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Date Created Title Document Type
16/12/2021 10:46:57 CMP phase II 2020.05.12 Other
15/12/2021 10:25:54 CMP Other
16/09/2015 20:09:19 Committee Meeting Minutes Officer Committee Report
03/10/2014 18:04:53 RESPONSE X 49 (Redacted) Consultation Response
27/06/2014 02:06:26 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 7 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:29 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 9 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:33 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (10 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:37 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 8 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:42 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (14 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:45 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (15 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:49 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (16 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:54 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (17 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:07:00 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (18 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:07:04 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (19 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:07:09 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (20 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:07:14 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (21 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:16:00 VOL 2 (4 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:04 VOL 2 (5 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:08 VOL 2 (6 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:12 VOL 2 ( 7 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:16 VOL 2 ( 8 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:20 VOL 2 ( 9 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:23 VOL 2 (10 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:26 VOL 2 (11 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:31 VOL 2 (12 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:38 VOL 2 (13 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:42 VOL 2 (14 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:46 VOL 2 (15 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:51 VOL 2 (16 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:54 VOL 2 (17 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:16:58 VOL 2 (18 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:17:01 VOL 2 (19 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:17:05 VOL 2 (20 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:17:07 VOL 3 ( 1 OF 2) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:17:12 VOL 3 ( 2 OF 2) Design and Access Statement
21/07/2014 17:19:33 GLA RECONSULTATION PRESS NOTICE Site Notice
21/07/2014 17:51:09 REVISED LANDSCAPE & PUBLIC REALM STATEMENT Revised Drawing
21/07/2014 17:51:11 REVISED LANDSCAPE & PUBLIC REALM PLAN Revised Drawing
21/07/2014 17:51:17 ADDITIONAL SUNLIGHT DAYLIGHT ANALYSIS Supporting Documents
21/07/2014 17:51:21 UPDATED HIGHWAYS INFORMATION Supporting Documents
21/07/2014 17:51:22 REVISED ARCHEOLOGY INFO (ES CHAPTER 12) Supporting Documents
03/10/2014 15:35:36 1 X COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 15:36:23 X1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:23:15 RESPONSE - N KUAONG (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:50:07 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 16:52:46 1 X COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:21:12 1 X COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:26:34 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 17:55:42 RESPONSE X 6 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:02:56 1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:29:40 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:48:38 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:52:03 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:26 GLA RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:33 RESPONSE X 1 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:34 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:36 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:37 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:38 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:55:39 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 18:58:35 1 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:02:25 COMMENT X 1 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:02:30 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:09:51 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:09:53 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:09:54 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:09:55 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:09:57 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:10:20 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:10:22 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:10:26 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:11:04 2X RESPONSES (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:11:31 RESPONSE - (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:12:42 RESPONSE - PETITION (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:12:44 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:12:45 1X CONSULTATION RESPONCE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:12:47 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:13:48 1X CONSULATION RESPONSE-EMAIL (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:15:33 REPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:15:35 REPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:15:45 1 X COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:15:48 1 X COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:20:01 3 COMMENTS (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:20:20 1 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:20:34 2 COMMENTS (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:20:51 1 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:26 1 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:27 1 COMMENT (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:28 RESPONSE X 6 (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:56 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:58 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:21:59 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:22:03 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:22:05 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:23:01 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:23:30 1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:24:45 COMMENTS (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:25:58 1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
03/10/2014 19:25:59 1 RESPONSE (Redacted) Consultation Response
25/03/2015 13:02:32 GLA DRAFT s106 Agreement (provided 16th March) Legal Agreement
08/04/2015 10:34:02 LB Islington and LB Camden protest letter to GLA (31st March 2015) Council's Case
08/04/2015 10:35:47 Joint Borough letter to Secretary of State (5th March 2015) Council's Case
08/04/2015 10:37:58 Joint Borough call-in letter to Secretary of State (7th January 2015) Council's Case
08/04/2015 10:41:46 Joint Borough letter to Mayor of London (7th January 2015) Council's Case
08/04/2015 10:45:08 GLA Decision Notice (Phoenix Place) 30th March 2015 Decision Notice
08/04/2015 10:52:48 Joint Borough letter to Mayor of London (2nd October 2014) Council's Case
08/04/2015 10:56:53 Joint Borough letter to Mayor of London (24th October 2014) Council's Case
08/04/2015 11:04:35 Joint Borough representations to Mayor of London (Ah, viability, site linkages) 24th September 2014 Council's Case
08/04/2015 11:11:09 Joinnt Borough representations to Mayor of London (2nd October 2014) Council's Case
08/04/2015 11:16:17 Mayoral Hearing Transcript (3rd October 2014) Other
15/04/2015 13:00:35 Mount Pleasant 27th March 2015 Agreement pursuant to S106 TCPA 1990 Section 106
15/04/2015 13:01:28 D&P3032 Calthoprpe Street Decision Notice Decision Notice
15/04/2015 13:01:48 D&P3032 Calthorpe Street Conservation Area Consent Decision Notice
15/04/2015 13:02:08 D&P3032 Phoenix Place Decision Notice Decision Notice
16/09/2015 20:07:21 Committee Report (FINAL) Officer Committee Report
16/09/2015 20:08:39 Committee Report Supplementary Agenda (extract) Officer Committee Report
06/11/2017 12:12:06 GLA Decision Notice dated 30 March 2015, REF. D&P/3032 Appeal Decision
06/11/2017 12:12:25 S106 legal agreement dated 27th March 2015 S106 submission
01/05/2018 19:25:36 S106 Discharge Notice S106 submission
18/06/2018 10:47:59 S106 Discharge Notice - CMP S106 submission
02/07/2018 10:27:07 MPL - Construction Management Plan (CMP) pro-forma - Final v3 with Appendices.compressed Other
05/02/2019 09:53:22 Deed of Variation Legal Agreement
08/05/2019 08:55:34 Landscaping report Other
07/08/2019 15:51:26 MPL - Construction Management Plan (CMP) Addendum 1 Ver A S106 submission
07/08/2019 15:51:54 Construction Management Plan - Addendum 2 S106 submission
07/08/2019 15:52:20 MP1 - Construction Management Plan (CMP) Addendum 3 Ver A S106 submission
03/09/2019 10:03:00 Delivery and Servicing Management Plan Other
02/04/2020 21:47:01 Mount Pleasant sustainability plan - side letter S106 submission
04/06/2020 16:43:17 Mount Pleasant - approved extended working hours- S106_Discharge_Notice CMP Other
27/06/2014 02:01:57 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (29 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:03 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (30 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:11 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (31 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:18 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (32 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:26 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (33 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:32 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4A - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:38 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4A - APPENDIX ( 2 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:43 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4B & C - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:51 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4B & C - APPENDIX ( 2 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:02:56 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4B & C - APPENDIX ( 3 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:05 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4B & C - APPENDIX (4 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:12 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4D - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:24 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4D - APPENDIX ( 2 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:29 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4D - APPENDIX ( 3 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:32 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4E - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:42 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4E - APPENDIX ( 2 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:48 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4E - APPENDIX ( 3 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:03:54 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:01 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 2 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:07 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 3 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:13 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX (4 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:21 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX (5 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:31 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX (6 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:39 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 7 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:48 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 8 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:56 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4G - APPENDIX ( 9 OF 9) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:04:59 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 4F - APPENDIX ( 1 OF 1) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:05:27 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (22 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:05:34 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (23 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:05:40 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (24 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:05:48 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (11 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:05:56 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (12 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:06 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (13 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:14 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (5 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:06:22 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (6 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:10:11 CALTHORPE ST: SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ( 1 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:10:59 PHOENIX PLACE: BASEMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:02 PHOENIX PLACE: ENERGY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:07 PHOENIX PLACE: TRAVEL PLAN FRAMEWORK Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:09 PHOENIX PLACE: COVERING LETTER Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:10 PHOENIX PLACE Application Form
27/06/2014 02:11:11 PHOENIX PLACE: SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:17 CALTHORPE ST: ENERGY STATEMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:22 CALTHORPE ST: TRAVEL PLAN FRAMEWORK Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:23 CALTHORPE ST: CIL FORM Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:25 CALTHORPE ST: ISLINGTON APPLICATION FORM Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:27 CALTHORPE ST: ERRATA NOTE Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:28 CALTHORPE ST: WASTE OPERATIONS PLAN Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:29 CALTHORPE ST: SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ( 2 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:11:32 CALTHORPE ST: SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ( 3 OF 3) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:13:56 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ( 1 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:02 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ( 2 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:07 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ( 3 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:12 TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT (4 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:31 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT REPORT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:32 CONSTRUCTION LOGISTICS FRAMEWORK Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:33 DELIVERY & SERVICE FRAMEWORK Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:34 HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:35 HOUSING STATEMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:37 PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:37 PLANNING STATEMENT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:39 TRAVEL PLAN (RESIDENTIAL) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:40 TALL BUILDINGS JUSTIFICATION Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:47 DAYLIGHT/SUNLIGHT ( INTERNAL) ( 1 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:52 DAYLIGHT/SUNLIGHT ( INTERNAL) ( 2 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:14:56 PLAY STRATEGY ( 1 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:15:00 PLAY STRATEGY ( 2 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:15:06 PLAY STRATEGY ( 3 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:15:10 PLAY STRATEGY (4 OF 4) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:15:17 VOL 1 ( 1 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:21 VOL 1 ( 2 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:25 VOL 1 ( 3 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:29 VOL 1 (4 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:33 VOL 1 (5 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:38 VOL 1 (6 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:42 VOL 1 ( 7 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:46 VOL 1 ( 8 OF 8) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:48 VOL 2 ( 1 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:51 VOL 2 ( 2 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
27/06/2014 02:15:56 VOL 2 ( 3 OF 20) Design and Access Statement
25/06/2014 23:05:43 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - REVISED OFFER SUMMARY Revised Drawing
25/06/2014 23:56:59 MAYOR OF LONDON CALL IN LETTER Correspondence
26/06/2014 13:00:12 RESPONSE - Consultation Response
26/06/2014 15:22:58 OBJECTION - TIVERTON MANSIONS Consultation Response
26/06/2014 17:34:04 BASEMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT (REVISED) Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 18:26:04 CRIME IMPACT ASSESSMENT Supporting Documents
26/06/2014 19:54:08 GLA STAGE 1 RESPONSE Consultation Response
26/06/2014 21:17:26 RESPONSE X 2 Consultation Response
26/06/2014 21:41:15 RESPONSE - GLASS Consultation Response
26/06/2014 21:47:11 RESPONSE - CALTHORPE STREET RESIDENT ASSOCIATION Consultation Response
26/06/2014 21:51:59 RESPONSE Consultation Response
26/06/2014 22:00:23 3X CONSULTATION RESPONCE Consultation Response
26/06/2014 22:02:34 HEALTH AUTHORITY RESPONSE Consultation Response
26/06/2014 22:05:19 RESPONSE Consultation Response
26/06/2014 22:52:12 COMMENT X 1 Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:06:48 1 X COMMENT THAMES WATER Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:09:22 2 X COMMENT Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:23:39 1 COMMENT Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:30:40 1 COMMENT Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:31:42 2 COMMENTS Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:33:48 2 COMMENTS Consultation Response
26/06/2014 23:38:31 OBJECTION - GRAYS INN ROAD Consultation Response
27/06/2014 00:03:59 1 RESPONSE Consultation Response
27/06/2014 00:47:20 COMMENTS Consultation Response
27/06/2014 02:00:16 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 3 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:00:22 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (4 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:00:57 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: SUMMARY Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:00:59 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 1 - MAIN TEXT Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:01:03 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 2 - FIGURES ( 1 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:01:34 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (25 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:01:39 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (26 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:01:45 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (27 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:01:51 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT (28 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 01:20:51 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 3) DETAIL PLANS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:22:46 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 1) SITE WIDE PLANS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:22:51 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 2) GA PLANS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:12 CALTHORPE ST: ( PART 4) ELEVATIONS ( 1 OF 6) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:16 CALTHORPE ST: ( PART 4) ELEVATIONS ( 3 OF 6) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:19 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 4) ELEVATIONS (5 OF 6) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:24 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 4) ELEVATIONS (6 OF 6) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:25 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 5) SECTIONS - BAY STUDIES Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:31 CALTHORPE ST: ( PART 6) LANDSCAPE ( 1 OF 4) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:35 CALTHORPE ST: ( PART 6) LANDSCAPE ( 3 OF 4) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:42 CALTHORPE ST: (PART 6) LANDSCAPE (4 OF 4) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:45 CALTHORPE ST: DRAWING LIST Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:48 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - ELEVATION DETAIL (P400-404) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:50 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLANS (P098-114) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:53 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A1 (P150-151) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:54 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A2 (P152-153) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:54 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A3 (P154-158) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:55 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A4 (P159-160) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:23:57 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A5 (P161-163) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:02 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A6 (P164-165) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:03 PHOENIX PLACE: P1 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A7 (P166) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:03 PHOENIX PLACE: P2 - ELEVATION DETAIL (P401-403) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:04 PHOENIX PLACE: P2 - FLOOR PLANS (P100-111) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:06 PHOENIX PLACE: P2 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A4 (P159) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:06 PHOENIX PLACE: P2 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK C (P160-162) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:10 PHOENIX PLACE: P2 - FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - BLOCK A & B (P150-156) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:13 PHOENIX PLACE: P - ELEVATIONS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:15 PHOENIX PLACE: P - EXISTING FLOORPLANS & ELEVATIONS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:16 PHOENIX PLACE: P - FLOORPLANS (BASEMENT - 1ST & ROOF LEVELS) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:19 PHOENIX PLACE: P - LANDSCAPING & HIGHWAYS PLANS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:21 PHOENIX PLACE: P - LOCATION PLAN (P001) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:22 PHOENIX PLACE: P - SECTIONS Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:24 PHOENIX PLACE: P - SECTION POSITION KEY (P005) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:25 PHOENIX PLACE: ERRATA NOTE Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:26 PHOENIX PLACE: DRAWING LIST Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:26 PHOENIX PLACE: P&C - LANDSCAPING & HIGHWAYS PLAN ( WHOLE SITE) ( 1 OF 2) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:24:29 PHOENIX PLACE: P&C - LANDSCAPING & HIGHWAYS PLAN ( WHOLE SITE) ( 2 OF 2) Existing & Proposed Drawing
27/06/2014 01:59:57 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 2 - FIGURES ( 2 OF 2) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:00:03 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 1 OF 33) Supporting Documents
27/06/2014 02:00:09 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT: VOL 3 - TOWNSCAPE ASSESSMENT ( 2 OF 33) Supporting Documents

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.