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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
17/02/2017 16:44:34 8 x responses Consultation Response
24/01/2017 15:52:58 **superseded** Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment Supporting Documents
20/02/2017 17:58:35 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:32:19 12 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:52:32 56 x responses Consultation Response
21/02/2017 16:53:03 Historic England response Consultation Response
22/02/2017 10:26:10 Westminster City Council - No objection to application Consultation Response
23/02/2017 14:36:20 18 x responses Consultation Response
24/02/2017 15:38:43 12 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/02/2017 15:43:12 13 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/02/2017 14:47:47 13 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/02/2017 14:49:47 Council for British Archaeology response (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/03/2017 11:47:49 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/03/2017 18:28:48 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/03/2017 18:29:58 Fitzrovia Neighbourhood Association response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/03/2017 14:04:53 MHA - BIA audit report - version D1 Other
10/03/2017 15:34:27 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/03/2017 14:08:49 1 x Response Consultation Response
15/03/2017 14:15:44 1 x Response Consultation Response
03/04/2017 14:29:01 1 x response Consultation Response
12/04/2017 16:12:50 1 x response (The Fitzrovia Partnership BID) (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/04/2017 12:02:59 Cover letter to accompany revised plans and documents Applicant Correspondence
13/04/2017 12:04:39 Heritage Statement Middlesex Hospital Annexe 17 03 17 (Revised) Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:05:19 MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 1 Draft Architectural Appraisal Donald Insall 2006 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:05:40 MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 2 Certificate of Immunity request KM Heritage 2012 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:03 MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 3 Former Strand Union Workhouse List Entry Summary English Heritage 2011 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:22 MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 4 Charlotte Street CA appraisal LBC 2008 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:06:44 MHA Heritage Statement Appendix 5 Charlotte Street West CAA SPG WCC 2002 Supporting Documents
16/02/2017 15:33:47 1 x response Lynda Nead (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/04/2017 12:07:46 Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment April 2017 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:08:34 **superseded** Historic Environment Assessment - MOLA Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:20:51 Proposed floor plans (**part superseded - levels B1,00,02) Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:32:21 Proposed elevations and sections (**part superseded - Elev 01,02,03,04, Sections AA,BB, JJ-LL) Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:39:45 Listed building - proposed elevations, floor plans and sections (**part superseded - elevs 03 + 04) Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:42:04 Proposed landscape plans (revised) Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:48:28 Lifetime Homes - all units (** Type 30 superseded) Revised Drawing
13/04/2017 12:50:20 Design Revision Report - part 1 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:50:45 Design Revision Report - part 2 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:51:17 Design Revision Report - part 3 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:52:21 Design Revision Report - part 4 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:53:22 Design Revision Report - part 5 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:53:56 Design Revision Report - part 6 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:54:45 Design Revision Report - part 7 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 12:56:05 Design Revision Report - part 8 Supporting Documents
13/04/2017 14:32:10 **superseded** Drawing Register Rev. A Other
19/04/2017 08:13:24 TFL comments Consultation Response
20/04/2017 13:47:04 1 x Response - Thames Water Consultation Response
24/04/2017 08:21:53 Aecom cover letter with additional BIA docs Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:23:10 Middlesex Hospital Annexe Phase 1 Desk Study Report (BIA) Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:26:02 Basement Impact Assessment (Issue 2) Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:26:54 Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretative Report (BIA) (Issue 1) Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:28:20 Preliminary Ground Movement Assessment (BIA) (Issue 1) Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 08:29:02 Site Investigation Data Report (BIA) (Issue 1) Supporting Documents
24/04/2017 11:01:41 Designing Out Crime Officer comments Consultation Response
02/05/2017 10:48:31 Westminster City Council - No objection to application Consultation Response
04/05/2017 09:12:41 Historic England response Consultation Response
10/05/2017 13:36:56 x1 response (CAAC) Consultation Response
15/05/2017 16:02:15 GLAAS comments Consultation Response
16/05/2017 22:04:57 x1 response Consultation Response
19/05/2017 14:24:15 Middlesex Hospital Annex - BIA audit report - version F1 Other
05/06/2017 13:24:45 Additional Information - Daylight / Sunlight Supporting Documents
05/06/2017 13:25:37 Applicant response to Consultation & Council Comments - letter dated 2.6.17 Supporting Documents
05/06/2017 13:26:24 P_GA_00 General Arrangement Level 00 Rev B **revised** Revised Drawing
05/06/2017 13:26:47 **superseded** P_GA_B1 General Arrangement Level B1 Rev B Drawing
05/06/2017 13:28:19 **superseded** Document register and issue sheet Rev B (dated 2.6.17) Other
08/06/2017 09:10:49 Additional Information - North Wing Alcoves Supporting Documents
12/06/2017 11:57:04 **Revised** CIL Form CIL
12/06/2017 16:12:22 1x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/06/2017 14:21:44 HE GLAAS comments Consultation Response
15/06/2017 15:20:42 Historic Environment Assessment (updated) Supporting Documents
17/06/2017 12:32:42 Drawing Register (superseded) Other
17/06/2017 12:34:46 E_00_01-02-B Proposed Elevations 01 & 02 RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:35:56 E_01_03-04-B Proposed Elevations 03 & 04 RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:36:56 E_LB_03-04-B Listed Building Proposed Elevation 03 & 04 RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:37:26 LFT-30-B Lifetime Homes Unit Type 30 RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:38:09 P_GA_02-B General Arrangement Level 02 RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:38:35 P_GA_B1-C General Arrangement Level B1 RevC Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:00 P_GA_LB_B1-B Listed Building GA Level B1 Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:24 P-XTG-L02-A Existing Second Floor RevA Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:39:49 S_01_AA-BB-B Proposed Sections AA & BB RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:40:35 S_05_JJ-LL-B Proposed Sections JJ-LL RevB Revised Drawing
17/06/2017 12:42:06 **Revised** Existing view 5 Supporting Documents
17/06/2017 12:42:57 **Revised** Proposed view 5 Supporting Documents
19/06/2017 14:45:50 15 x Responses Consultation Response
20/06/2017 16:03:34 Drawing Register - updated 20.6.17 Other
29/06/2017 17:52:09 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/07/2017 13:45:36 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/07/2017 12:46:00 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/07/2017 12:37:48 4 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/07/2017 14:15:55 Online Response Consultation Response
13/07/2017 15:02:03 Committee report (applications 2017/0414/P & 2017/0415/L) former Workhouse Building (Grade II listed); North House & South Houses (fronting onto Cleveland Street); Bedford Passage; public open space; part of boundary wall Officer Committee Report
19/07/2017 14:05:29 1x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/01/2018 16:31:21 Middlesex Hospital - Decision Decision Notice
15/01/2018 16:31:44 Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 1 Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:32:10 Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 2 Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:32:33 Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 3 Legal Agreement
15/01/2018 16:33:00 Middlesex Hospital - Agreement part 4 Legal Agreement
02/07/2018 11:11:24 DMP Final 19_06_2018 - Approved DMP S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:11:50 DMP_22_C2 Left turn Sign relocation S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:34:22 DMP ReferencesNo3 DMP23_29 S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:34:59 DMP ReferencesNo5 DMP40_42 S106 submission
02/07/2018 11:43:40 DMP ReferencesNo4 DMP30_39 S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:20:48 2019 10 29 Forum meeting notes S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:21:18 73853-CUR-00-XX-DR-TP-05000-P1 S106 submission
20/04/2020 20:21:55 73853-CUR-00-XX-DR-TP-05001-P1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:03:37 BCP - Letter Camden Council 17_12_20 v.2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:03:58 BCP - 2.25.C.3.xii Basement Construction Plan discharge letter S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:04:50 BCP - Historic England - Middlesex Hospital Annex - Area 2A sign-off - CLO32670 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:05:10 BCP - Letter - GLAAS 08_12_20_v.2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:05:46 BCP - MHA_GEO_BIA_0014 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:06:36 BCP - MHA_ACM-XX-XX-RP-GE-01 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:20:17 BCP - MHA_GEO_GMA_002 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:21:37 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01001-T7 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:21:55 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01012-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:13 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B1-DR-SE-01013-T6 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:32 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-B2-DR-SE-01000-T3 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:22:54 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-GF-DR-SE-01002-T7 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:23:18 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-GF-DR-SE-01106-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:23:39 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-00050-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:09 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-01014-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:36 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-03000-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:24:54 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-03001-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:25:15 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04001-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:25:48 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04002-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:07 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04003-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:30 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04004-T8 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:26:49 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04005-T7 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:27:08 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04008-T7 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:27:33 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04009-T7 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:28:01 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04013-T4 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:28:19 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04014-T2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:14 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-04015-T2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:35 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05001-T5 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:29:56 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05003-T6 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:18 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05004-T5 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:37 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05005-T2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:30:59 BCP - MHA-ACM-00-XX-DR-SE-05006-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:20 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1001-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:38 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1002-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:31:56 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1003-T2 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:13 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1004-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:31 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1005-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:32:49 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1006-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:07 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1007-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:24 BCP - MHA-ACM-BW.2-XX-DR-S-1008-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:33:54 BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-P1-DR-SE-001001-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:34:22 BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-SP-SE-0003 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:34:53 BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-SP-SE-0007 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:17 BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-SP-SE-0009 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:39 BCP - MHA-ACM-XX-XX-DR-SE-04030-T1 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:35:59 BCP - Middlesex Annex WSI Addendum v.6 S106 submission
09/07/2021 20:37:23 BCP - Middlesex Annex WSI V.10 S106 submission
16/02/2023 15:41:58 Revised CMP Other
24/01/2017 15:51:23 Energy Statement Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:50:47 Phase 1 Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Desk Study Report Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:50:00 General Notes on Structural Report Drawings Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:49:09 Structural Report: Proposed Roof Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:48:30 Structural Report: Proposed Basement Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:47:36 Structural Report: Proposed Fourth Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:46:35 Structural Report: Proposed Third Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:45:24 Structural Report: Proposed Second Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:44:12 Structural Report: Proposed First Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:41:54 Structural Report: Proposed Ground Floor Plan - Workhouse Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:40:44 Structural Report: Proposed Roof Plan - North and South Houses Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:39:55 Structural Report: Proposed Basement Floor Plan - North and South Houses Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:36:22 Structural Report: Proposed Second Floor Plan - North and South Houses Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:35:41 Structural Report: Proposed First Floor Plan - North and South Houses Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:34:04 Structural Report: Proposed Ground Floor Plan - North and South Houses Proposed Drawing
24/01/2017 15:25:31 Structural and Civil Engineering Report Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:24:44 Historic Building Structural Engineering Report Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:16:56 Stormwater Runoff Attenuation Strategy Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:14:16 Flood Risk Assessment Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:13:39 Basement Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:13:02 **superseded** Heritage Statement Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:12:32 Sustainability Statement Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:12:00 Construction Management Plan Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:10:48 Travel Plan Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:10:13 Transport Assessment Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:09:38 Acoustic Assessment Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:09:01 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:08:05 Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 15:07:14 Bat Survey Supporting Documents
16/02/2017 15:39:37 1 x response Simon Woods (PhD) (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:45:16 1 x response - T CF Stunt (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:51:08 1 x response - Beth Sutton-Ramspeck (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 15:56:46 1 x response Heather Hind (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 17:08:26 1 x response Lou Hamilton (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 17:56:44 2017.0414.P David Foss (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:07:38 1 x response Steven J Scheinman (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:14:03 1 x response Tony French (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:19:36 1 x response - Dr Christopher Derrett (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:24:36 1 x response Lucinda Dickens Hawksley (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:27:09 1 x response LP Birley (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 18:55:58 1 x response William Stefanelli (Redacted) Consultation Response
17/02/2017 15:37:59 7 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:39:19 Application Form Application Form
24/01/2017 14:39:44 **superseded** CIL Form CIL
20/02/2017 16:42:33 10 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:40:10 Cover letter Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:40:39 Planning Statement Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:41:29 Statement of Community Involvement Other
24/01/2017 14:42:03 Site Waste Management Plan Supporting Documents
24/01/2017 14:52:47 D&A - part 1 and 2 (Context) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:53:21 D&A - Part 3 (Design Evolution) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:54:19 D&A - Part 4 - (Design Evolution part 02) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:54:46 D&A - Part 5 (Public Consultation) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:55:13 D&A - Part 6 (Revised Scheme) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:55:43 D&A - Part 7 (Revised Scheme 2) Design and Access Statement
27/02/2017 13:37:55 6 x responses Consultation Response
24/01/2017 14:56:06 D&A - Part 8 (Design Review) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:56:36 D&A - Part 9 (Landscape) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:57:05 D&A - Part 10 (Accommodation) Design and Access Statement
24/01/2017 14:57:34 D&A - Part 11 (Elevations) Design and Access Statement
25/01/2017 14:03:31 SP-01_Site location plan OS Extract
25/01/2017 14:05:43 Existing Plans, Elevations + Sections (**part superseded - Extg 2nd floor) Existing Drawing
25/01/2017 14:07:35 Demolition drawings Drawing
25/01/2017 14:14:19 Listed Building - Existing Plans, Elevations and Sections Existing Drawing
25/01/2017 14:16:42 Listed Building - Demolition drawings Drawing
25/01/2017 14:18:46 **superseded** Listed Building - Proposed Plans, Elevations and Sections Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:20:37 **superseded** Proposed Floor Plans Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:26:07 **superseded** Proposed Elevations and Sections and Detailed Facades Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:34:25 **superseded** Lifetime Homes Schedules Drawing
25/01/2017 14:35:42 **superseded** Proposed Landscaping Drawings Proposed Drawing
25/01/2017 14:36:49 **superseded** Drawing Issue Sheet dated 20.1.17 Other
25/01/2017 15:46:47 Pre-Application: Report of Camden Design Review Panel - Middlesex Hospital Annex - 21.6.16 Other
25/01/2017 15:47:09 Pre-Application: Report of Camden Design Review Panel No. 2 - Middlesex Hospital Annex - 16.12.16 Other
25/01/2017 15:47:35 Pre-Application: Meeting notes 17.11.16 Other
25/01/2017 15:50:53 Pre-Application: Meeting Notes 21.12.16 Other
27/01/2017 08:56:23 MHA - BIA audit instruction form - ABCD - No personal details Other
31/01/2017 17:40:22 **superseded** Document Issue Sheet dated 20.1.17 (Aecom) (Redacted) Other
31/01/2017 15:01:31 Thames Water comments Consultation Response
09/02/2017 09:23:55 MHA Site Notices Other
09/02/2017 12:38:30 1 x response Consultation Response
14/02/2017 16:34:56 1 x response (TFL) (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 11:44:00 1 x response J Flanders (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2017 14:50:19 1 x response - Dr J Robinson (Redacted) Consultation Response

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.