30/01/2015 12:59:20 |
Consultation response
Consultation Response
30/12/2014 15:47:20 |
x1 response
Consultation Response
13/01/2015 15:47:02 |
4 x responses
Consultation Response
30/01/2015 11:21:24 |
2 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
02/02/2015 13:27:01 |
x4 responses
Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:21:01 |
4x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:43:06 |
Fortune Green & West Hampstead response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:58:32 |
1x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/02/2015 14:59:57 |
Consultation Response
05/02/2015 09:43:31 |
Viability Report - Redacted COPY
05/02/2015 13:59:35 |
Cllr Lorna Russell response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
05/02/2015 14:04:03 |
4 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
12/02/2015 08:22:16 |
TfL comments
Consultation Response
12/02/2015 18:06:05 |
Liddell Rd - response to overshadowing comments
12/02/2015 18:06:58 |
Liddell Rd - response to microclimate comments
13/02/2015 09:16:01 |
1 x commnet (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/02/2015 11:41:22 |
Ref 2014 7651 P - Network Rail (Redacted)
Consultation Response
13/02/2015 11:43:24 |
3 x Comments (Redacted)
Consultation Response
16/02/2015 15:44:41 |
Consultation responses
Consultation Response
17/02/2015 17:53:13 |
Liddell Rd - microclimate analysis
17/02/2015 17:54:11 |
Liddell Rd - overshadowing analysis
20/02/2015 15:43:06 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/02/2015 13:04:23 |
x1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
27/02/2015 09:29:53 |
GLA Stage 1 Report
Consultation Response
03/03/2015 14:26:55 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/03/2015 14:59:25 |
x1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/03/2015 15:06:42 |
x1 response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
03/03/2015 16:01:29 |
GLA response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
04/03/2015 10:39:13 |
Consultation Response
09/03/2015 16:13:12 |
Officer Committee Report
01/04/2015 13:49:23 |
GLA response (Stage II)
Consultation Response
22/04/2015 13:06:59 |
Liddell Industrial Estate 1-33 Liddell Road London NW6 2EW
Officer Committee Report
22/04/2015 13:07:22 |
Decision Notice 2014.7651.P
Decision Notice
14/05/2015 11:47:34 |
Liddell Road s106 Agreement - Phase 2
Section 106
23/12/2015 14:17:38 |
Construction Management Plan Pro-Forma 2015 v2 1 - Kingsgate Primary Sch(2)
28/10/2021 12:42:49 |
Approvedrnal] - RE: Liddell Road West Hampstead - Approveed School Access Plan
S106 submission
28/10/2021 12:45:19 |
RE: [External] - RE: Liddell Road West Hampstead - Approved Electric Charging Point Plan
S106 submission
03/11/2021 12:01:07 |
20-7620 - Liddell Road, West Hampstead, London - Approved Residential Travel Plan Rev B
S106 submission
13/12/2021 10:43:26 |
20-7620 - Liddell Road, West Hampstead, London - Employment Travel Plan RevA- Approved Employment Travel Plan
S106 submission
13/12/2021 10:44:02 |
Commercial Travel Survey Rev A- Approved Employment Travel Plan
S106 submission
04/03/2022 13:22:32 |
Construction Management Plan- CMP
04/03/2022 13:29:13 |
CMP discharge notice
12/12/2014 08:42:21 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part1
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:42:35 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part2
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:42:57 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part3
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:14 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part4
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:28 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part5
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:42 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part6
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:43:56 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part7
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:09 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part8
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:24 |
5480 LIddell Road Views 8-14-14_Part9
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:44:48 |
Acoustic and Vibration Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:45:02 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:45:39 |
Application Form
Application Form
12/12/2014 08:45:54 |
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:46:38 |
D&A Landscaping 403-07-14-PDAS_7.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:17 |
D&A Masterplan 1 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:33 |
D&A Masterplan 2 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:47:48 |
D&A Masterplan 3 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:04 |
D&A Masterplan 4 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:36 |
D&A Masterplan 5 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:48:55 |
D&A Masterplan 6 of 6 403-07-14-PDAS_1.0-3.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:11 |
D&A Planning, Policy, Assessment 403-07-14-PDAS_8.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:24 |
D&A Residential 1 of 2 403-07-14-PDAS_5.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:49:42 |
D&A Residential 2 of 2 403-07-14-PDAS_5.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:50:36 |
D&A School 1 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:50:51 |
D&A School 2 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:09 |
D&A School 3 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:24 |
D&A School 4 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:38 |
D&A School 5 of 5 403-07-14-PDAS_4.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:51:53 |
D&A Workspace 403-07-14-PDAS_6.0
Design and Access Statement
12/12/2014 08:52:38 |
Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 1 A P297
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:52:52 |
Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 1 B P297
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:08 |
Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 2 P297
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:21 |
Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 3 P297
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:53:35 |
Daylight & Sunlight Report Part 4 P297
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:18 |
Drawing Issue Register 1 KL037 app2 021214
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:36 |
Drawings Issue Register 2 403-10-01_P2
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 08:54:48 |
Ecological Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:01:13 |
Existing & Proposed Hedge Plan KL037.C.LS.23
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:28 |
Existing & Proposed Planter Scheme KL037.C.LS.9
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:43 |
Existing & Proposed Planting Plan KL037.C.LS.05
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:01:57 |
Existing & Proposed Section 4 KL037.C.LS.4
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:09 |
Existing & Proposed Section 6 KL037.C.LS.06
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:25 |
Existing & Proposed Section 10 KL037.C.LS.10
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:02:49 |
Existing & Proposed Section 25 KL037.C.LS.25
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:05 |
Existing & Proposed Section S7 KL037.C.LS.07
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:17 |
Existing & Proposed Section S8 KL037.C.LS.8
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:31 |
Existing & Proposed Section S20 KL037.C.LS.20
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:03:45 |
Existing & Proposed Section S22 KL037.C.LS.22
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:02 |
Existing & Proposed Sections Through Bank KL037.C.LS.01-03
Existing & Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:20 |
Existing Context Sections SN0 & SN1 403_P2-010
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:34 |
Existing Context Sections SN2 & SS1 403_P2-011
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:04:52 |
Existing Context Sections SS2 & SW1 403_P2-012
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:05 |
Existing Context Sections SW2 & SE2 403_P2-013
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:25 |
Existing Roof & Land Ownership Plan MLUK-403_P2-007
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:05:40 |
Existing Roof & Site Plan 403_P2-006
Existing Drawing
12/12/2014 09:06:54 |
Flood Risk Assessment
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:08 |
Geotechnical Study
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:23 |
PDAS Appendix 1 (Workspace Statement)
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:07:39 |
Proposed Context Sections SE2 403_P2-085
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:07:50 |
Proposed Context Sections SN0 & SN1 403_P2-080
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:04 |
Proposed Context Sections SN2 & SS3 403_P2-081
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:19 |
Proposed Context Sections SS2 & SW1 403_P2-082
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:35 |
Proposed Context Sections SW2 & SE2 403_P2-083
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:08:49 |
Proposed Context Sections SW3 & SW4 403_P2-084
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:02 |
Proposed East Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-351
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:18 |
Proposed East Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-371
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:34 |
Proposed East Elevation Workspace 403_P2-341
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:09:51 |
Proposed Eighth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-158
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:06 |
Proposed Fifth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-155
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:19 |
Proposed First Floor Plan 403_P2-071
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:40 |
Proposed First Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-141
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:10:53 |
Proposed First Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-151
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:08 |
Proposed First Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-171
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:23 |
Proposed Fourth Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-144
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:40 |
Proposed Fourth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-154
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:11:53 |
Proposed Fourth Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-174
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:07 |
Proposed Ground Floor Plan 403_P2-070
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:22 |
Proposed Ground Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-140
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:37 |
Proposed Ground Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-150
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:12:53 |
Proposed Ground Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-170
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:07 |
Proposed Ninth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-159
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:20 |
Proposed North Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-353
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:33 |
Proposed North Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-373
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:13:48 |
Proposed North Elevation Workspace 403_P2-340
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:01 |
Proposed Roof Plan 403_P2-072
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:15 |
Proposed Roof Plan Residential Block C 403_P2-175
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:30 |
Proposed Roof Residential Block A 403_P2-145
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:14:47 |
Proposed Roof Residential Block B 403_P2-161
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:15:37 |
Proposed Second Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-142
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:15:50 |
Proposed Second Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-152
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:02 |
Proposed Second Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-172
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:16 |
Proposed Section 01 Residential Block B 403_P2-250
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:29 |
Proposed Section 01 Workspace 403_P2-240
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:42 |
Proposed Seventh Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-157
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:16:55 |
Proposed Sixth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-156
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:08 |
Proposed South Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-350
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:30 |
Proposed South Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-370
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:44 |
Proposed South Elevation Workspace 403_P2-342
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:17:58 |
Proposed Tenth Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-160
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:13 |
Proposed Third Floor Commercial Block A 403_P2-143
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:25 |
Proposed Third Floor Residential Block B 403_P2-153
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:38 |
Proposed Third Floor Residential Block C 403_P2-173
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:18:54 |
Proposed West Elevation 403_P2-343
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:08 |
Proposed West Elevation Residential Block B 403_P2-352
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:22 |
Proposed West Elevation Residential Block C 403_P2-372
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:19:51 |
Proposed Section 01 Residential Block C 403_P2-270
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:17 |
Residential and Commercial Draft Travel Plan
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:31 |
Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-550
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:20:45 |
Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-551
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:21:11 |
Residential Block B Bay Study Strip Section 03 403_P2-552
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:21:44 |
Residential Block C Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-570
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:00 |
Residential Block C Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-571
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:16 |
Site Location Plan 403_P2-002
OS Extract
12/12/2014 09:22:30 |
Stage D Enabling Works Plan KL037_D_08_TLP_RevF
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:22:47 |
Stage D Landscape Plan 1 KL037_D_01_LP_RevE
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:00 |
Stage D Landscape Plan 2 KL037_D_01_LP2_RevA
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:13 |
Stage D Landscape Roof Level Plan Part 2 KL037_D_10.LPRF2.RevB
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:27 |
Stage D Overview Landscape Lighting Plan KL037_D_11.LPO_RevA
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:43 |
Stage D Overview Landscape Planting Plan KL037_D_07.PP2_ P2
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:23:57 |
Stage D Overview Tree Plan KL037_D_02.TP.RevB
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:24:09 |
Stage D Section Cut Plan KL037_D_05_SCP_RevD
Proposed Drawing
12/12/2014 09:25:13 |
Statement of Community Involvement (part 1 of 2)
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:25:42 |
Statement of Community Involvement (part 2 of 2)
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:25:58 |
Sustainability and Energy Statement (Part 1 of 2)
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:26:31 |
Sustainability and Energy Statement (Part 2 of 2)
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:27:28 |
Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 1-3) v3
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:27:45 |
Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 2-3) v3
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:28:01 |
Transport Assessment FINAL DOCUMENT (LOW Part 3-3) v3
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:31:21 |
Workspace Bay Study Strip Section 01 403_P2-540
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:31:35 |
Workspace Bay Study Strip Section 02 403_P2-541
Supporting Documents
12/12/2014 09:57:45 |
Cover Letter 08.12.2014 (Redacted) (Redacted)
Supporting Documents
24/12/2014 08:51:29 |
PDAS Appendix 1 (Workspace Statement)
Supporting Documents
30/12/2014 15:04:32 |
London underground response
Consultation Response
07/01/2015 13:49:56 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
09/01/2015 12:51:56 |
1 x response
Consultation Response
14/01/2015 16:15:43 |
2 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response
26/01/2015 12:10:59 |
Consultation response
Consultation Response
26/01/2015 15:21:13 |
1 x response (Redacted)
Consultation Response
28/01/2015 16:06:40 |
2 x responses (Redacted)
Consultation Response