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Application Documents

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Date Created Title Document Type
06/11/2015 12:50:07 Legal Agreement - 18-26 Hatton wall Legal Agreement
12/10/2015 10:42:11 Hatton Wall CMP 28092015(2) Section 106
12/10/2015 10:41:12 Asbestos Management Survey(2) Section 106
12/10/2015 10:36:56 Agreement & appendices Hatton Wall CMP(2) Section 106
12/10/2015 10:32:17 Construction Management Plan 18-26 Hatton Wall Section 106
09/10/2015 14:41:14 Construction Management Plan 18-26 Hatton Wall Section 106
07/10/2015 16:54:56 Decision Notice Decision Notice
07/10/2015 16:49:47 S106 Legal Agreement - 18-26 Hatton Wall(2) Section 106
11/06/2015 15:11:57 Revised Ground Floor Plan Revised Drawing
11/06/2015 14:45:16 Revised Lower Ground Floor Plan Revised Drawing
10/06/2015 21:23:13 Revised Roof Plan Revised Drawing
10/06/2015 21:21:38 Revised Fifth Floor Plan Revised Drawing
10/06/2015 21:19:56 Revised East Elevation Revised Drawing
10/06/2015 21:18:44 Revised Acoustic Report Supporting Documents
10/06/2015 21:17:53 Revised Elevations Revised Drawing
10/06/2015 19:04:16 Additional Daylight Sunlight Information 2 Supporting Documents
10/06/2015 19:02:05 Additional Daylight Sunlight Information 1 Supporting Documents
01/05/2015 14:31:58 Revised Lower Ground Floor Superseded
28/11/2014 16:54:57 X1 Response Consultation Response
27/11/2014 11:13:57 Consultation response x1 Consultation Response
13/11/2014 12:01:47 1x comment (Redacted) Consultation Response
10/11/2014 16:04:09 1 x Response Consultation Response
30/10/2014 15:04:02 x2 responses Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:19:57 ELEVATION, FLOOR AND ROOF PLAN Existing Drawing
03/10/2014 18:18:15 DEMOLITION PLAN Existing Drawing
03/10/2014 18:12:12 HERITAGE, DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 2 Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:12:08 HERITAGE, DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 1 Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:57 ARCHAELOGICAL APPRAISAL 3 Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:54 ARCHAELOGICAL APPRAISAL 2 Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:52 ARCHAELOGICAL APPRAISAL 1 Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:47 APPLICATION FORM Application Form
03/10/2014 18:11:45 FLOOR, SECTION AND ELEVATION PLAN Proposed Drawing
03/10/2014 18:11:44 DAYLIGHT AND SUNLIGHT REPORT Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:43 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:42 ENERGY STRATEGY Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 18:11:40 SITE AND BLOCK PLAN OS Extract

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.