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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
30/01/2015 12:59:20 Consultation response Consultation Response
30/12/2014 15:47:20 x1 response Consultation Response
13/01/2015 15:47:02 4 x responses Consultation Response
30/01/2015 11:21:24 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
02/02/2015 13:27:01 x4 responses Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:21:01 4x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:43:06 Fortune Green & West Hampstead response (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:58:32 1x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:59:57 5x RESPONSES Consultation Response
05/02/2015 09:43:31 Viability Report - Redacted COPY Plans
05/02/2015 13:59:35 Cllr Lorna Russell response (Redacted) Consultation Response
05/02/2015 14:04:03 4 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
12/02/2015 08:22:16 TfL comments Consultation Response
12/02/2015 18:06:05 Liddell Rd - response to overshadowing comments Plans
12/02/2015 18:06:58 Liddell Rd - response to microclimate comments Plans
13/02/2015 09:16:01 1 x commnet (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/02/2015 11:41:22 Ref 2014 7651 P - Network Rail (Redacted) Consultation Response
13/02/2015 11:43:24 3 x Comments (Redacted) Consultation Response
16/02/2015 15:44:41 Consultation responses Consultation Response
17/02/2015 17:53:13 Liddell Rd - microclimate analysis Plans
17/02/2015 17:54:11 Liddell Rd - overshadowing analysis Plans
20/02/2015 15:43:06 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/02/2015 13:04:23 x1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/02/2015 09:29:53 GLA Stage 1 Report Consultation Response
03/03/2015 14:26:55 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/03/2015 14:59:25 x1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/03/2015 15:06:42 x1 response (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/03/2015 16:01:29 GLA response (Redacted) Consultation Response
04/03/2015 10:39:13 DOC Consultation Response
09/03/2015 16:13:12 Liddell Road COMMITTEE REPORT Officer Committee Report
01/04/2015 13:49:23 GLA response (Stage II) Consultation Response
22/04/2015 13:06:59 Liddell Industrial Estate 1-33 Liddell Road London NW6 2EW Officer Committee Report
22/04/2015 13:07:22 Decision Notice 2014.7651.P Decision Notice
14/05/2015 11:47:34 Liddell Road s106 Agreement - Phase 2 Section 106
23/12/2015 14:17:38 Construction Management Plan Pro-Forma 2015 v2 1 - Kingsgate Primary Sch(2) Plans
28/10/2021 12:42:49 Approvedrnal] - RE: Liddell Road West Hampstead - Approveed School Access Plan S106 submission
28/10/2021 12:45:19 RE: [External] - RE: Liddell Road West Hampstead - Approved Electric Charging Point Plan S106 submission
03/11/2021 12:01:07 20-7620 - Liddell Road, West Hampstead, London - Approved Residential Travel Plan Rev B S106 submission
13/12/2021 10:43:26 20-7620 - Liddell Road, West Hampstead, London - Employment Travel Plan RevA- Approved Employment Travel Plan S106 submission
13/12/2021 10:44:02 Commercial Travel Survey Rev A- Approved Employment Travel Plan S106 submission
04/03/2022 13:22:32 Construction Management Plan- CMP Other
04/03/2022 13:29:13 CMP discharge notice Other
12/12/2014 08:42:21 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part1 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:42:35 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part2 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:42:57 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part3 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:14 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part4 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:28 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part5 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:42 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part6 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:56 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part7 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:09 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part8 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:24 5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part9 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:48 Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:45:02 Air Quality Assessment Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:45:39 Application Form Application Form
12/12/2014 08:45:54 Arboricultural Impact Assessment Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:46:38 D&A Landscaping 403-07-14-PDAS_7.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:17 D&A Masterplan 1 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:33 D&A Masterplan 2 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:48 D&A Masterplan 3 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:04 D&A Masterplan 4 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:36 D&A Masterplan 5 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:55 D&A Masterplan 6 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:11 D&A Planning, Policy, Assessment 403-07-14-PDAS_8.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:24 D&A Residential 1 of 2 403-07-14-PDAS_5.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:42 D&A Residential 2 of 2 403-07-14-PDAS_5.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:50:36 D&A School 1 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:50:51 D&A School 2 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:09 D&A School 3 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:24 D&A School 4 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:38 D&A School 5 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:53 D&A Workspace 403-07-14-PDAS_6.0 Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:52:38 Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 1 A P297 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:52:52 Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 1 B P297 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:08 Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 2 P297 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:21 Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 3 P297 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:35 Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 4 P297 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:18 Drawing Issue Register 1 KL037 app2 021214 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:36 Drawings Issue Register 2 403-10-01_P2 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:48 Ecological Assessment Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:01:13 Existing & Proposed Hedge Plan KL037.C.LS.23 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:28 Existing & Proposed Planter Scheme KL037.C.LS.9 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:43 Existing & Proposed Planting Plan KL037.C.LS.05 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:57 Existing & Proposed Section 4 KL037.C.LS.4 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:09 Existing & Proposed Section 6 KL037.C.LS.06 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:25 Existing & Proposed Section 10 KL037.C.LS.10 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:49 Existing & Proposed Section 25 KL037.C.LS.25 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:05 Existing & Proposed Section S7 KL037.C.LS.07 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:17 Existing & Proposed Section S8 KL037.C.LS.8 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:31 Existing & Proposed Section S20 KL037.C.LS.20 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:45 Existing & Proposed Section S22 KL037.C.LS.22 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:02 Existing & Proposed Sections Through Bank KL037.C.LS.01-03 Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:20 Existing Context Sections SN0 & SN1 403_P2-010 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:34 Existing Context Sections SN2 & SS1 403_P2-011 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:52 Existing Context Sections SS2 & SW1 403_P2-012 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:05 Existing Context Sections SW2 & SE2 403_P2-013 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:25 Existing Roof & Land Ownership Plan MLUK-403_P2-007 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:40 Existing Roof & Site Plan 403_P2-006 Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:06:54 Flood Risk Assessment Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:08 Geotechnical Study Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:23 PDAS Appendix 1 (Workspace Statement) Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:39 Proposed Context Sections SE2 403_P2-085 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:07:50 Proposed Context Sections SN0 & SN1 403_P2-080 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:04 Proposed Context Sections SN2 & SS3 403_P2-081 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:19 Proposed Context Sections SS2 & SW1 403_P2-082 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:35 Proposed Context Sections SW2 & SE2 403_P2-083 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:49 Proposed Context Sections SW3 & SW4 403_P2-084 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:02 Proposed East Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-351 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:18 Proposed East Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-371 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:34 Proposed East Elevation Workspace 403_P2-341 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:51 Proposed Eighth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-158 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:06 Proposed Fifth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-155 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:19 Proposed First Floor Plan 403_P2-071 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:40 Proposed First Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-141 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:53 Proposed First Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-151 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:08 Proposed First Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-171 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:23 Proposed Fourth Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-144 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:40 Proposed Fourth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-154 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:53 Proposed Fourth Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-174 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:07 Proposed Ground Floor Plan 403_P2-070 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:22 Proposed Ground Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-140 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:37 Proposed Ground Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-150 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:53 Proposed Ground Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-170 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:07 Proposed Ninth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-159 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:20 Proposed North Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-353 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:33 Proposed North Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-373 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:48 Proposed North Elevation Workspace 403_P2-340 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:01 Proposed Roof Plan 403_P2-072 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:15 Proposed Roof Plan Residential Block C 403_P2-175 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:30 Proposed Roof Residential Block A 403_P2-145 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:47 Proposed Roof Residential Block B 403_P2-161 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:15:37 Proposed Second Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-142 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:15:50 Proposed Second Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-152 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:02 Proposed Second Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-172 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:16 Proposed Section 01 Residential Block B 403_P2-250 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:29 Proposed Section 01 Workspace 403_P2-240 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:42 Proposed Seventh Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-157 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:55 Proposed Sixth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-156 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:08 Proposed South Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-350 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:30 Proposed South Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-370 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:44 Proposed South Elevation Workspace 403_P2-342 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:58 Proposed Tenth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-160 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:13 Proposed Third Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-143 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:25 Proposed Third Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-153 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:38 Proposed Third Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-173 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:54 Proposed West Elevation 403_P2-343 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:08 Proposed West Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-352 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:22 Proposed West Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-372 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:51 Proposed Section 01 Residential Block C 403_P2-270 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:17 Residential and Commercial Draft Travel Plan Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:31 Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-550 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:45 Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-551 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:21:11 Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 03 403_P2-552 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:21:44 Residential Block C Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-570 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:00 Residential Block C Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-571 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:16 Site Location Plan 403_P2-002 OS Extract
12/12/2014 09:22:30 Stage D Enabling Works Plan KL037_D_08_TLP_RevF Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:47 Stage D Landscape Plan 1 KL037_D_01_LP_RevE Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:00 Stage D Landscape Plan 2 KL037_D_01_LP2_RevA Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:13 Stage D Landscape Roof Level Plan Part 2 KL037_D_10.LPRF2.RevB Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:27 Stage D Overview Landscape Lighting Plan KL037_D_11.LPO_RevA Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:43 Stage D Overview Landscape Planting Plan KL037_D_07.PP2_ P2 Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:57 Stage D Overview Tree Plan KL037_D_02.TP.RevB Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:24:09 Stage D Section Cut Plan KL037_D_05_SCP_RevD Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:25:13 Statement of Community Involvement (part 1 of 2) Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:25:42 Statement of Community Involvement (part 2 of 2) Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:25:58 Sustainability and Energy Statement (Part 1 of 2) Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:26:31 Sustainability and Energy Statement (Part 2 of 2) Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:27:28 Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 1-3) v3 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:27:45 Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 2-3) v3 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:28:01 Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 3-3) v3 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:31:21 Workspace Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-540 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:31:35 Workspace Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-541 Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:57:45 Cover Letter 08.12.2014 (Redacted) (Redacted) Supporting Documents
24/12/2014 08:51:29 PDAS Appendix 1 (Workspace Statement) Supporting Documents
30/12/2014 15:04:32 London underground response Consultation Response
07/01/2015 13:49:56 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
09/01/2015 12:51:56 1 x response Consultation Response
14/01/2015 16:15:43 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response
26/01/2015 12:10:59 Consultation response Consultation Response
26/01/2015 15:21:13 1 x response (Redacted) Consultation Response
28/01/2015 16:06:40 2 x responses (Redacted) Consultation Response

Copyright Warning

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.