57 |
**Revised** Proposed view 5
Supporting Documents
19/06/2017 14:45:50 |
15 x Responses
Consultation Response
20/06/2017 16:03:34 |
Drawing Register - updated 20.6.17
29/06/2017 17:52:09 |
1x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/07/2017 13:45:36 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
05/07/2017 12:46:00 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
10/07/2017 12:37:48 |
4 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
11/07/2017 14:15:55 |
Online Response
Consultation Response
13/07/2017 15:02:03 |
Committee report (applications 2017/0414/P & 2017/0415/L) former Workhouse Building (Grade II listed); North House & South Houses (fronting onto Cleveland Street); Bedford Passage; public open space; part of boundary wall
Officer Committee Report
19/07/2017 14:05:29 |
1x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/01/2018 16:31:21 |
Middlesex Hospital - Decision
Decision Notice
15/01/2018 16:31:44 |
Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 1
Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:32:10 |
Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 2
Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:32:33 |
Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 3
Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:33:00 |
Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 4
Legal Agreement
02/07/2018 11:11:24 |
DMP Final 19_06_2018 - Approved DMP
S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:11:50 |
DMP_22_C2 Left turn Sign relocation
S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:34:22 |
DMP ReferencesNo3 DMP23_29
S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:34:59 |
DMP ReferencesNo5 DMP40_42
S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:43:40 |
DMP ReferencesNo4 DMP30_39
S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:20:48 |
2019 10 29 Forum meeting notes
S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:21:18 |
S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:21:55 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:03:37 |
BCP - Letter Camden Council 17_12_20 v.2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:03:58 |
BCP - 2.25.C.3.xii Basement Construction Plan discharge letter
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:04:50 |
BCP - Historic England - Middlesex Hospital Annex - Area 2A sign-off - CLO32670
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:05:10 |
BCP - Letter - GLAAS 08_12_20_v.2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:05:46 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:06:36 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:20:17 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:21:37 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01001-T7
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:21:55 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01012-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:13 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01013-T6
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:32 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B2-DR-SE-01000-T3
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:54 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-GF-DR-SE-01002-T7
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:23:18 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-GF-DR-SE-01106-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:23:39 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-00050-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:09 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-01014-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:36 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-03000-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:54 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-03001-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:25:15 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04001-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:25:48 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04002-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:07 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04003-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:30 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04004-T8
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:49 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04005-T7
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:27:08 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04008-T7
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:27:33 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04009-T7
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:28:01 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04013-T4
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:28:19 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04014-T2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:14 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04015-T2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:35 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05001-T5
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:56 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05003-T6
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:18 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05004-T5
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:37 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05005-T2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:59 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05006-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:20 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1001-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:38 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1002-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:56 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1003-T2
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:13 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1004-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:31 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1005-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:49 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1006-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:07 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1007-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:24 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1008-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:54 |
BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-P1-DR-SE-001001-T1
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:34:22 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:34:53 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:17 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:39 |
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:59 |
BCP - Middlesex Annex WSI Addendum v.6
S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:37:23 |
BCP - Middlesex Annex WSI V.10
S106 submission
16/02/2023 15:41:58 |
Revised CMP
24/01/2017 15:51:23 |
Energy Statement
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:50:47 |
Phase 1 Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Desk Study Report
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:50:00 |
General Notes on Structural Report Drawings
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:49:09 |
Structural Report: Proposed Roof Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:48:30 |
Structural Report: Proposed Basement Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:47:36 |
Structural Report: Proposed Fourth Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:46:35 |
Structural Report: Proposed Third Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:45:24 |
Structural Report: Proposed Second Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:44:12 |
Structural Report: Proposed First Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:41:54 |
Structural Report: Proposed Ground Floor Plan - Workhouse
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:40:44 |
Structural Report: Proposed Roof Plan - North and South Houses
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:39:55 |
Structural Report: Proposed Basement Floor Plan - North and South Houses
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:36:22 |
Structural Report: Proposed Second Floor Plan - North and South Houses
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:35:41 |
Structural Report: Proposed First Floor Plan - North and South Houses
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:34:04 |
Structural Report: Proposed Ground Floor Plan - North and South Houses
Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:25:31 |
Structural and Civil Engineering Report
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:24:44 |
Historic Building Structural Engineering Report
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:16:56 |
Stormwater Runoff Attenuation Strategy
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:14:16 |
Flood Risk Assessment
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:13:39 |
Basement Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:13:02 |
**superseded** Heritage Statement
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:12:32 |
Sustainability Statement
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:12:00 |
Construction Management Plan
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:10:48 |
Travel Plan
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:10:13 |
Transport Assessment
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:09:38 |
Acoustic Assessment
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:09:01 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:08:05 |
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:07:14 |
Bat Survey
Supporting Documents
16/02/2017 15:39:37 |
1 x response Simon Woods (PhD) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:45:16 |
1 x response - T CF Stunt (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:51:08 |
1 x response - Beth Sutton-Ramspeck (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:56:46 |
1 x response Heather Hind (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 17:08:26 |
1 x response Lou Hamilton (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 17:56:44 |
2017.0414.P David Foss (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:07:38 |
1 x response Steven J Scheinman (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:14:03 |
1 x response Tony French (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:19:36 |
1 x response - Dr Christopher Derrett (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:24:36 |
1 x response Lucinda Dickens Hawksley (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:27:09 |
1 x response LP Birley (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:55:58 |
1 x response William Stefanelli (Redacted)
Consultation Response
17/02/2017 15:37:59 |
7 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:39:19 |
Application Form
Application Form
24/01/2017 14:39:44 |
**superseded** CIL Form
20/02/2017 16:42:33 |
10 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:40:10 |
Cover letter
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:40:39 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:41:29 |
Statement of Community Involvement
24/01/2017 14:42:03 |
Site Waste Management Plan
Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:52:47 |
D&A - part 1 and 2 (Context)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:53:21 |
D&A - Part 3 (Design Evolution)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:54:19 |
D&A - Part 4 - (Design Evolution part 02)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:54:46 |
D&A - Part 5 (Public Consultation)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:55:13 |
D&A - Part 6 (Revised Scheme)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:55:43 |
D&A - Part 7 (Revised Scheme 2)
Design and Access Statement
27/02/2017 13:37:55 |
6 x responses
Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:56:06 |
D&A - Part 8 (Design Review)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:56:36 |
D&A - Part 9 (Landscape)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:57:05 |
D&A - Part 10 (Accommodation)
Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:57:34 |
D&A - Part 11 (Elevations)
Design and Access Statement
25/01/2017 14:03:31 |
SP-01_Site location plan
OS Extract
25/01/2017 14:05:43 |
Existing Plans, Elevations + Sections (**part superseded - Extg 2nd floor)
Existing Drawing
25/01/2017 14:07:35 |
Demolition drawings
25/01/2017 14:14:19 |
Listed Building - Existing Plans, Elevations and Sections
Existing Drawing
25/01/2017 14:16:42 |
Listed Building - Demolition drawings
25/01/2017 14:18:46 |
**superseded** Listed Building - Proposed Plans, Elevations and Sections
Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:20:37 |
**superseded** Proposed Floor Plans
Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:26:07 |
**superseded** Proposed Elevations and Sections and Detailed Facades
Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:34:25 |
**superseded** Lifetime Homes Schedules
25/01/2017 14:35:42 |
**superseded** Proposed Landscaping Drawings
Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:36:49 |
**superseded** Drawing Issue Sheet dated 20.1.17
25/01/2017 15:46:47 |
Pre-Application: Report of Camden Design Review Panel - Middlesex Hospital Annex - 21.6.16
25/01/2017 15:47:09 |
Pre-Application: Report of Camden Design Review Panel No. 2 - Middlesex Hospital Annex - 16.12.16
25/01/2017 15:47:35 |
Pre-Application: Meeting notes 17.11.16
25/01/2017 15:50:53 |
Pre-Application: Meeting Notes 21.12.16
27/01/2017 08:56:23 |
MHA - BIA audit instruction form - ABCD - No personal details
31/01/2017 17:40:22 |
**superseded** Document Issue Sheet dated 20.1.17 (Aecom) (Redacted)
31/01/2017 15:01:31 |
Thames Water comments
Consultation Response
09/02/2017 09:23:55 |
MHA Site Notices
09/02/2017 12:38:30 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
14/02/2017 16:34:56 |
1 x response (TFL) (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 11:44:00 |
1 x response J Flanders (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2017 14:50:19 |
1 x response - Dr J Robinson (Redacted)
Consultation Response