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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
29/01/2015 16:34:46 276 4233 RevB P Ground Floor Plan Superseded
29/01/2015 16:37:03 Drawing Issue Sheet (Proposed) Superseded
30/01/2015 11:29:19 Thames Water response (Redacted) Consultation Response
06/02/2015 16:24:24 Heath & Hampstead Society Consultation Response
16/02/2015 15:55:30 1 x response Consultation Response
18/02/2015 13:11:52 3 x responses Consultation Response
18/02/2015 14:45:32 1 x response Consultation Response
23/02/2015 16:27:21 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
24/02/2015 15:13:44 English Heritage Response Consultation Response
25/02/2015 14:23:00 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/02/2015 10:22:07 5 x responses Consultation Response
27/02/2015 17:35:54 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
04/03/2015 15:33:26 1 x response Consultation Response
10/03/2015 16:11:42 2 x responses Consultation Response
11/03/2015 17:55:03 Applicant Response to LBC Transport Comments Supporting Documents
12/03/2015 11:10:09 1 x response Consultation Response
18/03/2015 17:35:31 Molecular Filter Lifetime Determination Report Supporting Documents
19/03/2015 14:00:59 1 x response Consultation Response
19/03/2015 14:14:28 Delivery & Servicing Plan Superseded
20/03/2015 12:40:15 2 x responses Consultation Response
23/03/2015 09:43:06 Revised Transport Assessment - part 1 of 2 Superseded
23/03/2015 09:43:50 Revised Transport Assessment - part 2 of 2 Superseded
27/03/2015 09:18:15 Independent BIA Review Consultation Response
31/03/2015 14:43:20 Air Quality Addendum Report Supporting Documents
31/03/2015 14:49:52 Proposed PV Roof Plan Superseded
02/04/2015 11:17:11 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Addendum Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:33:57 Area Schedule Superseded
02/04/2015 11:34:23 Construction Management Plan Addendum Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:34:50 Letter Enclosing Revised Drawings Correspondence
02/04/2015 11:35:09 Design and Access Statement Addendum Part 1 of 2 Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:37:13 Design and Access Statement Addendum Part 2 of 2 Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:37:34 Daylight and Sunlight Addendum Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:37:54 Drawing Issue Sheet (Proposed) Superseded
02/04/2015 11:38:13 Heritage and Conservation Addendum Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:38:47 Revised Application Form Application Form
02/04/2015 11:39:11 Revised CIL form CIL
02/04/2015 11:42:35 Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment Addendum Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:45:37 Revised Photomontages Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:46:28 Photomontage Methodology Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:46:58 Revised Delivery & Servicing Plan Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:47:13 Revised Transport Assessment Supporting Documents
02/04/2015 11:48:27 Proposed Landscape Plan Revised Drawing
06/05/2015 14:09:26 Historic England Response to Revised Drawings Consultation Response
06/05/2015 18:13:18 Revised Area Schedule Supporting Documents
20/05/2015 16:13:46 276 4260 REvB E Elevations Superseded
20/05/2015 16:14:09 276 4261 REvB E Elevations Superseded
20/05/2015 16:15:03 276 4262 REvB E Elevations Superseded
20/05/2015 16:15:46 276 4295 RevB Section A Superseded
20/05/2015 16:16:37 276 4296 RevB Section B Superseded
20/05/2015 16:17:08 276 4297 RevB Section C Superseded
20/05/2015 16:17:34 276 4298 RevB Section D Superseded
20/05/2015 16:18:08 Design and Access Statement Addendum - May 2015 Supporting Documents
29/05/2015 10:32:15 2 x Comments Consultation Response
01/06/2015 11:51:27 Proposed Roof Plan (with green roof and PVs) Revised Drawing
02/06/2015 12:57:15 x2 responses Consultation Response
02/06/2015 17:45:11 1 x response (Councillor) Consultation Response
23/06/2015 09:53:54 1 x response Consultation Response
23/06/2015 10:00:07 Design and Access Statement Addendum Superseded
23/06/2015 10:07:13 Daylight and Sunlight Addendum Supporting Documents
23/06/2015 10:38:09 Revised Consultation Statement Supporting Documents
23/06/2015 14:38:53 All Proposed Elevations & Sections Revised Drawing
23/06/2015 14:39:07 All Proposed Floor Plans Revised Drawing
23/06/2015 14:39:32 Drawing Issue Sheet Supporting Documents
23/06/2015 14:39:59 Design and Access Statement Addendum - June 2015 Supporting Documents
23/06/2015 14:40:20 Proposed Site Plan Revised Drawing
24/06/2015 11:46:42 1 x Response Consultation Response
25/06/2015 10:39:48 1 x Response Consultation Response
25/06/2015 16:06:55 1 x Withdrawal of Objection Consultation Response
23/07/2015 13:09:52 Confirmation SoS not calling in application Consultation Response
02/09/2015 17:17:23 Legal Agreement - Arthur West House 79 Fitzjohns Avenue Section 106
28/09/2015 15:19:50 Demolition Management Plan Squibb-TTP vF (150710) vF reduced Approved Drawings
24/03/2016 15:17:51 581197-REP-SBU-Basement-Const-Plan-20160321(2) Superseded
24/03/2016 15:18:04 Appendix A - Part 1 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:18:14 Appendix A - Part 2 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:19:24 Appendix A - Part 3 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:19:58 Appendix A - Part 4 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:20:08 Appendix A - Part 5 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:21:22 Appendix A S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:21:36 Appendix B S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:22:14 Appendix C - Part 1 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:22:59 Appendix C - Part 2 S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:23:09 Appendix E S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:23:20 Appendix H S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:24:19 Appendix D S106 submission
24/03/2016 15:24:57 Appendix I S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:39:24 Basement-Const-Plan S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:39:44 Appendix G - Part 1 S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:40:59 Appendix G - Part 2 S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:48:15 Appendix J S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:48:41 Appendix K S106 submission
04/04/2016 08:49:05 Appendix L S106 submission
01/06/2016 14:34:55 Appendix F - Structural Calculations - Permanent Works S106 submission
01/06/2016 17:05:11 Certifying engineer's report - Appendix M Rev.A S106 submission
24/06/2016 08:25:52 LL489-100-0002 Existing and Proposed Levels Plan(2) S106 submission
24/06/2016 08:26:18 R02-LD-Service Managament Plan (160513) V1(2) S106 submission
24/06/2016 08:26:34 R01-LD-Travel Plan (160513) V1(2) S106 submission
24/06/2016 08:26:53 N01-LD-Car Park Management Plan (160513) V1(2) S106 submission
24/06/2016 08:36:50 20160512 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Plan S106 submission
05/07/2016 16:54:21 CMP Plans
27/07/2016 10:34:41 Viability Review (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/07/2016 10:50:57 Viability Review Report (Redacted) Superseded
27/07/2016 11:34:08 Viability Review Report Addendum (Redacted) Superseded
27/07/2016 11:35:47 Viability Review Addendum (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/01/2017 11:39:57 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX C.1-Phase1-SweptPathAnalysis Other
03/01/2017 11:40:13 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX C.2 Other
03/01/2017 11:40:26 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX C.3.1-Phase2-SweptPathAnalysisWiderNewtork Other
03/01/2017 11:40:39 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX C.4-Phase2-SweptPathAnalysis Other
03/01/2017 11:40:50 A870-FJA-CMP-B1-V1-SUB1-050716 Other
03/01/2017 11:41:16 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX A Other
03/01/2017 11:41:28 A870-FJA-CMP-APPENDIX B Other
27/01/2017 13:39:25 CMP revised- addendum A Other
02/07/2018 12:17:08 79 Fitzjohn Avenue - Shaylor Group - CMP- Addendum Rev B S106 submission
02/07/2018 12:18:00 0002555ABMC0015 S106 submission
02/07/2018 12:18:52 0002555ABMC0016 S106 submission
02/07/2018 12:19:32 0002555 AB MC 0020 S106 submission
02/07/2018 12:19:58 0002555 AB TB 0019 S106 submission
21/02/2019 16:01:46 Committee Report - Arthur West House, 79 Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, NW3 6PA - 2014.7851.P Other
18/03/2021 09:36:53 Basement Post-Completion Report S106 submission
23/12/2014 13:08:54 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Figure 1 - L2 Site Context Plan-A1 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:27:02 PDAS - Appendix 1 - Social Needs Report Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:26:11 Planning, design & access statement - Part 7 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:26:04 Planning, design & access statement - Part 6 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:25:57 Planning, design & access statement - Part 5 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:25:51 Planning, design & access statement - Part 4 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:25:44 Planning, design & access statement - Part 3 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:25:35 Planning, design & access statement - Part 2 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:25:29 Planning, design & access statement - Part 1 Supporting Documents
22/12/2014 16:23:06 CIL form Superseded
22/12/2014 16:22:58 Application Form Superseded
22/12/2014 16:22:18 Cover letter 19-12-2014 Other
23/12/2014 13:09:01 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Figure 2 - L3 Topographical Features Plan-A1 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:09:07 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Figure 3 - L8 Local Townscape Character Plan-A3 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:09:14 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Figure 4 - L4 Site Appraisal Plan-A3 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:11:31 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Figure 5 - L5 Visual Appraisal Plan-A1 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:11:37 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 1 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:11:45 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 2 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:11:52 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 3 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:11:59 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 4 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:12:05 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 5 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:12:12 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Photomontages Part 6 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:12:18 PDAS - Appendix 2 - TVI statement Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:12:24 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Context Photos 1 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:12:31 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Context Photos 2 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:12:38 PDAS - Appendix 2 - Context Photos 3 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:14:07 Aboricultural Impact Assessment - part 1 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:14:14 Aboricultural Impact Assessment - part 2 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:14:21 Aboricultural Impact Assessment - part 3 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:15:06 English Heritage letter 30.10.2014 Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:18:47 Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) - part 1 of 6 - Main body of report and cover Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:18:54 BIA - part 2 of 6 - Appendices A and B Structural plans and calculations Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:19:01 BIA - part 3 of 6 - Appendix C Hydrogeological and Ground Movement report Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:19:08 BIA - part 4 of 6 - Appendix D part 1 Ground Investigation report Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:19:15 BIA - part 5 of 6 - Appendix D part 2 Ground Investigation report remainder Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:19:23 BIA - part 6 of 6 - Appendix E Flood Risk Assessment Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:19:46 Construction Management Plan Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:20:13 Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Site Investigation Report Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:20:34 Daylight and Sunlight Report Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:20:56 Ecology Report Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:21:11 Energy and Sustainability Statement Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:21:32 Noise vibration & ventilation assessment Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:21:49 Statement of Community Involvement Supporting Documents
23/12/2014 13:22:34 Transport Assessment - part 1 of 2 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:22:40 Transport Assessment - part 2 of 2 Superseded
23/12/2014 13:28:56 Location Plan OS Extract
23/12/2014 13:29:33 276 4100 Site Plan Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:45:45 276 4110 Basement Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:45:51 276 4111 Floor level 0 Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:45:58 276 4112 Floor level 1 Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:05 276 4113 Floor level 2 & 3 Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:12 276 4114 Floor level 4 Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:25 276 4115 Floor level 5 Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:31 276 4116 Roof plan Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:38 276 4150 Elevation - Fitzjohns Avenue Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:45 276 4151 North East & South East elevations Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:51 276 4175 Section AA Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:46:57 276 4176 Section BB Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:47:03 276 4177 Section CC Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 13:47:10 276 4178 Section DD Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 15:25:49 276 4261 Elevation B Superseded
23/12/2014 15:25:55 276 4262 Elevation C Superseded
23/12/2014 15:26:02 276 4295 Section A Superseded
23/12/2014 15:26:09 276 4296 Section B Superseded
23/12/2014 15:26:17 276 4297 Section C Superseded
23/12/2014 15:26:24 276 4298 Section D Superseded
23/12/2014 15:26:30 276 4400 Elevation detail Superseded
23/12/2014 15:27:01 Drawing Issue Sheet (Existing) Existing Drawing
23/12/2014 15:27:09 276 4200 Site Plan Superseded
23/12/2014 15:29:00 276 4260 Elevation A Superseded
26/01/2015 17:08:00 Delivery & Servicing Plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:08:38 Landscape Plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:09:32 Areas Schedule Superseded
26/01/2015 17:44:29 276 4231 P Basement floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:44:45 276 4232 P Lower ground floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:45:19 276 4234 P Upper ground floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:45:35 276 4235 RevA P First floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:45:50 276 4236 P Second floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:46:06 276 4237 P Third floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:46:24 276 4238 RevA P Fourth floor plan Superseded
26/01/2015 17:46:44 276 4239 P Fifth floor plan Superseded
27/01/2015 15:35:28 Revised Cover Letter - Confirmation of option 2 (42 units) Superseded
30/01/2015 13:05:50 1 x response Consultation Response
02/04/2015 14:20:20 Proposed Site Plan Superseded
02/04/2015 14:21:03 Proposed Elevations Superseded
02/04/2015 14:21:20 Proposed Floor Plans Detail Superseded
02/04/2015 14:21:33 Proposed Floor Plans Outline Superseded
02/04/2015 14:21:52 Proposed Sections Superseded
19/02/2015 13:40:13 Environment Agency response Consultation Response
19/02/2015 13:40:35 1 x response Consultation Response
26/02/2015 17:25:05 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.