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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
14/08/2024 16:28:00 1&2. Central Somers Town - 2015.2704.P and 2015.7168.L Other
14/08/2024 16:26:36 CST COMMITTEE REPORT BACK TO CTTEE final Other
20/11/2023 15:05:20 FDN CST 2015.2704.P Other
10/11/2020 10:54:37 SDAemb12366-14-201020-BCP-F1 S106 submission
21/01/2016 15:05:40 1 x Response - London Underground Consultation Response
20/10/2016 10:10:02 Central Somers Town - Signed S106 Confirmation Letter 18.10.16 Decision Notice
20/10/2016 10:10:35 Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015.2704.P - Final Version Legal Agreement
12/09/2018 11:36:44 Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015 2704 P -Amended Final Version Legal Agreement
12/09/2018 11:36:58 Central Somers Town - Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015 2804 P - Plan 1 and 2 Legal Agreement
01/06/2020 09:05:06 Shadow s106 Agreement - 2015.2704.P - Final Version Other
17/06/2020 16:39:38 FCI Neighbour Management Plan - Approved S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:39:32 Brill Place CMP V5.0-Approved CMP S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:40:52 Appendix 15 - Street Lighting Design S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:41:53 Appendix 14 - Underground Utilities Survey S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:42:30 Appendix 13 - Contruction Traffic Air Quality Assessment S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:42:53 Appendix 12 - Noise Assessment S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:45:23 Appendix 11 - Tower Crane Proposals S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:45:55 Appendix 10 - Scaled Pit Lane Plan S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:46:19 Appendix 9 - Scaled Logisitics Plan1 S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:49:02 Appendix 8 - Site set up plan S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:54:40 Appendix 7 - Swept Path Analysis S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:55:51 Appendix 6 - Proposed Vehicle Routing S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:56:22 Appendix 5 - FCI Group Terms of Reference S106 submission
14/07/2020 11:56:42 Appendix 4 - CWG ToR & Notes S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:01:24 Appendix 3 - Indicative Construction Programme1 S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:07:20 Appendix 2 - FCI Constraints Document S106 submission
14/07/2020 12:08:48 Appendix 1 - Site Location Plan S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:08:21 Appendix 9 - Scaled Logistics Plan 2 Plot 7 S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:08:57 Appendix 10 - Scaled Pit Lane Plan1 Plot 7 S106 submission
22/07/2020 08:09:19 Appendix 9 - Scaled Logistics Plan 2(2) Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:36:04 Appendix 1 - Site Closure Plan - Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:36:28 Appendix 2 - Agreed Site Logisics Plan-Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:37:36 Appendix 3 - Site hoarding Plan2 Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:38:17 Appendix 4 - Approved Tree Protection Plan Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:38:49 Appendix 5 - Approved Tree Protection Method Statement2- Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:39:09 Appendix 6 - Site Closure Plan Overlaid with Services- Plot 7 S106 submission
28/07/2020 10:39:33 Brill Place Public Open Space Closure Plan Rev 3.0- Plot 7 S106 submission
21/12/2015 14:52:50 Type 4 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:41 Type 4 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:24 Type 3 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:52:15 Type 3 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:58 EE_brukl Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:42 EE and CHP and PV_brukl Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:31 EE and CHP_brukl Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:50:08 Plot 1 -V[21]006 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:49:58 Plot 1 - A[--]002 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:49:47 Plot 1 - PV panels - Z[--]232 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:36 PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 2(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:28 Max Fordham_Noise Impact Assessment_Plots 5 and 6(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:20 Max Fordham_Noise Impact Assessment_Plot 2(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:13 Max Fordham_Sustainability Statement_Plots 2, 5 and 6(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:48:01 PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 6(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:47:52 PriceMyers_SUDS Drainage Statement_Plot 5(2) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:46:58 A228-10.01-151217-Plots 5 and 6 Design and Access Statement Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:46:46 Plots 5 and 6 DRAWINGS Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:46:08 Plot 2 Design and Access Statement Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:45:55 Plot 2 DRAWINGS Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:45:17 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L00-201_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:45:08 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-RF-215_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:45:01 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-RCP-220_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:53 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-LM-202_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:45 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-LB-200_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 15:44:37 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L22-214_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:29 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L21-213_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:21 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L20-212_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:13 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L19-211_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:44:05 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L18-210_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:56 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L17-209_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:46 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L16-208_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:33 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L15-207_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:24 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L05-206_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:15 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L04-205_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
22/03/2016 15:41:11 LBC CST Financial Viability & Affordable Housing Assessment Redacted version Other
21/12/2015 14:53:00 Type 4 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:10 Type 5 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:18 Type 5 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:26 Type 5 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:34 Type 6 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:43 Type 6 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:50 Type 6 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:53:58 Type 1 (EE)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:06 Type 1 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:15 Type 1 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:24 Type 2 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:32 Type 2 (EE and CHP)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:40 Type 2 (EE and CHP and PV)-L2 2BF West-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:54:51 Type 3 (EE)-L2 2BF East-DER WorkSheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:14 CST Community Facilities_BREEAM Tracker_October 15 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:23 Plot 1 Surface Water Drainage Pro-forma for New Developments Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:55:40 CST Plot 1 Sustainability and Energy Statement REV C Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:02 20151106 Energy and Sustainability Statement - Charrington Terrace Issue 4 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:21 20151127 Energy and Sustainability Statement - ENPS Issue 5 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:37 Plot 7, Brill Place Tower - Energy and Sustainability Statement_3.0 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:56:55 Polygon Open Space Residential Sustainability Planning Statement Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:57:14 Masterplan - Sustainability and Energy Statement 151214 Rev02 and Appendix Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 16:01:07 CST Application Cover Letter (Redacted) Supporting Documents
06/01/2016 10:54:30 Historic England comments Consultation Response
12/01/2016 15:26:14 2 x Comments Consultation Response
20/01/2016 10:23:01 1 x Comment Consultation Response
22/01/2016 12:15:32 2 x Comments Consultation Response
25/01/2016 12:35:14 10 x Comments Consultation Response
26/01/2016 12:24:50 6 x Comments Consultation Response
28/01/2016 08:58:11 1 x Comment Consultation Response
29/01/2016 09:41:57 Equalities Impact Assessment Plans
01/02/2016 13:14:42 1 x Response - HE (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/02/2016 13:18:08 1 x Response - Petition 10 (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/02/2016 12:34:55 1 x Comment Consultation Response
02/02/2016 12:58:39 7 x Comments Consultation Response
02/02/2016 15:56:30 Part1_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc Plans
02/02/2016 15:56:48 Part2_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc Plans
02/02/2016 15:57:06 Part3_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc Plans
02/02/2016 15:57:23 Part4_C-GeoEnvironmental Desk Study-R12794G001A Phase 1 Edith Neville Sc Plans
02/02/2016 16:38:33 1 x Comment Network Rail (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/02/2016 12:30:43 1 x Deputation Esther Caplin Correspondence
03/02/2016 12:33:49 1 x Comment Louise Trewavas for Esther Caplin (Redacted) Correspondence
03/02/2016 12:34:13 1 x Petition 762 names Correspondence
03/02/2016 15:08:58 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/02/2016 09:29:54 Letter (signed by 11 people) Consultation Response
05/02/2016 11:48:23 1 x Comment Consultation Response
28/04/2020 18:04:57 Appendix B - Stage 3 Structural Report 7370-WSP-00-ZZ-RP-S-200600- Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:05:36 Appendix A Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)- Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:06:10 Brill Place Appendix D - Design Risk Register- Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:06:39 Brill Place Appendix D Principal Designers Letter of Confirmation - Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:07:23 Appendix F - Proposed Construction Sequence DDNS-008 - Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:08:24 Brill Place Appendix E - Drawings- Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:09:27 200310 Brill Place AIP - Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:09:50 Signed Design and Check Certificates- Approved AIP -PLOT 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:14:56 4451-A-02-200-P2 - Approved Level Plan Plot 7 S106 submission
28/04/2020 18:15:18 4451-A-02-201-P2- Approved Level Plan Plot 7 S106 submission
09/02/2016 13:56:22 Cllr Roger Robinson response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/02/2016 13:56:51 Cllr Paul Tomlinson response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/02/2016 14:01:45 4 x responses (Redacted) - including FCI objection Consultation Response
09/02/2016 14:03:07 Thames Water response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/02/2016 08:48:16 Thames Water response (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/02/2016 13:01:03 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/02/2016 15:49:00 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/02/2016 11:36:48 CD Central Somers Town Application - Updated Flood Risk Assessement Supporting Documents
12/02/2016 15:47:17 4 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2016 13:55:19 1x comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/02/2016 12:09:08 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/02/2016 14:08:04 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/02/2016 14:23:09 Petition from residents (Redacted) Correspondence
22/02/2016 09:00:35 Residents' own survey Other
23/02/2016 13:23:06 1 x Comment STNF Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:23:24 1 x Petition 841 names Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:23:49 1 x Comment Consultation Response
23/02/2016 13:24:19 1 x Comment Consultation Response
29/02/2016 11:59:39 10 x Comments Consultation Response
29/02/2016 12:28:24 6 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
29/02/2016 13:29:12 Transport for London response Consultation Response
01/03/2016 11:28:52 GLA stage 1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/03/2016 09:32:04 TfL Initial Response - Central Somers Town - Final(2) Consultation Response
02/03/2016 09:59:32 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A010 [Existing South East Elevation] Existing Drawing
02/03/2016 09:59:48 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A100 LG [Lower Ground Floor Plan] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:03 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A101 G [Ground Floor Plan] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:20 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A102 F [First Floor Plan] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:35 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A103 S [Second Floor Plan] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:00:51 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A104 R [Roof Plan] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:01:05 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A200 [Proposed South West Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:01:29 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A201 [Proposed South West Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:01:51 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A202 [Proposed South East Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:02 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A203 [Proposed South East Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:14 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A204 [Proposed North East Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:02:30 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A206 [Section A] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:02:47 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A207 [Section B] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:06 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A211 [Listed Building Works - Sheet 2] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:19 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A205 [Proposed North East Elevation] Proposed Drawing
02/03/2016 10:03:33 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A208 [Section C] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:03:48 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A210 [Listed Building Works - Sheet 1] Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:04:04 176 151207 Plot 3 Charrington Terrace Appendices Design and Access Statement
02/03/2016 10:04:29 176 151207 Plot 3 Charrington Terrace Design and Access Statement Design and Access Statement
02/03/2016 10:04:51 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b 151207 Planning Drawing Issue Sheet Supporting Documents
02/03/2016 10:05:07 Plot 3 terraced houses 176b A001 G-Ex [Existing Ground Level Plan] Existing Drawing
02/03/2016 16:56:30 Heritage, Townspace and Visual Impact Assessment Addendum (including HE views) 2231_Somers_Town_Camden_HTVIA_Addendum_020316 Plans
03/03/2016 11:41:28 Petition from Coopers Lane TRA (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/03/2016 14:12:28 1 x Response 20th Century Society (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/03/2016 14:39:08 1 x Petition Consultation Response
07/03/2016 08:18:51 Plot 7 Drawing Schedule 372-TR-010_SubmissionOutputSchedule_05(3) Plans
07/03/2016 08:21:48 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-400_P08(3) Plans
07/03/2016 08:23:32 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-401_P08 Plans
07/03/2016 08:25:35 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-403_P08(2) Plans
07/03/2016 08:25:50 SUPERSEDED 372-ELE-450_P05(2) Plans
07/03/2016 08:29:00 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P05(2) Plans
07/03/2016 08:29:16 Plot 7 372-LB-200_P05(2) Plans
07/03/2016 08:29:33 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-450_P05(3) Plans
08/03/2016 07:57:38 1 x Response - Somers Town Community Association Consultation Response
09/03/2016 15:45:33 246-100-01-ExistingLocationPlan Plans
15/03/2016 15:44:10 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/03/2016 11:08:51 CAAC Response Consultation Response
21/03/2016 11:16:48 Applicant's response to Francis Crick Institute Representations Correspondence
21/03/2016 11:20:56 Applicant's response to francis Crick - Appendix Correspondence
21/03/2016 11:21:28 02032016 Brill Place Overlooking Study Plans
21/03/2016 13:56:49 Kinetic view 1 Other
21/03/2016 13:57:07 Kinetic view 2 Other
21/03/2016 13:59:22 Kinetic view 3 Other
21/03/2016 13:59:43 Kinetic view 4 Other
21/03/2016 14:00:05 Kinetic view 5 Other
21/03/2016 14:00:31 Kinetic view 6 Other
21/03/2016 14:00:58 Kinetic view 7 Other
21/03/2016 14:01:18 Kinetic view 8 Other
21/03/2016 14:01:46 Kinetic view 9 Other
21/03/2016 14:02:17 Kinetic view 10 Other
23/03/2016 13:43:52 CGI from regent's Park - full resolution Plans
23/03/2016 16:23:36 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-L15-207_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:24:07 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-L16-208_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:24:30 Plot 7 372-L17-209_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:24:49 Plot 7 372-L18-210_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:25:14 Plot 7 372-L19-211_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:26:39 Plot 7 372-L20-212_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:27:02 Plot 7 372-L21-213_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 17:27:22 Plot 7 372-L22-214_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:27:44 Plot 7 372-RF-215_P05 Plans
23/03/2016 16:28:11 Plot 7 Energy and Sustainability Statement LR Plans
23/03/2016 16:29:00 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-400_P09 LR(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:29:18 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-401_P09 LR(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:30:01 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-402_P09 LR(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:30:22 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-403_P09 LR(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:30:54 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-450_P06 LR(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:31:09 SUPERSEDED Plot 7 372-ELE-451_P05(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:31:25 Plot 7 372-SEC-301_P04 Plans
23/03/2016 16:32:03 Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P06(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:32:25 Plot 7 372-ELE-453_P05(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:32:59 Plot 7 372-ELE-457_P04(2) Plans
23/03/2016 16:33:17 Plot 7 372-SEC-300_P05 LR(2) Plans
24/03/2016 14:36:26 1 x Response HE (Redacted) Consultation Response
31/03/2016 12:59:11 Basement Impact Assessment 02 Supporting Documents
01/04/2016 10:22:50 petition (Redacted) Consultation Response
01/04/2016 14:40:09 1 x response Consultation Response
05/04/2016 16:18:47 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 08:47:17 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 10:58:37 1 x Response HE 415100436-0001 (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:05:37 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:08:34 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:13:34 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:16:52 20 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2016 14:39:44 13 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/04/2016 11:57:25 Georgian Group response (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/04/2016 12:05:31 x83 responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/04/2016 14:26:17 x100 responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/04/2016 15:05:08 x40 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/04/2016 08:58:57 1 x response Consultation Response
28/04/2016 11:55:34 Response from FCI (2nd response) Correspondence
29/04/2016 16:42:30 Applicant's response to HE Apr 2016 Correspondence
03/05/2016 15:47:05 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/12/2015 13:12:36 CST-Masterplan-Design and Access Statement-Appendix Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:13:00 CST-Masterplan-Design and Access Statement Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:13:43 Proposed Area Plan (rendered) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:13:53 Proposed Site Plan (rendered) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:14:21 CST Plot 1_Community Facilities_Design & Access Statement_151216 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:01 Plot 1: 057_4165_Section F Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:08 Plot 1: 057_4220_Detail Section_ MUGA Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:17 Plot 1: 057_4221_Detail Section_ Housing Typical Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:25 Plot 1: 057_4222_Detail Section_ Inset Balconies Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:34 Plot 1: 057_4223_Detail Section_ Projecting Balconies Supporting Documents
03/05/2016 15:51:32 2 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/05/2016 11:45:53 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/05/2016 08:58:05 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2016 14:18:54 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/06/2016 16:02:18 BIA Audit (Campbell Reith) Consultation Response
10/06/2016 07:52:25 Plot 3 176 A101 Ground Floor Plan - Proposed_R1(2) Plans
10/06/2016 07:54:34 Plot 3 176 A103 Roof Plan - Proposed_R1(2) Plans
10/06/2016 07:55:39 Plot 3 176 A102 First Floor Plan - Proposed_R1(2) Plans
15/06/2016 14:59:08 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/06/2016 15:00:14 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/06/2016 15:16:08 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/06/2016 08:27:09 1 x Response Consultation Response
16/06/2016 15:10:08 Applicant's assessment of blimp height Other
17/06/2016 15:48:12 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/06/2016 10:34:43 Peer Review of Air Quality Assessment Report submitted to support Planning Application Central Somers Town CIP Executive Summary Supporting Documents
20/06/2016 10:35:18 Constrution Traffic Assessment Executive Summary Supporting Documents
20/06/2016 12:50:22 Royal Parks response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/06/2016 12:50:49 Historic England response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/06/2016 12:51:04 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/06/2016 12:37:36 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/06/2016 12:54:10 1 x Resonse Consultation Response
21/06/2016 13:39:26 1 x Response Consultation Response
21/06/2016 14:42:18 Updated petition against Consultation Response
23/06/2016 14:55:42 CST COMMITTEE REPORT FINAL Officer Committee Report
23/06/2016 14:59:59 Supplementary Report CST - FINAL Other
15/07/2016 11:48:16 372-ELE-402_P10 Plans
15/07/2016 11:48:39 372-ELE-403_P10 Plans
15/07/2016 11:50:43 372-L04-205_P05 Plans
15/07/2016 11:51:08 372-L02-204_P05 Plans
15/07/2016 11:51:29 372-L05-206_P05 Plans
15/07/2016 11:51:50 372-L01-203_P05 Plans
15/07/2016 12:03:37 372-SEC-300_P05 Plans
25/07/2016 11:08:17 1 x Comment GLA (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/08/2016 09:03:59 GLA Stage II response Consultation Response
16/08/2016 09:03:47 20160812-1294-SAC-Z01-ZZ-SM-E-V20-200 Generator Supply Arrangement[2] Plans
16/08/2016 14:14:20 Plot 7 - 372-ELE-400 NORTH ELEVATION_P10(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:14:39 Plot 7 - 372-ELE-401 EAST ELEVATION_P10(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:14:57 Plot 7 - 372-ELE-450 NORTH BAY ELEVATION_P07(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:16:15 Plot 7 - 372-ELE-451 EAST BAY ELEVATION_P06(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:16:30 Plot 7 - 372-L15-207 LEVEL 15 PLAN_P06(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:16:49 Plot 7 - 372-L16-208 LEVEL 16 PLAN_P06(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:17:26 Plot 7 - 372-SK133_00(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:17:50 Plot 7 - 372-SK134_02(6) Plans
16/08/2016 14:18:06 Plot 7 - 372-TR-010_SubmissionOutputSchedule(6) Plans
06/09/2016 16:05:33 Plot 7 372-ELE-452_P07 Plans
06/09/2016 16:06:22 Plot 7 372-ELE-453_P06 Plans
06/09/2016 16:11:54 Plot 7 372-ELE-454_P04 Plans
06/09/2016 16:12:35 Plot 7 372-ELE-455_P04 Plans
06/09/2016 16:14:15 Plot 7 372-ELE-458_P04 Plans
21/12/2015 14:31:15 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-456_P02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:41 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-402_P06 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:53 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-403_P06 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:03 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-400_P06 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:16 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-401_P06 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:40 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-301_P02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:32:50 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-300_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:34:21 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-SITE-101-P03 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:42:58 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L01-203_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:43:07 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-L02-204_P03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
06/09/2016 17:14:49 Plot 7 372-ELE-459_P04 Plans
14/10/2016 15:58:12 DEC planning approval M3 Document
14/10/2016 16:15:25 Central Somers Town - Planning Permission - 2015.2704.P Decision Notice
15/02/2016 15:38:13 Multiple responses Consultation Response
17/02/2016 13:44:01 2 x Comments Consultation Response
17/02/2016 15:49:40 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/02/2016 14:29:37 4 x Comments Consultation Response
18/02/2016 15:40:18 final draft 2 ENPSGB statement to planners in support of Planning Application 2015 2704 P Consultation Response
18/02/2016 16:09:07 1 x Comment Correspondence
19/02/2016 09:08:18 1 x Comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
19/02/2016 09:47:04 1 x Comment Consultation Response
21/12/2015 12:56:09 Contamination Study 00 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:56:29 CST Application Form Application Form
21/12/2015 12:56:47 Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Report 11_12_15 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:56:59 Ecological Site Assessment Ext Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:20 Final Camden CMP Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:31 Planning Statement Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:41 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 12:59:51 Noise Assessment Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:01 Wind Study Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:10 Delivery and Servicing management Plan 685-01-DSMP-P01 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:19 685-01-Transport Assessment-P01 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:36 685-01-Travel Plan-P01 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:00:54 Heritage, Townspace and Visula Impact Assessment2231_Somers_Town_Camden_HTVIA_100dpi_141215 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:10 034648 - Brill Place- Basement Impact Assessment 00 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:20 150410 CST Flood Risk Assessment Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:01:42 Statement of Community Involvement 151612 CST SCI Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:02:04 Affordable Housing Statement Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:26 Tree Constraints Plan (proposed) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:37 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:03:46 Tree Constriants Plan (existing) Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:04:24 CST Plot 1_Community Facilities_Design & Access Statement_151216 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:02 Plot 1: Mezzanine floor plan057_4111_GFL Mezzanine Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:18 Plot 1: 1st floor plan 057_4112_1FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:28 Plot 1: 4th floor plan 057_4113_4FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:37 Plot 1: 5th floor plan 057_4114_5FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:07:55 Plot 1 057_4150a_South Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:03 Plot 1: 057_4151_North Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:12 Plot 1: 057_4152_East Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:21 Plot 1: 057_4153a_West Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:31 Plot 1: 057_4160_Section A Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:40 Plot 1: 057_4161_Section B Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:08:50 Plot 1: 057_4162_Section C Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:02 Plot 1: 057_4163_Section D Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:10 Plot 1: 057_4164_Section E Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:18 Plot 1: 057_4165_Section F Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:28 Plot 1: 057_4220_Detail Section_ MUGA Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:39 Plot 1: 057_4221_Detail Section_ Housing Typical Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:48 Plot 1: 057_4222_Detail Section_ Inset Balconies Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:09:57 Plot 1: 057_4223_Detail Section_ Projecting Balconies Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:06 Plot 1: 057_4300_Door-Window Types Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:15 Plot 1: 057_Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151030 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:22 057_Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151127 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:10:31 Plot 1: 057_4002_Existing Site Plan Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:10:40 Plot 1: 057_4010_Existing GFL Plan Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:15:41 Plot 1: 057_4300_Door-Window Types Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:50 Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151030 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:15:59 Plot 1_Drawing Issue Sheet_Planning_151127 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:16:10 Plot 1: Existing Site Plan Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:19 Plot 1: Existing GFL Plan Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:27 Plot 1: Existing South Elevation Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:37 Plot 1: Existing North Elevation Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:47 Plot 1: Existing East Elevation Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:16:54 Plot 1: Existing West Elevation Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:17:15 Plot 1: Site Location Plan OS Extract
21/12/2015 13:17:23 Plot 1: GFL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:31 Plot 1 057_4111_GFL Mezzanine Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:39 Plot 1 - 1FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:47 Plot 1 - 057_4113_4FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:17:55 Plot 1 - 057_4114_5FL Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:02 Plot 1 - 057_4115_Roof Plan Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:10 Plot 1 057_4150a_South Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:17 Plot 1 057_4151_North Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:25 Plot 1 057_4152_East Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:33 Plot 1 057_4153a_West Elevation Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:41 Plot 1 057_4160_Section A Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:48 Plot 1 057_4161_Section B Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:18:55 Plot 1 057_4162_Section C Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:04 Plot 1 057_4163_Section D Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:12 Plot 1 057_4164_Section E Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:38 Plot 1: Landscpae Plan 6236-LD-PLN-001_C Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:49 Plot 1: Landscape Section A 6236-LD-SEC-601_A Section A Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:19:58 6236 CST LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT_revC Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:26 CST Plot 1 - Fire Safety Strategy Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:35 CST Plot 1 - Record of Stakeholder Consultation Stages 1-3 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:20:47 CST Plot 1 - Noise Impact Assessment - RevE Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:25:55 176 151207 Plot 4 ENPS DAS Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:26:28 176 151127 Plot 4 ENPS Appendices Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 13:27:11 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A203 West Elevation - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:20 Plot 4: ENPS -176 A204 North Elevation - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:29 Plot 4: ENPS -176 A221 Section 01 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:37 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A222 Sections 2 and 3 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:47 Plot 4: ENPS -176 A223 Sections 4 and 5 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:27:57 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A224 Section 06 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:08 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A225 Sections 7 and 8 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:16 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A226 Sections 9 and 10 - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:24 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 151127 Planning Drawing Issue Sheet Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 13:28:32 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A001 Ground Floor Plan - Existing Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:43 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A010 East and South West Elevation - Existing Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:28:52 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A011 West Elevation - Existing Existing Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:01 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A101 Ground Floor Plan - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:11 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A102 First Floor Plan - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:20 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A103 Roof Plan - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:29 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A104 Lower Ground Floor Plan - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:40 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A201 East Elevation - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:29:52 Plot 4: ENPS - 176 A202 South West Elevation - Proposed Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 13:30:22 Central Somers Town - Existing Location Plan OS Extract
21/12/2015 14:27:01 372-WORKSTAGE INFORMATION RELEASE SCHEDULE PLANNING 151204 Supporting Documents
21/12/2015 14:27:15 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372_Brill Pl_DAS Design and Access Statement
21/12/2015 14:28:48 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-457_02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:28:58 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-458_02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:08 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-459_02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:21 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-460_P02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:31 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-461_P02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:40 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-462_P02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:49 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-463_P01 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:29:57 Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-464_P01 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:10 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-450_03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:18 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-451_03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:28 Superseded Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-452_03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:43 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-453_03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:30:56 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-454_02 Existing & Proposed Drawing
21/12/2015 14:31:06 SUPERSEDED Plot 7: Brill Place Tower - 372-ELE-455_02 Existing & Proposed Drawing

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.