18/08/2021 10:57:34 |
2020 3116 P FDN
Decision Notice
17/05/2021 11:25:23 |
scan_chxjl04_2020-12-03-17-34-33(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
17/05/2021 11:01:12 |
Second Deed of Variation dated 3 December 2020(3) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
17/05/2021 09:43:19 |
CGY 2nd DoV dated 3 December 2020 - signed by SSL and WMS(2) (Redacted)
Legal Agreement
08/03/2021 09:56:51 |
3. 2020.3116.P - Camden Goods Yard FINAL
Officer Committee Report
07/12/2020 14:42:19 |
Camden Goods Yard - s73 Permission - 2020.3116.P
Decision Notice
12/11/2020 16:15:46 |
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:32 |
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:18 |
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:15:01 |
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 16:14:44 |
1095_00_07_103_P5 Masterplan 3rd floor
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 14:00:07 |
1095_07_07_102 - Block F - 2nd Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:47 |
1095_07_07_104 Block F - 4th floor plan
Revised Drawing
27/08/2020 12:36:56 |
10x response
Consultation Response
28/08/2020 16:52:19 |
2020-08-23 Re_ Objection for Planning Application - 2020_3116_P Attachment
Consultation Response
24/09/2020 17:30:33 |
KBemb-13398-46-240920 Camden Goods Yard D1
Supporting Documents
09/10/2020 09:15:31 |
Historic England response - no comment
Consultation Response
15/10/2020 08:49:13 |
INITIAL AUDIT REPORT - KBemb-13398-46-240920 Camden Goods Yard D1
Supporting Documents
22/10/2020 18:30:06 |
FINAL BIA AUDIT REPORT KBemb-13398-46-221020 Camden Goods Yard F1(2)
Supporting Documents
30/10/2020 16:17:54 |
TfL response
Consultation Response
02/11/2020 09:50:46 |
1573-105D Tree Retention & Removal Strategy
Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:24 |
1573-101D Landscape General Arrangement
Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:34 |
1573-017E Vehicle Circulation Plan
Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:45 |
1573-102B Landscape Hardworks Plan
Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:36:56 |
1573-002O Landscape Masterplan
Revised Drawing
05/11/2020 16:37:10 |
1573-103C Landscape Softworks Plan
Revised Drawing
10/11/2020 12:19:47 |
1573-005L Amenity Space Provision
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:51:42 |
1095_07_07_101 Block F - 1st Floor Plan
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:06 |
1095_07_07_105 Block F - 5th floor plans
Revised Drawing
12/11/2020 13:59:24 |
1095_07_07_103 Block F - 3rd floor plan
Revised Drawing
18/07/2020 13:47:39 |
13508-A Block A Drawings
Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:48:43 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 8 PEDESTRIAN LEVEL WIND MICROCLIMATE ASSESSMENT
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:49:21 |
AM2004_UP_Camden Goods Yard_TVIA_v7
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:52:48 |
AM2004_UP_Camden Goods Yard_TVIA_v7_LOW RES
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:25:29 |
1573-105C Tree Retention and Removal Strategy
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:25:40 |
1573-104A Tree Planting Strategy
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:26:53 |
Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:20 |
Energy Strategy
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:40 |
CIL Form
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:29:49 |
Covering Letter
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:30:28 |
Masterplan Block B C and F Drawing Register
18/07/2020 14:30:41 |
Noise and Vibration Addendum
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:00 |
Overheating Assessment Addendum
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:12 |
Planning Area Schedule
18/07/2020 14:31:21 |
Planning Statement
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:31 |
Statement of Community Involvement
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:31:45 |
Surface Water Drainage Strategy
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:06 |
Sustainability Strategy Addendum
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:23 |
Health Impact Assessment Addendum
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 14:32:34 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 10 - Heritage Statement Addendum
Supporting Documents
20/07/2020 16:52:12 |
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:06 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.2 Daylight and Sunlight Results
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:23 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 1
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:28:53 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 2
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:29:33 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 3
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:29:55 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.3 Overshadowing Results Part 4
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:11 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.4 Internal DSO Report V3_ISSUE
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:35 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 1 - 3
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:30:46 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 4 Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01)_Part1
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:31:21 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 4 Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01)_Part2
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:31:46 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 5 Phase 2a Air Quality Assessment
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:32:06 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 6 Noise and Vibration Addendum
Supporting Documents
21/07/2020 15:32:33 |
Environmental Implications Letter Appendix 7.1 Drawings
Supporting Documents
23/07/2020 14:47:25 |
13508-Drawing Issue Sheet
23/07/2020 14:47:43 |
Approved drawings - Block A
23/07/2020 14:48:32 |
Combined CGY Consented Landscape Drwgs
23/07/2020 18:12:15 |
Application Form
23/07/2020 18:12:28 |
Application Form
23/07/2020 18:15:43 |
Heritage Statement Addendum
Supporting Documents
24/07/2020 08:00:47 |
Approved drawings - Block C
24/07/2020 08:02:54 |
Approved drawings - Block F
24/07/2020 08:03:44 |
Approved Masterplan drawing
24/07/2020 08:06:40 |
Approved drawings - Block B
30/07/2020 14:17:16 |
1 x Response - Objection
Consultation Response
02/08/2020 23:24:10 |
1 x Response - TFL
Consultation Response
31/07/2020 15:39:24 |
1095_00_07_Masterplan Consolidated
Proposed Drawing
07/08/2020 10:14:33 |
20203116P - Part A - Independent Audit of BIA 1v8
11/08/2020 12:18:43 |
Camden Yard Basement Impact Assessment July 2020_P08
Supporting Documents
17/08/2020 15:32:19 |
1 x Response - objection
Consultation Response
17/08/2020 15:33:32 |
1 x Response - objection
Consultation Response
17/08/2020 15:52:42 |
1 x Response - objection
Consultation Response
24/08/2020 15:41:31 |
Objection to Morrisons Development
Consultation Response
27/08/2020 10:27:04 |
Objection template for Morrissons increased height application(2)
Consultation Response
18/07/2020 13:29:01 |
Appendix 10.4 Internal Daylight Sunlight Report V3_ISSUE
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:30:35 |
Camden Goods Yard - Phase 2a Transport Assessment Addendum (196121-01)
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:31:29 |
CGY Complete DAS Addendum - July 2020 - High Res(2)
Design and Access Statement
18/07/2020 13:35:29 |
CGY Complete DAS Addendum - July 2020_ Low Res
Design and Access Statement
18/07/2020 13:37:24 |
L1620008029_2_Camden Goods Yard S73 Phase 2A EIL Letter
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:38:00 |
L1620008029_2_Camden Goods Yard S73 Phase 2A EIL Letter with app (Consolidated - LARGE FILE)
Supporting Documents
18/07/2020 13:43:12 |
1095_02_07_Block B Plans Consolidated
Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:43:43 |
1095_03_07_Block C Plans Consolidated
Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:45:42 |
1095_07_07_Block F Plans Consolidated
Proposed Drawing
18/07/2020 13:46:56 |
1570-CGY-Application drwgs Landscape
Proposed Drawing