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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
08/04/2015 15:04:49 Energy Report Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:05:01 External Lighting Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:05:15 FRA and Drainage Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:05:32 Heritage Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:06:08 Planning Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:06:23 Sport Leisure Report Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:06:37 Statement of Community Engagement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:06:55 Sustainability Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:07:08 Transport Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:07:21 Travel Plan Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:07:33 Utilities Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:08:01 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_1 Context 1 of 2 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:08:17 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_2 Context 2 of 2 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:04:36 Ecology Phase 1 Habitat Survey Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:04:23 Daylight and Sunlight Report Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:03:14 Construction Management Plan.02 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:02:59 Basement Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:02:23 Affordable Housing Statement Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:02:12 Acoustic planning report Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:01:04 Cover letter vF.pdf (Redacted) Supporting Documents
11/03/2015 15:02:25 Application Form Application Form
11/03/2015 15:02:24 2100 AA4437 Site Location Plan Rev B.pdf OS Extract
26/11/2015 11:53:12 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan-Rev F(2) Proposed Drawing
17/12/2015 12:44:38 Indoor Facilities Report Supporting Documents
18/12/2015 07:49:56 1 x Response - DPCAAC Consultation Response
18/12/2015 07:50:29 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/12/2015 07:52:32 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/12/2015 08:24:12 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
18/12/2015 08:27:58 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/01/2016 14:13:28 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
21/01/2016 14:56:53 1 x Response (Redacted) Consultation Response
20/07/2016 10:33:33 APPEAL FORM Appellant's Case
20/07/2016 10:33:56 Statement of Case - Mansfield Bowling Club - WR Appellant's Case
21/07/2016 11:38:37 Mansfield outline of legal argument for meeting 15 Jun(2) Appeal
21/07/2016 11:39:31 DCC minutes Appeal
21/07/2016 11:39:52 Mansfield Bowling Club Officer Report Appeal
26/07/2016 14:28:51 160629 Mansfield costs subs Appeal
26/07/2016 14:29:35 Appendix 1 - Sport & Leisure Supporting Statement Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:29:53 Appendix 2 - Heritage Supporting Statement Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:30:40 Appendix 3 - MBC photographs Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:30:56 Appendix 4 - Decision Notice Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:31:18 Appendix 5 - Committee Report Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:31:36 Appendix 6 - LBC Minutes of Planning Commitee 14.01.16 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:32:03 Appendix 7 - Transcript of DC Committee 14th January 2016 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:32:28 Appendix 8 - Policy Extracts Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:32:50 Appendix 9 - Letter from LBC dated 27th October 2015 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:33:09 Appendix 10 - KKP Independant Review February 2015 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:33:31 Appendix 11 - Sports England response (Redacted) 14.04.15 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:33:50 Appendix 12 - Sports England response (Redacted) 12.05.15 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:34:12 Appendix 13 - SLC Letter to LB Camden - Response to SE 10.06.15 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:35:04 Appendix 14 - LBC Head of Sport and Leisure Email to Sport England Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:35:26 Appendix 15 - KKP response to SE Objection September 2015 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:35:43 Appendix 16 - Email from Appellant dated 19 November 2015 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:36:07 Appendix 17 - Email correspondence re S106 Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:36:26 Appendix 18 - Appeal Decision Lambs Passage Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:37:32 Appendix 19 - 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan Rev B Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:37:51 Appendix 19 - 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan-Rev E Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:38:20 Appendix 19 - 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan-Rev F Appellant's Case
26/07/2016 14:38:40 Appendix 20 - Appeal Decision Avery Hill Appellant's Case
28/07/2016 13:39:42 Site Notice Appeal
28/07/2016 13:40:01 Press Advert Appeal
28/07/2016 13:42:03 Supplement Supplementary Agenda 14012016 1900 Planning Committee Appeal
28/07/2016 13:49:35 Notification of an appeal letter (without names and addresses) Appeal
28/07/2016 13:49:56 Dartmouth park Conservation Area Map Appeal
28/07/2016 13:50:18 Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Appraisal Appeal
28/07/2016 13:50:44 CS1, CS4, CS16, CS18, DP2, DP5, DP6, DP25, DP28. DP29 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:51:00 CS5, CS6, CS8, CS10, CS11, CS13-15, CS17, CS19 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:51:22 DP3, DP13, DP15-24, DP26, DP27, DP31 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:51:42 CPG1 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:51:57 CPG2 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:52:16 CPG3 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:52:34 CPG4 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:52:57 CPG6 Appeal
28/07/2016 13:53:15 CPG7 Appeal
28/07/2016 14:31:35 Questionnaire Appeal
28/07/2016 14:47:00 DEC planning refusal Appeal
01/08/2016 09:39:02 DP2, DP5, DP6, DP25, DP28, DP29 Appeal
26/08/2016 10:28:16 Late Objection Consultation Response
26/08/2016 10:34:07 Late Objection Consultation Response
14/05/2015 17:56:59 1x response (Redacted) Other
14/05/2015 17:58:03 1x response (Redacted) Other
26/08/2016 11:38:36 LPA- Mansfield Bowling Club Hearing Statement Appeal
26/08/2016 11:39:19 LPA - Appendix 4 - Relevant policy sections of the Draft Camden Local Plan(3) Appeal
26/08/2016 11:39:32 LPA- Appendix 1 -Officer Report(3) Appeal
26/08/2016 11:39:42 LPA- Appendix 2 - Decision Notice(3) Appeal
26/08/2016 11:39:52 LPA- Appendix 3 - Copy of the Committee Meeting Minutes(3) Appeal
26/08/2016 11:40:38 LPA- Mansfield Bowling Club - LPA response to costs application Appeal
29/09/2016 11:40:01 Mansfield Bowling Club - relevant background info to demand for site Consultation Response
05/10/2016 11:11:19 3rd party direct response to Pins (Redacted) Consultation Response
06/10/2016 11:32:39 Response to planning application 2015 1444 P (Redacted) Appeal
11/10/2016 14:37:42 3PR - Chloe schneider Appeal
11/10/2016 14:38:57 3PR - Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee Appeal
11/10/2016 14:39:20 3PR - DARTMOUTH PARK RESIDENTS CIC 1 Appeal
11/10/2016 14:40:01 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 1_001 Appeal
11/10/2016 14:40:22 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 2_001 Appeal
11/10/2016 14:40:42 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 3_001 Appeal
12/10/2016 11:03:40 3PR - Jane Steedman Appeal
12/10/2016 11:32:12 3PR - Amy Silverston 1 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:40:28 3PR - Anthony and Mary Hynes (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:42:51 3PR - Aubrey Dor (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:44:20 3PR - Bernard Alexander (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:46:14 3PR - Carole Montana (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:47:58 3PR - Caroline Jacobs (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:49:55 3pr - Catherine Max (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:53:40 3pr - Christine Baron (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 11:58:46 3PR - Cllr Oliver Lewis (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:00:22 3PR - Cllr Sally Gimson (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:04:45 3PR - DH Port (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:11:28 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 4_001 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:12:53 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 5_001 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:15:25 3PR - DPR APPENDIX 6_001 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:17:20 3PR - Dr Guinevere Tufnell 1 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:18:48 3PR - Dr Guinevere Tufnell 2 (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:20:18 3PR - Dr Talia Barry (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:22:16 3PR - Dylan Edwards (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:23:43 3PR - Eileen Willmott (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:25:13 3PR - Emma OKelly (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:26:55 3pr - Felicity Taylor (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:29:21 3PR - Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:31:39 3PR - Gillian Crow (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:33:28 3PR - Heather-Ann Ross (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:34:47 3PR - Helen Nesbitt (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:38:41 3PR - Jill Wilkinson (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:41:54 3PR - Jim Barry (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:43:14 3PR - Joanna Cooke (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:44:37 3PR - John Morton (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:46:19 3PR - Jonathan Bor (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:47:44 3PR - Jonty Boyce (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:49:06 3PR - Joyce Glasser (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:51:16 3PR - Justin and Wendy Shale (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 12:53:41 3PR - Karen Bartlett-Sando (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 14:15:50 3PR - Kathleen Northop Appeal
12/10/2016 14:16:05 3PR - Kay S Appeal
12/10/2016 14:16:35 3PR - Louise Savage Appeal
12/10/2016 14:16:51 3PR - Lucy Lethbridge Appeal
12/10/2016 14:18:49 3PR - Matt Born Appeal
12/10/2016 14:20:10 3PR - Minto R Appeal
12/10/2016 14:20:39 3PR - Mr Mrs A Rose 2 Appeal
12/10/2016 14:20:53 3PR - Mr Mrs A Rose 3 Appeal
12/10/2016 14:21:15 3PR - Mr Mrs A Rose 4 Appeal
12/10/2016 14:22:07 3PR - Nancy Biggs Appeal
12/10/2016 14:26:37 3PR - Rowena Barber Appeal
12/10/2016 14:27:01 3PR - Ruth Appleton Appeal
12/10/2016 14:34:16 3PR - Karen Katz and David Alberts (Redacted) Appeal
12/10/2016 14:39:42 3PR - Keith Northrop (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:28:05 3PR - Lynn Kramer (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:30:08 3PR - Mariachiara Butt (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:32:48 3PR - Matthew Pearce (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:34:00 3PR - Melissa Barber (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:35:44 3PR - Mike Newell (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:38:07 3PR - Mr Mrs A Rose 1 (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:40:34 3PR - Ms G.Mackintosh (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:42:50 3PR - Neil and Juliet Harris (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:44:02 3PR - Neil O May (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:45:02 3PR - Neil Sankoff (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:46:40 3PR - Nicholas Norden (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:48:05 3PR - Oliver Butt (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:49:45 3PR - Paul Kafno (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:52:23 3PR - Peter Trill (Redacted) Appeal
13/10/2016 11:54:42 3RD- Olivia Harvard- watts Appeal
19/10/2016 19:40:26 Appendix 5 - Submissions from Interested Parties since the Appeal was submitted Appeal
19/10/2016 19:41:11 Appendix 6 - Leisure and Community Need prepared by Nortoft Appeal
19/10/2016 19:41:34 Appendix 7 - Highways Estimate and Plan Appeal
19/10/2016 19:42:15 Appendix 8 - Suggested Conditions Appeal
19/10/2016 19:43:35 Appendix 9 - Supporting Documents - Indoor Facilities Report Assessment Report January 2015 Appeal
19/10/2016 19:45:21 Appendix 9 - Supporting Documents - Infrastructure Study Update February 2015 Appeal
19/10/2016 19:46:00 Appendix 9 - Supporting Documents - Open Space Sport and Recreation Study June 2014 Appeal
19/10/2016 19:46:28 Appendix 9 - Supporting Documents - Open Space Sport and Recreation Study Update 2008 Appeal
20/10/2016 12:45:40 3PR - Prof. Jonathan Drori (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:46:59 3PR - Professor Tim Blackburn (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:47:50 3PR - Richard Ault (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:48:48 3pr - Robin Baron (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:51:37 3PR - Sara Whyte (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:53:19 3PR - Shazia Mustafa_Third Door (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:54:33 3PR - Sonia Rothwell (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:55:21 3PR - Stephen Nussey (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:56:43 3PR - Tamsin Ogilvie (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 12:58:23 3PR - Zoe Tillier (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 13:03:42 3PR - Richard and Anjali Barber (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 13:04:30 3PR - Robert Fergusson (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 13:05:39 3PR - Rosie Reynolds (Redacted) Appeal
20/10/2016 16:53:36 Appellants rebuttal to the council’s statement received 20/10/16 Appellant's Case
20/10/2016 16:54:05 Appendix 1 Belsize Fire Station - committee extract - Appellants rebuttal to the council’s statement received 20/10/16 Appellant's Case
20/10/2016 16:54:33 Appendix 2 Kings College London - committee extract Appellants rebuttal to the council’s statement received 20/10/16 Appellant's Case
20/10/2016 16:54:48 Cover letter 191016 Appellants rebuttal to the council’s statement received 20/10/16 Appellant's Case
25/10/2016 14:05:49 CoHo submission to PINs received 25/10/16 Appeal
25/10/2016 15:59:06 Mansfield Bowls Club Additional Notes 25 10 16 b Appeal
25/10/2016 15:59:43 ED2e - List of allocated sites 2016-2017 to 2030-2031 (2) Appeal
01/11/2016 13:49:34 Berry S - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:50:51 Berry S - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT Appeal
01/11/2016 13:51:41 Buchanan N - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:52:28 Calvert K - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:53:18 Clapham R - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:54:05 Conniff H - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:54:43 Cooke J - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:55:20 hanna g - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:56:14 Kay N - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:57:59 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY Appeal
01/11/2016 13:58:28 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT Appeal
01/11/2016 14:00:22 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT (Redacted) Appeal
01/11/2016 14:01:39 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT 1 Appeal
01/11/2016 14:02:16 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT 1 Appeal
01/11/2016 14:03:07 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT 2 Appeal
01/11/2016 14:04:22 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT 3 Appeal
01/11/2016 14:04:57 van Heyningen J - INTERESTED PARTY_ATTACHMENT 4 Appeal
30/01/2017 09:30:14 Appeal Decision Appeal Decision
30/01/2017 09:30:32 Costs Decision Appeal Decision
02/02/2017 10:01:46 Section 106 Legal Agreement Legal Agreement
15/02/2018 10:41:59 Travel Plan Other
18/04/2018 14:09:12 Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan (plan policies) Appeal
14/06/2018 12:06:24 Approved CMP Other
12/03/2020 11:41:07 Belsize Conservation Area Map Appeal
08/04/2015 15:13:21 2101 AA4437 Existing Site Layout Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:13:09 2100 AA4437 Site Location Plan Rev B OS Extract
08/04/2015 15:12:27 AL4437-2004 sections Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:11:58 AL4437-2003 Boundary treatment Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:11:45 AL4437-2002 Soft landscape Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:11:27 AL4437-2001 hard landscape Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:11:15 AL4437-2000 tree removal and retention Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:10:57 AL4437 Drawing Register Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:10:26 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_11 Sustainability Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:10:11 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_10 Access Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:09:59 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_9 Use and Amount Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:09:46 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_8 Design Proposals 4 of 4 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:09:29 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_7 Design Proposals 3 of 4 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:09:14 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_6 Design Proposals 2 of 4 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:09:01 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_5 Design Proposals 1 of 4 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:08:46 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_4 Design Development 2 of 2 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:08:30 AA4437 Mansfield Bowling Club_D&AS_3 Design Development 1 of 2 Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:13:33 2102 AA4437 Existing Site Sections AA, BB Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:13:52 2103 AA4437 Existing Site Sections CC, DD Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:14:07 2104 AA4437 Existing Ground Floor Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:14:19 2105 AA4437 Existing First Floor Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:14:34 2106 AA4437 Existing Second Floor Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:14:48 2107 AA4437 Existing Roof Plan Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:15:04 2110 AA4437 Existing Elevations, South-West, North-West Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:15:17 2111 AA4437 Existing Elevations North - East, South - East Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:15:29 2120 AA4437 Demolition Plan Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:15:45 2121 AA4437 Footprint of Existing Structures Rev B Existing Drawing
08/04/2015 15:15:58 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan Rev B Superseded
08/04/2015 15:16:13 2131 AA4437 Proposed Ground Level Masterplan Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:16:26 2135 AA4437 Proposed Site Sections AA, BB Rev C Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:16:40 2136 AA4437 Proposed Site Section CC, DD Rev C Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:16:52 2140 AA4437 Proposed Site Sections EE, FF Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:17:04 2145 AA4437 Storey Heights Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:17:16 2146 AA4437 Tenure Plan - Schedule of Accomodation Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:17:29 2147 AA4437 Footprint Comparison - Clubhouse Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:17:40 2156 AA4437 Cycle Storage_Rev Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:17:51 2157 AA4437 Access & Movement Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:18:05 2158 AA4437 Parking Strategy Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:18:16 2159 AA4437 Refuse Strategy Rev B Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:18:46 2160 AA4437 Proposed Block Plan - Ground Level Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:19:00 2161 AA4437 Proposed Block Plan - First Floor Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:19:12 2162 AA4437 Proposed Block Plan - Second Floor Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:19:36 2164 AA4437 Proposed Block Plan - Basement Level Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:19:47 2170 AA4437 GA Elevations North - West, South - West Rev C Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:20:04 2171 AA4437 GA Elevations North - East, South - East Rev C Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:20:17 2175 AA4437 Sections AA, BB Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:20:31 2176 AA4437 Sections CC, DD Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:20:46 2180 AA4437 Pavilion GA Plans & Elevations Rev B Proposed Drawing
08/04/2015 15:20:58 2185 AA4437 House Type A 4B GA's Rev C Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:21:12 2186 AA4437 House Type B 4B GA's Rev C Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:21:27 2187 AA4437 House Type C 2B GA's Rev C Supporting Documents
08/04/2015 15:21:39 AA4437 drawing register Supporting Documents
10/04/2015 10:31:21 Response - Thamnes Water Consultation Response
10/04/2015 10:35:42 Response - Environment Agency Consultation Response
13/04/2015 17:08:41 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/04/2015 15:31:29 Independent review of sport report KKP February 2015 ( 3) Supporting Documents
15/04/2015 14:02:36 Sports England response (Redacted) Consultation Response
15/04/2015 14:06:02 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
17/04/2015 11:33:31 Response x 1 - Natural England Consultation Response
22/04/2015 09:10:16 1 x response Consultation Response
23/04/2015 11:49:32 2x responses Consultation Response
29/04/2015 14:36:38 58x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
29/04/2015 15:03:55 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/05/2015 15:58:13 x5 responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/05/2015 16:42:30 x1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
08/05/2015 10:19:44 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
08/05/2015 10:36:33 1 x response (Redacted) Application Form
08/05/2015 14:23:28 6 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
11/05/2015 17:21:54 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:55:27 Sports england response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:56:23 CAAC's reponse (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:58:46 6x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 14:01:04 8x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:02:06 21 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:02:20 19 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:02:34 3 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:02:51 2 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:03:13 12 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:03:30 13 x Comments Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:06:54 13 x Comments ( 2) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:07:08 13 x Comments ( 3) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:07:21 1 x Comment Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:07:35 3 x Comments ( 2) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:07:49 1 x Comment ( 2) Consultation Response
13/05/2015 13:08:02 9 x Comments Consultation Response
15/05/2015 13:57:17 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
29/05/2015 09:55:15 1 x Comment 2015.1444.P (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/06/2015 15:18:04 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/06/2015 16:25:07 Basement Impact Assessment independent assessment 1 June 2015 Supporting Documents
18/06/2015 15:26:04 ARBORICULTURAL REPORT Supporting Documents
22/06/2015 17:34:00 1 x response Consultation Response
23/06/2015 17:11:22 Dartmouth Park CAAC response Consultation Response
24/06/2015 15:56:21 SLC response to Sport England Applicant Correspondence
01/07/2015 11:58:30 App Ref: 2015/1444/P - Sport England 2ns response Consultation Response
03/07/2015 12:56:39 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
14/07/2015 10:38:09 Independent Assessment of BIA final Supporting Documents
05/09/2015 15:06:11 ECO4370.Phase 2 Survey Report.vf(2) Supporting Documents
05/09/2015 15:07:51 2163 AA4437 Proposed Block Plan - Roof Level-RevC(2) Drawing
05/09/2015 15:09:49 2130 AA4437 Proposed Roof Level Masterplan-Rev D(2) Superseded
14/09/2015 14:40:05 Further letter from KKP dated 3rd sept 2015 (Redacted) Consultation Response

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.