14/08/2024 16:28:00 |
1&2. Central Somers Town - 2015.2704.P and 2015.7168.L
14/08/2024 16:26:36 |
20/11/2023 15:05:20 |
FDN CST 2015.2704.P
10/11/2020 10:54:37 |
S106 submission
21/01/2016 15:05:40 |
1 x Response - London Underground
Consultation Response
20/10/2016 10:10:02 |
Central Somers Town - Signed S106 Confirmation Letter 18.10.16
Decision Notice
20/10/2016 10:10:35 |
Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015.2704.P - Final Version
Legal Agreement
12/09/2018 11:36:44 |
Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015 2704 P -Amended Final Version
Legal Agreement
12/09/2018 11:36:58 |
Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015 2804 P - Plan 1 and 2
Legal Agreement
01/06/2020 09:05:06 |
Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015.2704.P - Final Version
17/06/2020 16:39:38 |
FCI Neighbour Management Plan - Approved
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:39:32 |
Brill Place CMP V5.0-Approved CMP
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:40:52 |
Appendix 15 - Street Lighting Design
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:41:53 |
Appendix 14 - Underground Utilities Survey
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:42:30 |
Appendix 13 - Contruction Traffic Air Quality Assessment
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:42:53 |
Appendix 12 - Noise Assessment
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:45:23 |
Appendix 11 - Tower Crane Proposals
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:45:55 |
Appendix 10 - Scaled Pit Lane Plan
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:46:19 |
Appendix 9 - Scaled Logisitics Plan1
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:49:02 |
Appendix 8 - Site set up plan
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:54:40 |
Appendix 7 - Swept Path Analysis
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:55:51 |
Appendix 6 - Proposed Vehicle Routing
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:56:22 |
Appendix 5 - FCI Group Terms of Reference
S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:56:42 |
Appendix 4 - CWG ToR & Notes
S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:01:24 |
Appendix 3 - Indicative Construction Programme1
S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:07:20 |
Appendix 2 - FCI Constraints Document
S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:08:48 |
Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan
S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:08:21 |
Appendix 9 - Scaled Logistics Plan 2 Plot 7
S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:08:57 |
Appendix 10 - Scaled Pit Lane Plan1 Plot 7
S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:09:19 |
Appendix 9 - Scaled Logistics Plan 2(2) Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:36:04 |
Appendix 1 - Site Closure Plan - Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:36:28 |
Appendix 2 - Agreed Site Logisics Plan-Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:37:36 |
Appendix 3 - Site hoarding Plan2 Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:38:17 |
Appendix 4 - Approved Tree Protection Plan Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:38:49 |
Appendix 5 - Approved Tree Protection Method Statement2- Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:39:09 |
Appendix 6 - Site Closure Plan Overlaid with Services- Plot 7
S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:39:33 |
Brill Place Public Open Space Closure Plan Rev 3.0- Plot 7
S106 submission
21/12/2015 14:52:50 |
Type 4 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:41 |
Type 4 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:24 |
Type 3 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:15 |
Type 3 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:58 |
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:42 |
EE and CHP and PV_brukl
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:31 |
EE and CHP_brukl
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:08 |
Plot 1 -V[21]006
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:49:58 |
Plot 1 - A[--]002
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:49:47 |
Plot 1 - PV panels - Z[--]232
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:36 |
PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 2(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:28 |
Max Fordham_Noise Impact Assessment_Plots 5 and 6(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:20 |
Max Fordham_Noise Impact Assessment_Plot 2(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:13 |
Max Fordham_Sustainability Statement_Plots 2, 5 and 6(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:01 |
PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 6(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:47:52 |
PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 5(2)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:46:58 |
A228-10.01-151217-Plots 5 and 6 Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:46:46 |
Plots 5 and 6 DRAWINGS
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:46:08 |
Plot 2 Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:45:55 |
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:45:17 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L00-201_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:45:08 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-RF-215_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:45:01 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-RCP-220_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:53 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-LM-202_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:45 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-LB-200_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 15:44:37 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L22-214_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:29 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L21-213_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:21 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L20-212_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:13 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L19-211_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:05 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L18-210_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:56 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L17-209_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:46 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L16-208_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:33 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L15-207_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:24 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L05-206_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:15 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L04-205_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
22/03/2016 15:41:11 |
LBC CST Financial Viability & Affordable Housing Assessment Redacted version
21/12/2015 14:53:00 |
Type 4 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:10 |
Type 5 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:18 |
Type 5 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:26 |
Type 5 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:34 |
Type 6 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:43 |
Type 6 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:50 |
Type 6 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:58 |
Type 1 (EE)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:06 |
Type 1 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:15 |
Type 1 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:24 |
Type 2 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:32 |
Type 2 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:40 |
Type 2 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:51 |
Type 3 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:14 |
CST Community Facilities_BREEAM Tracker_October 15
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:23 |
Plot 1 Surface Water Drainage Pro-forma for New Developments
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:40 |
CST Plot 1 Sustainability and Energy Statement REV C
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:02 |
20151106 Energy and Sustainability Statement - Charrington Terrace Issue 4
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:21 |
20151127 Energy and Sustainability Statement - ENPS Issue 5
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:37 |
Plot 7, Brill Place Tower - Energy and Sustainability Statement_3.0
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:55 |
Polygon Open Space Residential Sustainability Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:57:14 |
Masterplan - Sustainability and Energy Statement 151214 Rev02 and Appendix
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 16:01:07 |
CST Application Cover Letter (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
06/01/2016 10:54:30 |
Historic England comments
Consultation Response
12/01/2016 15:26:14 |
2 x Comments
Consultation Response
20/01/2016 10:23:01 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
22/01/2016 12:15:32 |
2 x Comments
Consultation Response
25/01/2016 12:35:14 |
10 x Comments
Consultation Response
26/01/2016 12:24:50 |
6 x Comments
Consultation Response
28/01/2016 08:58:11 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
29/01/2016 09:41:57 |
Equalities Impact Assessment
01/02/2016 13:14:42 |
1 x Response - HE (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/02/2016 13:18:08 |
1 x Response - Petition 10 (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/02/2016 12:34:55 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
02/02/2016 12:58:39 |
7 x Comments
Consultation Response
02/02/2016 15:56:30 |
Part1_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc
02/02/2016 15:56:48 |
Part2_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc
02/02/2016 15:57:06 |
Part3_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc
02/02/2016 15:57:23 |
Part4_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc
02/02/2016 16:38:33 |
1 x Comment Network Rail (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/02/2016 12:30:43 |
1 x Deputation Esther Caplin
03/02/2016 12:33:49 |
1 x Comment Louise Trewavas for Esther Caplin (Redacted)
03/02/2016 12:34:13 |
1 x Petition 762 names
03/02/2016 15:08:58 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/02/2016 09:29:54 |
Letter (signed by 11 people)
Consultation Response
05/02/2016 11:48:23 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
28/04/2020 18:04:57 |
Appendix B - Stage 3 Structural Report 7370-WSP-00-ZZ-RP-S-200600- Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:05:36 |
Appendix A Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)- Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:06:10 |
Brill Place Appendix D - Design Risk Register- Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:06:39 |
Brill Place Appendix D Principal Designers Letter of Confirmation - Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:07:23 |
Appendix F - Proposed Construction Sequence DDNS-008 - Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:08:24 |
Brill Place Appendix E - Drawings- Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:09:27 |
200310 Brill Place AIP - Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:09:50 |
Signed Design and Check Certificates- Approved AIP -PLOT 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:14:56 |
4451-A-02-200-P2 - Approved Level Plan Plot 7
S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:15:18 |
4451-A-02-201-P2- Approved Level Plan Plot 7
S106 submission
09/02/2016 13:56:22 |
Cllr Roger Robinson response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/02/2016 13:56:51 |
Cllr Paul Tomlinson response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/02/2016 14:01:45 |
4 x responses (Redacted) - including FCI objection
Consultation Response
09/02/2016 14:03:07 |
Thames Water response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
10/02/2016 08:48:16 |
Thames Water response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
10/02/2016 13:01:03 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
11/02/2016 15:49:00 |
2 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
12/02/2016 11:36:48 |
CD Central Somers Town Application - Updated Flood Risk Assessement
Supporting Documents
12/02/2016 15:47:17 |
4 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2016 13:55:19 |
1x comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
19/02/2016 12:09:08 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
19/02/2016 14:08:04 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
19/02/2016 14:23:09 |
Petition from residents (Redacted)
22/02/2016 09:00:35 |
Residents' own survey
23/02/2016 13:23:06 |
1 x Comment STNF
Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:23:24 |
1 x Petition 841 names
Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:23:49 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:24:19 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
29/02/2016 11:59:39 |
10 x Comments
Consultation Response
29/02/2016 12:28:24 |
6 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
29/02/2016 13:29:12 |
Transport for London response
Consultation Response
01/03/2016 11:28:52 |
GLA stage 1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/03/2016 09:32:04 |
TfL Initial Response - Central Somers Town - Final(2)
Consultation Response
02/03/2016 09:59:32 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A010 [Existing South East Elevation]
Existing Drawing
02/03/2016 09:59:48 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A100 LG [Lower Ground Floor Plan]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:03 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A101 G [Ground Floor Plan]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:20 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A102 F [First Floor Plan]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:35 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A103 S [Second Floor Plan]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:51 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A104 R [Roof Plan]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:01:05 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A200 [Proposed South West Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:01:29 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A201 [Proposed South West Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:01:51 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A202 [Proposed South East Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:02 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A203 [Proposed South East Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:14 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A204 [Proposed North East Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:30 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A206 [Section A]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:02:47 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A207 [Section B]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:06 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A211 [Listed Building Works - Sheet 2]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:19 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A205 [Proposed North East Elevation]
Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:03:33 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A208 [Section C]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:48 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A210 [Listed Building Works - Sheet 1]
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:04:04 |
176 151207 Plot 3 Charrington Terrace Appendices
Design and Access Statement
02/03/2016 10:04:29 |
176 151207 Plot 3 Charrington Terrace Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
02/03/2016 10:04:51 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b 151207 Planning Drawing Issue Sheet
Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:05:07 |
Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A001 G-Ex [Existing Ground Level Plan]
Existing Drawing
02/03/2016 16:56:30 |
Heritage, Townspace and Visual Impact Assessment Addendum (including HE views) 2231_Somers_Town_Camden_HTVIA_Addendum_020316
03/03/2016 11:41:28 |
Petition from Coopers Lane TRA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/03/2016 14:12:28 |
1 x Response 20th Century Society (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/03/2016 14:39:08 |
1 x Petition
Consultation Response
07/03/2016 08:18:51 |
Plot 7 Drawing Schedule 372-TR-010_SubmissionOutputSchedule_05(3)
07/03/2016 08:21:48 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-400_P08(3)
07/03/2016 08:23:32 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-401_P08
07/03/2016 08:25:35 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-403_P08(2)
07/03/2016 08:25:50 |
SUPERSEDED 372-ELE-450_P05(2)
07/03/2016 08:29:00 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P05(2)
07/03/2016 08:29:16 |
Plot 7 372-LB-200_P05(2)
07/03/2016 08:29:33 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-450_P05(3)
08/03/2016 07:57:38 |
1 x Response - Somers Town Community Association
Consultation Response
09/03/2016 15:45:33 |
15/03/2016 15:44:10 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/03/2016 11:08:51 |
CAAC Response
Consultation Response
21/03/2016 11:16:48 |
Applicant's response to Francis Crick Institute Representations
21/03/2016 11:20:56 |
Applicant's response to francis Crick - Appendix
21/03/2016 11:21:28 |
02032016 Brill Place Overlooking Study
21/03/2016 13:56:49 |
Kinetic view 1
21/03/2016 13:57:07 |
Kinetic view 2
21/03/2016 13:59:22 |
Kinetic view 3
21/03/2016 13:59:43 |
Kinetic view 4
21/03/2016 14:00:05 |
Kinetic view 5
21/03/2016 14:00:31 |
Kinetic view 6
21/03/2016 14:00:58 |
Kinetic view 7
21/03/2016 14:01:18 |
Kinetic view 8
21/03/2016 14:01:46 |
Kinetic view 9
21/03/2016 14:02:17 |
Kinetic view 10
23/03/2016 13:43:52 |
CGI from regent's Park - full resolution
23/03/2016 16:23:36 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-L15-207_P05
23/03/2016 16:24:07 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-L16-208_P05
23/03/2016 16:24:30 |
Plot 7 372-L17-209_P05
23/03/2016 16:24:49 |
Plot 7 372-L18-210_P05
23/03/2016 16:25:14 |
Plot 7 372-L19-211_P05
23/03/2016 16:26:39 |
Plot 7 372-L20-212_P05
23/03/2016 16:27:02 |
Plot 7 372-L21-213_P05
23/03/2016 17:27:22 |
Plot 7 372-L22-214_P05
23/03/2016 16:27:44 |
Plot 7 372-RF-215_P05
23/03/2016 16:28:11 |
Plot 7 Energy and Sustainability Statement LR
23/03/2016 16:29:00 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-400_P09 LR(2)
23/03/2016 16:29:18 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-401_P09 LR(2)
23/03/2016 16:30:01 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-402_P09 LR(2)
23/03/2016 16:30:22 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-403_P09 LR(2)
23/03/2016 16:30:54 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-450_P06 LR(2)
23/03/2016 16:31:09 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-451_P05(2)
23/03/2016 16:31:25 |
Plot 7 372-SEC-301_P04
23/03/2016 16:32:03 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P06(2)
23/03/2016 16:32:25 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-453_P05(2)
23/03/2016 16:32:59 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-457_P04(2)
23/03/2016 16:33:17 |
Plot 7 372-SEC-300_P05 LR(2)
24/03/2016 14:36:26 |
1 x Response HE (Redacted)
Consultation Response
31/03/2016 12:59:11 |
Basement Impact Assessment 02
Supporting Documents
01/04/2016 10:22:50 |
petition (Redacted)
Consultation Response
01/04/2016 14:40:09 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
05/04/2016 16:18:47 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 08:47:17 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 10:58:37 |
1 x Response HE 415100436-0001 (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:05:37 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:08:34 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:13:34 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:16:52 |
20 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:39:44 |
13 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/04/2016 11:57:25 |
Georgian Group response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/04/2016 12:05:31 |
x83 responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/04/2016 14:26:17 |
x100 responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/04/2016 15:05:08 |
x40 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/04/2016 08:58:57 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
28/04/2016 11:55:34 |
Response from FCI (2nd response)
29/04/2016 16:42:30 |
Applicant's response to HE Apr 2016
03/05/2016 15:47:05 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
21/12/2015 13:12:36 |
CST-Masterplan-Design and Access Statement-Appendix
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:13:00 |
CST-Masterplan-Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:13:43 |
Proposed Area Plan (rendered)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:13:53 |
Proposed Site Plan (rendered)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:14:21 |
CST Plot 1_Community Facilities_Design & Access Statement_151216
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:01 |
Plot 1: 057_4165_Section F
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:08 |
Plot 1: 057_4220_Detail Section_ MUGA
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:17 |
Plot 1: 057_4221_Detail Section_ Housing Typical
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:25 |
Plot 1: 057_4222_Detail Section_ Inset Balconies
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:34 |
Plot 1: 057_4223_Detail Section_ Projecting Balconies
Supporting Documents
03/05/2016 15:51:32 |
2 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/05/2016 11:45:53 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
11/05/2016 08:58:05 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/05/2016 14:18:54 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/06/2016 16:02:18 |
BIA Audit (Campbell Reith)
Consultation Response
10/06/2016 07:52:25 |
Plot 3 176 A101 Ground Floor Plan - Proposed_R1(2)
10/06/2016 07:54:34 |
Plot 3 176 A103 Roof Plan - Proposed_R1(2)
10/06/2016 07:55:39 |
Plot 3 176 A102 First Floor Plan - Proposed_R1(2)
15/06/2016 14:59:08 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/06/2016 15:00:14 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
15/06/2016 15:16:08 |
1 x Response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/06/2016 08:27:09 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
16/06/2016 15:10:08 |
Applicant's assessment of blimp height
17/06/2016 15:48:12 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/06/2016 10:34:43 |
Peer Review of Air Quality Assessment Report submitted to support Planning Application Central Somers Town CIP Executive Summary
Supporting Documents
20/06/2016 10:35:18 |
Constrution Traffic Assessment Executive Summary
Supporting Documents
20/06/2016 12:50:22 |
Royal Parks response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/06/2016 12:50:49 |
Historic England response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
20/06/2016 12:51:04 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
21/06/2016 12:37:36 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
21/06/2016 12:54:10 |
1 x Resonse
Consultation Response
21/06/2016 13:39:26 |
1 x Response
Consultation Response
21/06/2016 14:42:18 |
Updated petition against
Consultation Response
23/06/2016 14:55:42 |
Officer Committee Report
23/06/2016 14:59:59 |
Supplementary Report CST - FINAL
15/07/2016 11:48:16 |
15/07/2016 11:48:39 |
15/07/2016 11:50:43 |
15/07/2016 11:51:08 |
15/07/2016 11:51:29 |
15/07/2016 11:51:50 |
15/07/2016 12:03:37 |
25/07/2016 11:08:17 |
1 x Comment GLA (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/08/2016 09:03:59 |
GLA Stage II response
Consultation Response
16/08/2016 09:03:47 |
20160812-1294-SAC-Z01-ZZ-SM-E-V20-200 Generator Supply Arrangement[2]
16/08/2016 14:14:20 |
Plot 7 - 372-ELE-400 NORTH ELEVATION_P10(6)
16/08/2016 14:14:39 |
Plot 7 - 372-ELE-401 EAST ELEVATION_P10(6)
16/08/2016 14:14:57 |
Plot 7 - 372-ELE-450 NORTH BAY ELEVATION_P07(6)
16/08/2016 14:16:15 |
Plot 7 - 372-ELE-451 EAST BAY ELEVATION_P06(6)
16/08/2016 14:16:30 |
Plot 7 - 372-L15-207 LEVEL 15 PLAN_P06(6)
16/08/2016 14:16:49 |
Plot 7 - 372-L16-208 LEVEL 16 PLAN_P06(6)
16/08/2016 14:17:26 |
Plot 7 - 372-SK133_00(6)
16/08/2016 14:17:50 |
Plot 7 - 372-SK134_02(6)
16/08/2016 14:18:06 |
Plot 7 - 372-TR-010_SubmissionOutputSchedule(6)
06/09/2016 16:05:33 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P07
06/09/2016 16:06:22 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-453_P06
06/09/2016 16:11:54 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-454_P04
06/09/2016 16:12:35 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-455_P04
06/09/2016 16:14:15 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-458_P04
21/12/2015 14:31:15 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-456_P02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:41 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-402_P06
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:53 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-403_P06
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:03 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-400_P06
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:16 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-401_P06
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:40 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-301_P02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:50 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-300_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:34:21 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-SITE-101-P03
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:42:58 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L01-203_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:07 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L02-204_P03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/09/2016 17:14:49 |
Plot 7 372-ELE-459_P04
14/10/2016 15:58:12 |
DEC planning approval
M3 Document
14/10/2016 16:15:25 |
Central Somers Town - Planning Permission - 2015.2704.P
Decision Notice
15/02/2016 15:38:13 |
Multiple responses
Consultation Response
17/02/2016 13:44:01 |
2 x Comments
Consultation Response
17/02/2016 15:49:40 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
18/02/2016 14:29:37 |
4 x Comments
Consultation Response
18/02/2016 15:40:18 |
final draft 2 ENPSGB statement to planners in support of Planning Application 2015 2704 P
Consultation Response
18/02/2016 16:09:07 |
1 x Comment
19/02/2016 09:08:18 |
1 x Comment (Redacted)
Consultation Response
19/02/2016 09:47:04 |
1 x Comment
Consultation Response
21/12/2015 12:56:09 |
Contamination Study 00
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:56:29 |
CST Application Form
Application Form
21/12/2015 12:56:47 |
Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Report 11_12_15
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:56:59 |
Ecological Site Assessment Ext Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:20 |
Final Camden CMP
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:31 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:41 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:51 |
Noise Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:01 |
Wind Study
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:10 |
Delivery and Servicing management Plan 685-01-DSMP-P01
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:19 |
685-01-Transport Assessment-P01
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:36 |
685-01-Travel Plan-P01
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:54 |
Heritage, Townspace and Visula Impact Assessment2231_Somers_Town_Camden_HTVIA_100dpi_141215
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:10 |
034648 - Brill Place- Basement Impact Assessment 00
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:20 |
150410 CST Flood Risk Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:42 |
Statement of Community Involvement 151612 CST SCI
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:02:04 |
Affordable Housing Statement
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:26 |
Tree Constraints Plan (proposed)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:37 |
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:46 |
Tree Constriants Plan (existing)
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:04:24 |
CST Plot 1_Community Facilities_Design & Access Statement_151216
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:02 |
Plot 1: Mezzanine floor plan057_4111_GFL Mezzanine Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:18 |
Plot 1: 1st floor plan 057_4112_1FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:28 |
Plot 1: 4th floor plan 057_4113_4FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:37 |
Plot 1: 5th floor plan 057_4114_5FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:55 |
Plot 1 057_4150a_South Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:03 |
Plot 1: 057_4151_North Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:12 |
Plot 1: 057_4152_East Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:21 |
Plot 1: 057_4153a_West Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:31 |
Plot 1: 057_4160_Section A
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:40 |
Plot 1: 057_4161_Section B
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:50 |
Plot 1: 057_4162_Section C
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:02 |
Plot 1: 057_4163_Section D
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:10 |
Plot 1: 057_4164_Section E
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:18 |
Plot 1: 057_4165_Section F
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:28 |
Plot 1: 057_4220_Detail Section_ MUGA
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:39 |
Plot 1: 057_4221_Detail Section_ Housing Typical
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:48 |
Plot 1: 057_4222_Detail Section_ Inset Balconies
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:57 |
Plot 1: 057_4223_Detail Section_ Projecting Balconies
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:06 |
Plot 1: 057_4300_Door-Window Types
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:15 |
Plot 1: 057_Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151030
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:22 |
057_Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151127
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:31 |
Plot 1: 057_4002_Existing Site Plan
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:10:40 |
Plot 1: 057_4010_Existing GFL Plan
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:15:41 |
Plot 1: 057_4300_Door-Window Types
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:50 |
Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151030
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:59 |
Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151127
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:16:10 |
Plot 1: Existing Site Plan
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:19 |
Plot 1: Existing GFL Plan
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:27 |
Plot 1: Existing South Elevation
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:37 |
Plot 1: Existing North Elevation
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:47 |
Plot 1: Existing East Elevation
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:54 |
Plot 1: Existing West Elevation
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:17:15 |
Plot 1: Site Location Plan
OS Extract
21/12/2015 13:17:23 |
Plot 1: GFL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:31 |
Plot 1 057_4111_GFL Mezzanine Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:39 |
Plot 1 - 1FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:47 |
Plot 1 - 057_4113_4FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:55 |
Plot 1 - 057_4114_5FL Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:02 |
Plot 1 - 057_4115_Roof Plan
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:10 |
Plot 1 057_4150a_South Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:17 |
Plot 1 057_4151_North Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:25 |
Plot 1 057_4152_East Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:33 |
Plot 1 057_4153a_West Elevation
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:41 |
Plot 1 057_4160_Section A
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:48 |
Plot 1 057_4161_Section B
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:55 |
Plot 1 057_4162_Section C
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:04 |
Plot 1 057_4163_Section D
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:12 |
Plot 1 057_4164_Section E
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:38 |
Plot 1: Landscpae Plan 6236-LD-PLN-001_C
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:49 |
Plot 1: Landscape Section A 6236-LD-SEC-601_A Section A
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:58 |
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:26 |
CST Plot 1 - Fire Safety Strategy
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:35 |
CST Plot 1 - Record of Stakeholder Consultation Stages 1-3
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:47 |
CST Plot 1 - Noise Impact Assessment - RevE
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:25:55 |
176 151207 Plot 4 ENPS DAS
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:26:28 |
176 151127 Plot 4 ENPS Appendices
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:27:11 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A203 West Elevation - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:20 |
Plot 4: ENPS -176 A204 North Elevation - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:29 |
Plot 4: ENPS -176 A221 Section 01 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:37 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A222 Sections 2 and 3 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:47 |
Plot 4: ENPS -176 A223 Sections 4 and 5 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:57 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A224 Section 06 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:08 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A225 Sections 7 and 8 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:16 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A226 Sections 9 and 10 - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:24 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 151127 Planning Drawing Issue Sheet
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:28:32 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A001 Ground Floor Plan - Existing
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:43 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A010 East and South West Elevation - Existing
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:52 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A011 West Elevation - Existing
Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:01 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A101 Ground Floor Plan - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:11 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A102 First Floor Plan - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:20 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A103 Roof Plan - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:29 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A104 Lower Ground Floor Plan - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:40 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A201 East Elevation - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:52 |
Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A202 South West Elevation - Proposed
Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:30:22 |
Central Somers Town - Existing Location Plan
OS Extract
21/12/2015 14:27:01 |
Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:27:15 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372_Brill Pl_DAS
Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:28:48 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-457_02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:28:58 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-458_02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:08 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-459_02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:21 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-460_P02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:31 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-461_P02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:40 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-462_P02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:49 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-463_P01
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:57 |
Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-464_P01
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:10 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-450_03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:18 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-451_03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:28 |
Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-452_03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:43 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-453_03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:56 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-454_02
Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:06 |
SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-455_02
Existing & Proposed Drawing